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Created July 26, 2010 16:52
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* Title: tutorial.c
* Author: Christopher Triolo
* Build & Run:
* $ gcc -Isrc --std=c99 tutorial.c /path/to/mongo-c-driver/src/*.c -I /path/to/mongo-c-driver/src/ -o tutorial
* $ ./tutorial
* connection succeeded
* ...
* connection closed
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bson.h"
#include "mongo.h"
static void tutorial_insert_bson( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_insert_batch( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_count( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_empty_query( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_simple_query( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_complex_query_sort( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_complex_query_hint( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_complex_query_explain( mongo_connection * conn );
static void tutorial_index( mongo_connection *conn );
static void tutorial_update( mongo_connection *conn);
int main() {
mongo_connection conn[1]; /* ptr */
mongo_connection_options opts[1];
mongo_conn_return status;
strcpy( opts->host , "" );
opts->port = 27017;
status = mongo_connect( conn, opts );
switch (status) {
case mongo_conn_success: printf( "connection succeeded\n" ); break;
case mongo_conn_bad_arg: printf( "bad arguments\n" ); return 1;
case mongo_conn_no_socket: printf( "no socket\n" ); return 1;
case mongo_conn_fail: printf( "connection failed\n" ); return 1;
case mongo_conn_not_master: printf( "not master\n" ); return 1;
tutorial_insert_bson( conn );
tutorial_insert_batch( conn );
tutorial_count( conn );
tutorial_index( conn );
tutorial_empty_query( conn );
tutorial_simple_query( conn );
tutorial_complex_query_sort( conn );
tutorial_complex_query_hint( conn );
tutorial_complex_query_explain( conn );
tutorial_update( conn );
mongo_cmd_drop_db( conn, "tutorial" ); /* cleanup */
mongo_destroy( conn );
printf( "\nconnection closed\n" );
return 0;
static void tutorial_insert_bson(mongo_connection *conn) {
bson p[1];
bson_buffer p_buf[1];
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_insert_bson:\n" );
bson_buffer_init( p_buf );
bson_append_new_oid( p_buf, "_id" );
bson_append_string( p_buf, "name", "Joe" );
bson_append_int( p_buf, "age", 33 );
bson_from_buffer( p, p_buf );
mongo_insert( conn, "tutorial.persons", p );
printf( "\n" );
bson_print( p );
bson_destroy( p );
static void tutorial_insert_batch( mongo_connection *conn ) {
bson *p, **ps;
bson_buffer *p_buf;
char *names[4];
int ages[] = { 29, 24, 24, 32 };
int i, n = 4;
names[0] = "Eliot";
names[1] = "Mike";
names[2] = "Mathias";
names[3] = "Richard";
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_insert_batch:\n" );
ps = (bson **)malloc( sizeof( bson * ) * n);
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
p = ( bson * )malloc( sizeof( bson ) );
p_buf = ( bson_buffer * )malloc( sizeof( bson_buffer ) );
bson_buffer_init( p_buf );
bson_append_new_oid( p_buf, "_id" );
bson_append_string( p_buf, "name", names[i] );
bson_append_int( p_buf, "age", ages[i] );
bson_from_buffer( p, p_buf );
ps[i] = p;
free( p_buf );
mongo_insert_batch( conn, "tutorial.persons", ps, n);
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
printf( "\n" );
bson_print( ps[i] );
bson_destroy( ps[i] );
free( ps[i] );
static void tutorial_count( mongo_connection *conn ) {
int count;
bson empty[1];
bson_empty( empty );
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_count:\n" );
count = mongo_count( conn, "tutorial", "persons", empty );
printf( "\n\tmongo_count: %i\n", count );
static void tutorial_empty_query( mongo_connection *conn) {
mongo_cursor *cursor;
bson empty[1];
bson_empty( empty );
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_empty_query:\n" );
cursor = mongo_find( conn, "tutorial.persons", empty, empty, 0, 0, 0 );
while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) ) {
printf( "\n" );
bson_print( &cursor->current );
mongo_cursor_destroy( cursor );
bson_destroy( empty );
