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Last active May 16, 2022 21:18
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Ubuntu 20.04+ config
# Apps
## mpv (video player)
sudo apt install mpv
## discord
sudo snap install discord
## filezilla
sudo apt-get install -y filezilla
## postman
sudo snap install postman
## keepassxc
sudo snap install keepassxc
## robo-3t
sudo snap install robo3t-snap
## visual studio code
sudo snap install code --classic
# GUI OS tuning
## gnome-tweaks
sudo apt-get install -y gnome-tweaks
## dconf-editor
sudo apt-get install -y dconf-editor # go to org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock for modify dock
# Topbar tools
## caffeine
sudo apt-get install -y caffeine
sudo bash -c "echo Exec=/usr/bin/caffeine-indicator >> /etc/xdg/autostart/caffeine.desktop"
# adapta theme
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tista/adapta
sudo apt install adapta-gtk-theme
# papirus icons
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:papirus/papirus
sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme
# paper icons (for mouse)
sudo add-apt-repository -u ppa:snwh/ppa
sudo apt install paper-icon-theme
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