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Last active July 21, 2024 17:54
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jf cli commands
access-token-create, atc         Creates an Artifactory access token. By default an user-scoped token will be created, unless the --groups and/or --grant-admin options are specified.
build-add-dependencies, bad      Adds dependencies from the local file-system to the build info.
build-add-git, bag               Collect VCS details from git and add them to a build.
build-append, ba                 Append published build to the build info.
build-clean, bc                  This command is used to clean (remove) build info collected locally.
build-collect-env, bce           Collect environment variables. Environment variables can be excluded using the build-publish command.
build-discard, bdi               Discard builds by setting retention parameters.
build-docker-create, bdc         Add a published docker image to the build-info.
build-promote, bpr               This command is used to promote build in Artifactory.
build-publish, bp                Publish build info.
build-scan, bs                   Scan a published build-info with Xray.
copy, cp                         Copy files.
curl, cl                         Execute a cUrl command, using the configured Artifactory details.
delete, del                      Delete files.
delete-props, delp               Delete properties on existing files in Artifactory.
docker-promote, dpr              Promotes a Docker image from one repository to another. Supported by local repositories only.
docker-pull, dpl                 Docker pull.
docker-push, dp                  Docker push.
dotnet                           Run .NET Core CLI.
dotnet-config, dotnetc           Generate dotnet configuration.
download, dl                     Download files.
git-lfs-clean, glc               Clean files from a Git LFS repository. The command deletes all files from a Git LFS repository that are no longer available in a corresponding Git repository.
go, go                           Runs go.
go-config                        Generate go build configuration.
go-publish, gp                   Publish go package and/or its dependencies to Artifactory.
gradle                           Run Gradle build.
gradle-config, gradlec           Generate gradle build configuration.
group-add-users, gau             Add a list of users to a group.
group-create, gc                 Create new users group.
group-delete, gdel               Delete a users group.
move, mv                         Move files.
mvn                              Run Maven build.
mvn-config, mvnc                 Generate maven build configuration.
npm-ci, npmci                    Run npm ci.
npm-config, npmc                 Generate npm configuration.
npm-install, npmi                Run npm install.
npm-publish, npmp                Packs and deploys the npm package to the designated npm repository.
nuget                            Run NuGet.
nuget-config, nugetc             Generate nuget configuration.
nuget-deps-tree, ndt             Show solution dependency tree.
oc, osb                          Run OpenShift CLI (oc) start-build command.
permission-target-create, ptc    Create a new permission target in the JFrog Platform.
permission-target-delete, ptdel  Permanently delete a permission target.
permission-target-template, ptt  Create a JSON template for a permission target creation or replacement.
permission-target-update, ptu    Update a permission target in the JFrog Platform.
ping, p                          Send applicative ping to Artifactory
pip-config, pipc                 Generate pip build configuration.
pip-install, pipi                Run pip install.
podman-pull, ppl                 Podman pull.
podman-push, pp                  Podman push.
replication-create, rplc         Create a new replication in Artifactory.
replication-delete, rpldel       Remove a replication repository from Artifactory.
replication-template, rplt       Create a JSON template for creation replication repository.
repo-create, rc                  Create a new repository in Artifactory.
repo-delete, rdel                Permanently delete repositories with all of their content from Artifactory.
repo-template, rpt               Create a JSON template for repository creation or update.
repo-update, ru                  Update an exiting repository configuration in Artifactory.
search, s                        Search files.
set-props, sp                    Set properties on existing files in Artifactory.
transfer-config                  Copy full Artifactory configuration from source Artifactory server to target Artifactory server. Warning - This action will wipe all Artifactory content in this target server.
transfer-config-merge            Merge projects and repositories from a source Artifactory instance to a target Artifactory instance, if no conflicts are found
transfer-files                   Transfer files from one Artifactory to another.
transfer-plugin-install          Download and install the data-transfer user plugin on the primary node of Artifactory, which is running on this local machine.
transfer-settings                Configure the settings for the 'jf rt transfer-files' command.
upload, u                        Upload files.
user-create                      Create new user.
users-create, uc                 Create new users.
users-delete, udel               Delete users.
yarn                             Run Yarn commands.
yarn-config, yarnc               Generate Yarn configuration.
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