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Last active November 18, 2022 15:30
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Reimplementation of JSON.stringify
//The following code is a reimplementation of the native Javascript method JSON.stringify
//keep reading for the though process that lead to the solution
var stringify = function(obj) {
//checks if the input obj is a function statement or undefined
if(typeof obj === 'undefined' || typeof obj === 'function') {
return undefined;
//checks if the input obj is a string
if(typeof obj === 'string') {
return '"' + obj + '"';
//checks if the input obj is a array/nest array
if(Array.isArray(obj)) {
var newArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
if(obj[i] === undefined || typeof obj[i] === 'function') {
} else {
return '[' + newArray.join(',') + ']';
//checks if the input obj is an object literal and if it is defined
if(obj && typeof obj === 'object') {
var newObjArray = [];
for(var key in obj) {
if(obj[key] !== undefined || typeof obj[key] !== 'function') {
newObjArray.push(stringify(key) + ":" + stringify(obj[key]));
return "{" + newObjArray.join(',') + "}";
//will take care of any other edge cases such as numbers and null
return obj + "";
//Implementation and thought process
//The first thing I needed to do to solve this problem was find all the edge cases related to
//JSON.stringify. I used MDN for to explore the possibilities and limitations related to the method.
//I discovered the following:
// The proper implementation of my code should output the following:
//stringify({}); // '{}'
//stringify(true); // 'true'
//stringify('foo'); // '"foo"'
//stringify([1, 'false', false]); // '[1,"false",false]'
//stringify({ x: 5 }); // '{"x":5}'
//the function that I create must wrap quotes around the argument that is passed into it.
//The solution must take into account the following input values:
//strings - 'hello'
//numbers - 9;
//null - null
//booleans - true, false
//arrays/nested arrays - [], [9, 'hello'], [[[[[8]]]]], [7, []], 'hey'], [me: you, you: me]
//objects/nested objects - {}, ["a": {"b":"hello"}] etc
//***NOTE the following cannot be stringified.
//JSON.stringify(function(){}) // undefined
//JSON.stringify(undefined) // undefined
//JSON.stringify({false: undefined, function: function(){}}) // '{}'
//JSON.stringify([undefined, function(){}]) // "[null, null]"
//special characters cannot return anything and throw errors. For example:
//JSON.stringify(k) // ERROR: k is not defined
//JSON.stringify(:) //Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
//the first thing is to write base cases for the inputs that I know I cannot stringify.
//I can use the typeof method to return undefined anytime the input is a function or undefine.
//I know that for numbers, booleans, null, I can return input + ""
//so for example
//9 + "" ==> "9"
//false + "" ==> "false"
//true + "" ==> "true"
//I also know that I can use the "typeof" property in javascript to determine if the input
//is a string
//so if the typeof input is a string I will return '"' + input '"'
//The next input type that I have to deal with are arrays. This is tricky because the
//javascript interpretter does not return the array that I am expecting. I can't just
//use the typeof to check if its an array because both arrays, objects and null will
//return object. So instead I use the Array.isArray() method. Next I found that I can't
//just wrap quotes around an empty array and get the desired result.
//For example:
//var in = [];
//'"' + in + '"' ==> '""'
//I can get around this by doing the following:
//var in = [];
//"[" + in + "]" ==> '[]'
//next I am going to deal with nested arrays. Again the javascript interpreter does not
//return the stringified arrays as I am expecting. For example I know my algorithm should
//do the following :
//stringify([1, 'false', false]); // '[1,"false",false]'
//But when I do run the code below here's what happens:
//var a = [1, "false", false];
//"[" + a + "]" ==> '[1, false, false]'
//these results let me know that I have to iterate over each element in the array
//and check for its type. The best way to get internal quotes around the "false"
//is to recursively invoke my stringify function on each element and push the
//returned value into a new array. I can return the stringified version of my
//new array as
// "[" + newarray.join(',') + "]"
//Before pushing in an element to my new array I have to check if the element is undefined
//or a function because
//JSON.stringify([undefined, function(){}]) ==> "[null, null]"
//if the element within an array is undefined or a function I have to invoke the stringify function
//on null and push that result into my new array.
//Finally I need my code to deal with object literals. For an input to qualify as an
//object literal the type of input must be true and the input must return true. This
//will especially take care of cases in which input = null; since null and undefined
//will return false it will not qualify as an object literal. From here objects will
//be stringified similar to arrays
//I will iterate through each key in an object. I need to push the key and value into
//the the array in a very specific way.
//newarry.push(stringify(key) + ":" + stringify(obj[key]))
//then I would return the full stringified obj as followed:
//"{" + newarray.join(',') + "}"
//before pushing in the key/value I need to make sure it is neither a function nor
//undefine because:
//JSON.stringify({false: undefined, function: function(){}}) // '{}'
//my code will do nothing if the input is undefined or the typeof input is a function
//That should take care of the most obvious cases. Now for some pseudocode to outline
//my plan of attack :
//Create a function called stringify that takes an object as a arguement.
//check if the type of object is undefined or a function
//if yes return undefined
//check if the type of object is a string
//if its true return the stringified object
//check if the object is an array
//if true create a new array variable that is equal to an empty array
//iterate through the length of the object array
//if the element at a given index is undefined or a function
//recursion: invoke the stringify function on null and push the result into the new array
//recursion: invoke the stringify function on the value at the given index
//and push the result into the new array
//return the concatenation of the new array with quoted brackets on each side.
//else check to see if the object is equal to true and the typeof function returns
//true for object
//if true, create a new array variable that is equal to an empty array
//iterate through each key in the object.
//if the obj[key] is NOT equal to undefined or the typeof obj[key] is NOT function
//recursion: invoke the stringify function on the key and the value and
//push formatted property into the new array
//return the concatenation of the new array with quoted curly braces on each side.
//after all checks return the obj plus "" to take care of all other edge cases such as
//numbers and booleans.
//To reiterate the solution is as followed:
//Create a function called stringify that takes an object as a arguement.
var stringify = function(obj) {
//check if the type of object is undefined or a function
if(typeof obj === 'undefined' || typeof obj === 'function') {
//if yes return undefined
return undefined;
//check if the type of object is a string
if(typeof obj === 'string') {
//if its true return the stringified object
return '"' + obj + '"';
//checks if the input obj is a array/nest array
if(Array.isArray(obj)) {
//if true create a new array variable that is equal to an empty array
var newArray = [];
//iterate through each key in the object.
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
//if the element at a given index is undefined or a function
if(obj[i] === undefined || typeof obj[i] === 'function') {
//recursion: invoke the stringify function on null and push the result into the new array
} else {
//recursion: invoke the stringify function on the value at the given index
//and push the result into the new array
//return the concatenation of the new array with quoted brackets on each side.
return '[' + newArray.join(',') + ']';
//checks if the input obj is an object literal and if it is defined
if(obj && typeof obj === 'object') {
//if true, create a new array variable that is equal to an empty array
var newObjArray = [];
//iterate through each key in the object.
for(var key in obj) {
//if the obj[key] is NOT equal to undefined or the typeof obj[key] is NOT function
if(obj[key] !== undefined || typeof obj[key] !== 'function') {
//recursion: invoke the stringify function on the key and the value and
//push formatted property into the new array
newObjArray.push(stringify(key) + ":" + stringify(obj[key]));
//return the concatenation of the new array with quoted curly braces on each side.
return "{" + newObjArray.join(',') + "}";
//will take care of any other edge cases such as numbers and null
return obj + "";
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