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DQN used to solve pendulum
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import gym
from gym.spaces import Discrete, Box
# DQN for Reinforcement Learning
# by Qin Yongliang
# 2017 01 11
def continuous_actions(env):
if isinstance(env.action_space,Box):
split = 9
dims = env.action_space.shape[0]
action_count = split**dims
low = env.action_space.low
high = env.action_space.high
itvl = high - low
def d2c(index):
idx = index
continuous = []
for i in range(dims):
rem = idx % split
idx = int(idx/split)
cont = (np.array(continuous,dtype='float32')/(split-1)) * itvl + low
return cont
return action_count,d2c
# run episode with some policy of some agent, and collect the rewards
# well the usual gym stuff
def do_episode_collect_trajectory(agent, env, max_steps, render=True, feed=True, realtime=False, use_best=False):
observation = env.reset() # s1
last_observation = observation
agent.wakeup() # notify the agent episode starts
for t in range(max_steps):
combined_observation = np.hstack([last_observation,observation])
last_observation = observation
action = agent.act(combined_observation,use_best=use_best) # a1
if isinstance(env.action_space,Box):
action_count,d2c = continuous_actions(env)
actual_action = d2c(action)
actual_action = action
# s2, r1,
observation, reward, done, _info = env.step(actual_action)
# d1
isdone = 1 if done else 0
total_reward += reward
if feed:
if render and (t%10==0 or realtime==True): env.render()
if done :
print('episode done in',t,'steps, total reward',total_reward)
# keras boilerplate: the simplest way to neural networking
from keras.models import *
from keras.layers import *
from keras.optimizers import *
import keras
from math import *
import keras.backend as K
import time
# our neural network agent.
class nnagent(object):
def __init__(self, num_of_actions, num_of_observations, discount_factor, optimizer, epsilon=-1,):
# agent database
self.observations = np.zeros((0,num_of_observations))
self.actions = np.zeros((0,num_of_actions))
self.rewards = np.zeros((0,1))
self.isdone = np.zeros((0,1))
# agent property
self.num_of_actions = num_of_actions
self.num_of_observations = num_of_observations
self.discount_factor = discount_factor
self.epsilon = epsilon # epsilon-greedy per David Silver's Lecture and DeepMind paper.
# -----------------------------
# Deep-Q-Network
from keras.regularizers import l2, activity_l2
input_shape = num_of_observations
inp = Input(shape=(input_shape,))
i = inp
i = Dense(16,activation='tanh')(i)
i = Dense(32,activation='tanh')(i)
i = Dense(64,activation='tanh')(i)
i = Dense(num_of_actions)(i)
out = i
qfunc = Model(input=inp,output=out)
self.qfunc = qfunc
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# DQN trainer
s1 = Input(shape=(input_shape,))
a1 = Input(shape=(num_of_actions,))
r1 = Input(shape=(1,))
isdone = Input(shape=(1,))
qs2 = Input(shape=(num_of_actions,)) # qs2 is precalc-ed
q_prediction = qfunc(s1)
# the q values we predicted for the given state.
q_s1_a1 = merge([q_prediction,a1],
mode=(lambda x:K.sum(x[0] * x[1],axis=-1,keepdims=True)),
def calc_target(x):
qs2 = x[0] # q value of next state
r1 = x[1]
isdone = x[2]
return (K.max(qs2,axis=-1,keepdims=True) * discount_factor * (1-isdone) + r1)
q_target = merge([qs2,r1,isdone],
# target = sum of [immediate reward after action a] and [q values predicted for next state, discounted]. target is a better approximation of q function for current state, so we use it as the training target.
def mse(x):
return K.mean((x[0] - x[1])**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
q_loss = merge([q_target,q_s1_a1],
# what we meant: q_loss = (q_target - q_prediction)**2
qtrain = Model(input=[s1,a1,r1,isdone,qs2],output=q_loss)
def pass_thru(y_true,y_pred):
return K.mean(y_pred,axis=-1)
# -----------------------------
self.qfunc = qfunc
self.qtrain = qtrain
print('agent Initialized with',num_of_observations,'dim input and',num_of_actions,'dim output.')
