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Created June 26, 2023 09:54
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Implementation of the original (incomplete) ID* algorithm from Jeremy Zucker. Still contains code comments that didn't make into final PR
"""This file contains code that implements the original ID* algorithm.
The algorithm is described in the paper "Complete Identification Methods for the Causal Hierarchy"
but the algorithm itself is not complete, as there are identifiable queries that cannot be
identified with this algorithm.
import logging
from typing import Collection, Set, Tuple, cast
from import is_not_self_intervened, make_counterfactual_graph
from y0.algorithm.identify.id_star import (
from y0.dsl import Event, Expression, Intervention, One, Product, Sum, Variable, Zero
from y0.graph import NxMixedGraph
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# def get_district_event(district: District, interventions: Iterable[Intervention]) -> Event:
# """Get merged interventions for each district."""
# return {
# merge_interventions(
# node, interventions
# ): _get_intervention_from_note_for_get_district_event(node)
# for node in district
# }
# def _get_intervention_from_note_for_get_district_event(node) -> Intervention:
# raise NotImplementedError
# def get_district_events(district_interventions: DistrictInterventions) -> Mapping[District, Event]:
# """Apply the set of interventions to each node in the district."""
# return {
# district: get_district_event(
# district, interventions
# )
# for district, interventions in district_interventions.items()
# }
# def rule_3_applies(
# graph: NxMixedGraph, district_events: DistrictInterventions
# ) -> DistrictInterventions:
# """Apply rule 3 to each intervention in the district.
# :param graph: A counterfactual graph
# :param district: A tuple of counterfactual variables representing the C-component (district)
# :return: The collection of counterfactual variables and the interventions that are D
# separated according to the graph
# """
# new_district_events: dict[District, Event] = dict()
# intervention_events = ... # FIXME this variable does not exist!
# for district, events in district_events.items():
# new_district_events[district] = dict()
# for counterfactual in intervention_events:
# new_counterfactual = simplify_counterfactual(graph, district, counterfactual)
# new_district_events[district][new_counterfactual] = events[counterfactual]
# return new_district_events
def original_id_star_line_6(
graph: NxMixedGraph, event: Event
) -> Tuple[Collection[Variable], DistrictInterventions]:
r"""Run line 6 of the ID* algorithm.
Line 6 is analogous to Line 4 in the ID algorithm, it decomposes
the problem into a set of subproblems, one for each C-component in
the counterfactual graph. In the ID algorithm, the term
corresponding to a given C-component :math:`S_i` of the causal
diagram was the effect of all variables not in :math:`S_i` on
variables in :math:`S_i` , in other words
:math:`P_{\mathbf{v}\backslash s_i} (s_i )`, and the outermost
summation on line 4 was over values of variables not in
:math:`\mathbf{Y},\mathbf{X}`. Here, the term corresponding to a
given C-component :math:`S^i` of the counterfactual graph
:math:`G'` is the conjunction of counterfactual variables where
each variable contains in its subscript all variables not in the
C-component :math:`S^i` , in other words :math:`\mathbf{v}(G'
)\backslash s^i` , and the outermost summation is over observable
variables not in :math:`\event'` , that is over
:math:`\mathbf{v}(G' ) \backslash \event'` , where we interpret
:math:`\event'` as a set of counterfactuals, rather than a
Unfortunately, the conjunction of all counterfactual variables in
the C-component where each variable contains its subscript over
all variables not in the C-component results in a problem. The
problem is that the query contains redundant interventions that
must be removed for the query to be identifiable. The removal of
rudundant interventions is not specified as part of the algorithm
itself. Instead, it must be specified outside the algorithm. The
algorithm is not complete without this step. Tikka et al. (2022)
address this problem by removing the rudundant interventions in
step 7 of the algorithm after running ID* on each C-component.
However, it is simpler to not include redundant interventions in
the first place. Instead of intervening on every variable not in
the C-component, we intervene on every variable that is a parent
of the C-component. This is also known as the Markov pillow. Zucker
suggested this approach in an email to Shpitser on May 20, 2022. In
this function we demonstrate what happens when we intervene on
every variable not in the C-component.
:param graph: an NxMixedGraph
:param event: a conjunction of counterfactual variables
:return: a set of Variables in summand, a dictionary of districts and events
# First we get the summand
# Then we intervene on each district
summand = get_free_variables(graph, event)
interventions_of_each_district = get_district_interventions(graph, event)
return summand, interventions_of_each_district
def get_district_interventions(graph: NxMixedGraph, event: Event) -> DistrictInterventions:
"""For each district, intervene on the variables not in the district.
Self-interventions are not considered part of the district
:param graph: an NxMixedGraph
:param event: a conjunction of counterfactual variables
:return: a dictionary of districts and interventions of districts
nodes = set(node for node in graph.nodes() if is_not_self_intervened(node))
return {
district: intervene_on_district(district, nodes - district, event)
for district in graph.subgraph(nodes).get_c_components()
def intervene_on_district(district: District, interventions: Set[Variable], event: Event) -> Event:
"""Intervene on the variables not in the district.
Each variable in the district takes its value in the event if it has one.