static void tutorial_simple_query( mongo_connection *conn ) {
bson query[1];
bson_buffer query_buf[1];
mongo_cursor *cursor;
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_simple_query:\n" );
bson_buffer_init( query_buf );
bson_append_int( query_buf, "age", 24 );
bson_from_buffer( query, query_buf );
cursor = mongo_find( conn, "tutorial.persons", query, NULL, 0, 0, 0 );
while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) ) {
bson_iterator it[1];
if ( bson_find( it, &cursor->current, "name" )) {
printf( "\n\tname: %s\n", bson_iterator_string( it ) );
bson_destroy( query );
static void tutorial_complex_query_sort( mongo_connection *conn ) {
bson query[1];
bson_buffer query_buf[1];
mongo_cursor *cursor;
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_complex_query_sort:\n" );
bson_buffer_init( query_buf );
bson_append_start_object( query_buf, "$query" );
bson_append_int( query_buf, "age", 24 );
bson_append_finish_object( query_buf );
bson_append_start_object( query_buf, "$orderby" );
bson_append_int( query_buf, "name", 1);
bson_append_finish_object( query_buf );
bson_from_buffer( query, query_buf );
cursor = mongo_find( conn, "tutorial.persons", query, NULL, 0, 0, 0 );
while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) ) {
bson_destroy( query );
static void tutorial_complex_query_hint( mongo_connection *conn ) {
bson query[1];
bson_buffer query_buf[1];
mongo_cursor *cursor;
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_complex_query_sort:\n" );
bson_buffer_init( query_buf );
bson_append_start_object( query_buf, "$query" );
bson_append_int( query_buf, "age", 24 );
bson_append_string( query_buf, "name", "Mathias" );
bson_append_finish_object( query_buf );
bson_append_start_object( query_buf, "$hint" );
bson_append_int( query_buf, "name", 1);
bson_append_finish_object( query_buf );
bson_from_buffer( query, query_buf );
cursor = mongo_find( conn, "tutorial.persons", query, NULL, 0, 0, 0 );
while( mongo_cursor_next( cursor ) ) {
bson_destroy( query );
static void tutorial_complex_query_explain( mongo_connection *conn ) {
bson query[1], out[1];
bson_buffer query_buf[1];
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_complex_query_explain:\n" );
bson_buffer_init( query_buf );
bson_append_start_object( query_buf, "$query" );
bson_append_int( query_buf, "age", 33 );
bson_append_finish_object( query_buf );
bson_append_bool( query_buf, "$explain", 1);
bson_from_buffer( query, query_buf );
mongo_find_one( conn, "tutorial.persons", query, NULL, out );
printf( "\n" );
bson_print( out );
bson_destroy( out );
bson_destroy( query );
static void tutorial_index( mongo_connection * conn ) {
bson key[1];
bson_buffer key_buf[1];
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_index:\n" );
bson_buffer_init( key_buf );
bson_append_int( key_buf, "name", 1 );
bson_from_buffer( key, key_buf );
mongo_create_index( conn, "tutorial.persons", key, 0, NULL );
bson_destroy( key );
printf( "\n\tsimple index created on \"name\"\n" );
bson_buffer_init( key_buf );
bson_append_int( key_buf, "age", 1 );
bson_append_int( key_buf, "name", 1 );
bson_from_buffer( key, key_buf );
mongo_create_index( conn, "tutorial.persons", key, 0, NULL );
bson_destroy( key );
printf( "\n\tcompound index created on \"age, name\"\n" );
static void tutorial_update( mongo_connection *conn ) {
bson cond[1], op[1], out[1];
bson_buffer cond_buf[1], op_buf[1];
printf( "\nEntering tutorial_update:\n" );
bson_buffer_init( cond_buf );
bson_append_string( cond_buf, "name", "Joe");
bson_append_int( cond_buf, "age", 33);
bson_from_buffer( cond, cond_buf );
mongo_find_one( conn, "tutorial.persons", cond, NULL, out );
printf( "\n" );
bson_print( out );
bson_destroy( out );
bson_buffer_init( op_buf );
bson_append_start_object( op_buf, "$inc" );
bson_append_int( op_buf, "visits", 1 );
bson_append_finish_object( op_buf );
bson_from_buffer( op, op_buf );
mongo_update(conn, "tutorial.persons", cond, op, 0);
mongo_find_one( conn, "tutorial.persons", cond, NULL, out );
printf( "\n" );
bson_print( out );
bson_destroy( out );
bson_destroy( cond );
bson_destroy( op );
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