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Created November 14, 2018 01:43
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2D Histogram Wasserstein Distance via POT Library
Programmer: Chris Tralie
Purpose: To use the POT library (
to compute the Entropic regularized Wasserstein distance
between points on a 2D grid
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ot
def testMovingDisc():
Show optimal transport on a moving disc in a 50x50 grid
## Step 1: Setup problem
pix = np.linspace(-1, 1, 80)
# Setup grid
X, Y = np.meshgrid(pix, pix)
# Compute pariwise distances between points on 2D grid so we know
# how to score the Wasserstein distance
coords = np.array([X.flatten(), Y.flatten()]).T
coordsSqr = np.sum(coords**2, 1)
M = coordsSqr[:, None] + coordsSqr[None, :] - 2*
M[M < 0] = 0
M = np.sqrt(M)
ts = np.linspace(-0.8, 0.8, 100)
## Step 2: Compute L2 distances and Wasserstein
Images = []
radius = 0.2
L2Dists = [0.0]
WassDists = [0.0]
for i, t in enumerate(ts):
I = 1e-5 + np.array((X-t)**2 + (Y-t)**2 < radius**2, dtype=float)
I /= np.sum(I)
if i > 0:
wass = ot.sinkhorn2(Images[0].flatten(), I.flatten(), M, 1.0)
## Step 3: Make Animation
L2Dist = np.array(L2Dists)
WassDists = np.array(WassDists)
I0 = Images[0]
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
displacements = np.sqrt(2)*(ts - ts[0])
for i, I in enumerate(Images):
D = np.concatenate((I0[:, :, None], I[:, :, None], 0*I[:, :, None]), 2)
D = D*255/np.max(I0)
D = np.array(D, dtype=np.uint8)
plt.imshow(D, extent = (pix[0], pix[-1], pix[-1], pix[0]))
plt.plot(displacements, L2Dists)
plt.stem([displacements[i]], [L2Dists[i]])
plt.ylabel("L2 Dist")
plt.title("L2 Dist")
plt.plot(displacements, WassDists)
plt.stem([displacements[i]], [WassDists[i]])
plt.ylabel("Wasserstein Dist")
plt.title("Wasserstein Dist")
plt.savefig("%i.png"%i, bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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ctralie commented Nov 14, 2018

Computing the Wasserstein distance between two sampled discs as one of them moves away from the other one. The L2 distance, by comparison, saturates very quickly (please excuse the aliasing in this simple example)


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raphiol commented Jul 18, 2019

I am trying to use the Wasserstein distance in my studies and I have found your script in my research.
I have two questions about it, maybe you can help me to better understand what's happening here.

  • Do you know why the calcul of the Wasserstein distance is non-linear when the two discs are closed from each other ? Also ot.sinkhorn2(I.flatten(), I.flatten(), M, 1.) is non equal to zero, is that normal for a distance ?
  • Do you know why when the I matrix are filled with some zeros, their is problem to calculate the Wasserstein distance ? I see you added 1e-5, I guess this is to avoid that...

Thank you

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ctralie commented Jul 18, 2019

Great questions. I unfortunately have not used this library beyond this example (which was to help a student), so I might not be the best person to ask, but I will try

Yes, the nonlinear part is strange, but I wonder if it's just because of the shape and discretization of the discs. It would be worth trying this with two squares that move past each other only in the x direction, for example.

That's strange that it's not equal to zero from I to itself, because it should be

Yes, I was as confused as you about problems when there are zeros, and that is indeed why I added 1e-5

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raphiol commented Jul 19, 2019

Thank you for your answer. I tryed with small squares of 4 pixels and the problem was already here...
I will continue to investigate !

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raphiol commented Jul 29, 2019

I finally have the answer to my questions, so I thought I would give them to you too:

The function ot.sinkhorn2 is actually an aproximation of the optimal transport problem. This is why it causes some problems.
The exact value for the Wasserstein distance is obtained by using the ot.emd2 function instead.
It is a bit longer and the number of iterations must be increased, but it works !


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ctralie commented Jul 29, 2019 via email

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This gist is perfect for describing earth movers distance. Thank you!

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ctralie commented Mar 23, 2020 via email

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