Otherwise, we set the value to -variable.get_base()
:param district: a district of the graph
:param event: a conjunction of counterfactual values
:param interventions: a set of Variables to act as interventions
:returns: A new event
interventions = {-i.get_base() for i in interventions}
return {
variable.intervene(interventions): (
event[variable] if variable in event else cast(Intervention, -variable.get_base())
for variable in district
# FIXME this is unused -> delete it
# def get_interventions(variables: Collection[Variable]) -> Collection[Variable]:
# r"""Generate new Variables from the subscripts of counterfactual variables in the query."""
# interventions = set()
# for counterfactual in variables:
# if isinstance(counterfactual, CounterfactualVariable):
# interventions |= set(counterfactual.interventions)
# return sorted(interventions)
# TODO update the docs: is this generally applicable, or only to graphs
# constructed as parallel worlds? perhaps update the name?
# FIXME this is unused -> delete it
# def has_same_domain_of_values(node1: Variable, node2: Variable) -> bool:
# if isinstance(node1, CounterfactualVariable) and isinstance(node2, CounterfactualVariable):
# treatment1, treatment2 = _get_treatment_variables(node1), _get_treatment_variables(node2)
# raise NotImplementedError
# FIXME this is unused -> delete it
# def has_same_value(event: Collection[Variable], node1: Variable, node2: Variable) -> bool:
# n1 = None
# for node in event:
# if node == node1:
# n1 = node
# if n1 is None:
# raise ValueError
# n2 = None
# for node in event:
# if node == node2:
# n2 = node
# if n2 is None:
# raise ValueError
# # TODO not all variables have is_event().
# # Should normal, non-counterfactual variables have this function?
# return has_same_function(n1, n2) and n1.is_event() and n2.is_event() and ( ==
# FIXME this is unused -> delete it
# def id_star_line_5(graph: NxMixedGraph, event: Optional[Event]) -> Optional[Zero]:
# r"""Run line 5 of the ``ID*`` algorithm.
# Line 5 returns probability 0 if an inconsistency was found during the construction
# of the counterfactual graph, for example, if two variables found to be the same in
# event had different value assignments.
# """
# raise NotImplementedError
# def merge_interventions(
# variable: Variable, interventions: Iterable[Intervention]
# ) -> CounterfactualVariable:
# """Intervene on a (potentially) counterfactual variable with a new set of interventions.
# Take a (potentially) counterfactual variable and a set of interventions and return the counterfactual
# variable augmented with the new interventions.
# :param variable: a Variable to be augmented with interventions
# :param interventions: a set of Variables to act as interventions
# :returns: A merged counterfactual variable
# """
# processed_interventions = set(
# Intervention(, star=False)
# if not isinstance(intervention, Intervention)
# else intervention
# for intervention in interventions
# )
# if isinstance(variable, CounterfactualVariable):
# processed_interventions.update(variable.interventions)
# return CounterfactualVariable(
#, interventions=tuple(sorted(processed_interventions))
# )
# def simplify_counterfactual(
# graph: NxMixedGraph,
# district_nodes: Set[Variable],
# counterfactual_variable: CounterfactualVariable,
# ) -> Variable:
# """Simplify a counterfactual variable by only including interventions in the Markov pillow of the district."""
# if not isinstance(counterfactual_variable, CounterfactualVariable):
# raise TypeError
# intervention_nodes = graph.get_markov_pillow(district_nodes)
# if len(intervention_nodes) == 0:
# return Variable(,
# else:
# return Variable(
# ).intervene(intervention_nodes)
def original_id_star(
graph: NxMixedGraph, event: Event, *, _number_recursions: int = 0
) -> Expression:
"""Apply the ``ID*`` algorithm to the graph."""
"[%d]: Calling ID* algorithm with graph G with\n\t nodes: %s\n"
"\t directed: %s\n\t undirected %s\n"
"\t outcome event: %s",
# Line 1: There's nothing in the counterfactual event (i.e., an empty conjunction),
# then its probability is 1, by convention.
if not event:
return One()
# Line 2: This violates the Axiom of Effectiveness
if violates_axiom_of_effectiveness(event):
return Zero()
# Line 3: This is a tautological event and can be removed without affecting the probability
reduced_event = remove_event_tautologies(event)
if reduced_event != event:
logger.debug("[%d] recurring on reduced event %s", _number_recursions, reduced_event)
return original_id_star(graph, reduced_event, _number_recursions=_number_recursions + 1)
# Line 4: invokes make-cg to construct a counterfactual graph :math:`G'` , and the
# corresponding relabeled counterfactual event.
cf_graph, new_event = make_counterfactual_graph(graph, event)
"[%d] ID* Returned from make_counterfactual_graph(). New event: %s\n"
"\tcounterfactual graph:\n"
"\t nodes: %s\n"
"\t directed: %s\n"
"\t undirected: %s",
# Line 5:
if new_event is None:
return Zero()
# Line 6:
nodes = set(node for node in cf_graph.nodes() if is_not_self_intervened(node))
cf_subgraph = cf_graph.subgraph(nodes)
if not cf_subgraph.is_connected():
summand, events_of_each_district = original_id_star_line_6(cf_graph, new_event)
logger.debug("[%d] summand: %s", _number_recursions, summand)
assert 1 < len(events_of_each_district)
"[%d] recurring on each district: %s ", _number_recursions, events_of_each_district
graph, events_of_district, _number_recursions=_number_recursions + 1
for events_of_district in events_of_each_district.values()
# Line 7:
conflicts = get_conflicts(cf_subgraph, new_event)
if conflicts:
raise ConflictUnidentifiable(cf_subgraph, new_event, conflicts)
# Line 9
return id_star_line_9(cf_subgraph)
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