print('model architechture:')
print('trainer architechture:')
# act one step base on observation
def act(self, observation, use_best=False):
qfunc = self.qfunc
epsilon = self.epsilon # greedy factor
observation = observation.reshape((1,len(observation)))
# observation is a vector
qvalues = qfunc.predict([observation])[0]
# for qfunc:
# with probability epsilon we act randomly:
if (self.epsilon > np.random.rand(1)) and use_best==False:
action_index = np.random.choice(len(qvalues))
# with probability 1-epsilon we act greedy:
action_index = qvalues.argmax()
# print(action_index)
def wakeup(self):
# clear states
# after playing for one(or whatever) episode, we could feed the agent with data.
def feed_episodic_data(self,episodic_data):
observations,actions,rewards,isdone = episodic_data
actions = np.array(actions)
rewards = np.array(rewards).reshape((-1,1))
isdone = np.array(isdone).reshape((-1,1))
# IMPORTANT: convert actions to their one-hot representations
def one_hot(tensor,classes):
heat = np.zeros(tensor.shape+(classes,))
for i in range(classes):
heat[...,i] = tensor[...] == i
return heat
onehot_actions = one_hot(actions,self.num_of_actions)
# add to agent's database
self.observations = np.vstack((self.observations,observations))
self.actions = np.vstack((self.actions,onehot_actions))
self.rewards = np.vstack((self.rewards,rewards))
self.isdone = np.vstack((self.isdone,isdone))
def feed_immediate_data(self,immediate_data):
observation,action,rewards,isdone = immediate_data
action = np.array(action)
reward = np.array(rewards).reshape((-1,1))
isdone = np.array(isdone).reshape((-1,1))
# IMPORTANT: convert actions to their one-hot representations
def one_hot(tensor,classes):
heat = np.zeros(tensor.shape+(classes,))
for i in range(classes):
heat[...,i] = tensor[...] == i
return heat
onehot_action = one_hot(action,self.num_of_actions)
# add to agent's database
self.observations = np.vstack((self.observations,observation))
self.actions = np.vstack((self.actions,onehot_action))
self.rewards = np.vstack((self.rewards,reward))
self.isdone = np.vstack((self.isdone,isdone))
# self_train
if len(self.observations)>100:
# self.train(epochs=1)
# train agent with some of its collected data from its database
def train(self,epochs=10):
qtrain = self.qtrain
observations,actions,rewards,isdone = self.observations, self.actions,self.rewards,self.isdone
length = len(observations)
print('----trainning for',epochs,'epochs')
for i in range(epochs):
# train 1 epoch on a randomly selected subset of the whole database.
if epochs-1 == i or i==0:
verbose = 2
verbose = 0
subset_size = min(length-1,1024)
indices = np.random.choice(length-1,subset_size,replace=False)
subset_observations = np.take(observations,indices,axis=0).astype('float32')
subset_actions = np.take(actions,indices,axis=0).astype('float32')
subset_rewards = np.take(rewards,indices,axis=0).astype('float32')
subset_isdone = np.take(isdone,indices,axis=0).astype('float32')
subset_next_observations = np.take(observations,indices+1,axis=0).astype('float32')
qs2 = self.qfunc.predict(subset_next_observations)[
], np.random.rand(subset_size),
from gym import wrappers
# give it a try
# env = gym.make('Acrobot-v1')
env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0')
# env = gym.make('LunarLander-v2')
# env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
# env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0')
# env = wrappers.Monitor(env,'./experiment-3',force=True)
if isinstance(env.action_space,Box):
action_count,d2c = continuous_actions(env)
num_of_actions = action_count
num_of_actions = env.action_space.n
num_of_observations = env.observation_space.shape[0]
agent = nnagent(
optimizer = RMSprop()
# optimizer = SGD(lr=0.0005, clipnorm=10.,momentum=0.0,nesterov=False) # momentum must = 0; use plain SGD
# main training loop
def r(times=3):
for k in range(times):
print('training loop',k,'/',times)
for i in range(1): # do 1 episode
print('play episode:',i)
# after play, the episodic data will be feeded to the agent AUTOMATICALLY, so no feeding here
# wait until collected data became diverse enough
if len(agent.observations)> 100:
# ask agent to train itself, with previously collected data
# decrease epsilon to make agent choose less and less random actions.
agent.epsilon -= .02
agent.epsilon = max(0.05,agent.epsilon)
print('agent epsilon:', agent.epsilon)
def check():
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