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Created April 28, 2023 17:54
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Display an image with non-linear calibrated axes
#@ DatasetService ds
#@ net.imagej.units.UnitService units
#@ UIService ui
// Parameters to play with!
// log-linear equation: cal(raw) = a + b * ln(c + d*raw)
xa = 0; xb = 10; xc = 1; xd = 1 // cal(xRaw) = 10*ln(1+xRaw)
ya = 0; yb = 5000; yc = 1; yd = 3000 // cal(yRaw) = 5000*ln(1+3000*yRaw)
// units
xUnit = "micron"
yUnit = "nm"
// image dimensions
w = 10 // [0, 9] -> [0, ~22] microns
h = 15 // [0, 14] -> [0, ~53227] nm -> [0, ~53] microns
// Construct a plain uncalibrated image
import net.imglib2.img.array.ArrayImgs
data = new byte[w*h];
for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) data[i] = i;
img = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(data, w, h)
import net.imagej.DefaultDataset;
import net.imagej.ImgPlus;
import net.imagej.axis.Axes;
import net.imagej.axis.CalibratedAxis;
import net.imagej.axis.LogLinearAxis;
String name = "Raw log-scale data";
CalibratedAxis xAxis = new LogLinearAxis(Axes.X, xUnit, xa, xb, xc, xd);
CalibratedAxis yAxis = new LogLinearAxis(Axes.Y, yUnit, ya, yb, yc, yd)
ImgPlus imgPlus = new ImgPlus(img, name, xAxis, yAxis);
// RandomAccessibleInterval -> RealRandomAccessible
import net.imglib2.view.Views;
import net.imglib2.RealRandomAccessible;
import net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess.NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory;
interpolator = new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory();
RealRandomAccessible realRaw = Views.interpolate(imgPlus, interpolator);
// Implement an invertible RealTransform that respects the axis calibrations and units.
import net.imagej.units.UnitService;
import net.imglib2.RealLocalizable;
import net.imglib2.RealPositionable;
import net.imglib2.realtransform.InverseRealTransform;
import net.imglib2.realtransform.InvertibleRealTransform;
public class CalibratedAxesTransform implements InvertibleRealTransform {
private UnitService units;
/** Common destination unit for transformed coordinates. */
private String unit;
private CalibratedAxis[] axes;
public CalibratedAxesTransform(UnitService units, CalibratedAxis... axes) {
this(units, axes[0].unit(), axes);
public CalibratedAxesTransform(UnitService units, String unit, CalibratedAxis... axes) {
this.units = units;
this.unit = unit;
this.axes = axes;
public int numSourceDimensions() { return axes.length; }
public int numTargetDimensions() { return axes.length; }
/** For use with {@link #apply}. */
private double calibrated(final CalibratedAxis axis, final double raw) {
// raw -> calibrated
double calibrated = axis.calibratedValue(raw);
// source unit -> target unit
if (unit != null) calibrated = units.value(calibrated, axis.unit(), unit);
return calibrated;
/** For use with {@link #applyInverse}. */
private double raw(final CalibratedAxis axis, double calibrated) {
// target unit -> source unit
if (unit != null) calibrated = units.value(calibrated, unit, axis.unit());
// calibrated -> raw
return axis.rawValue(calibrated);
public void apply(final double[] source, final double[] target) {
for (int d=0; d<axes.length; d++) {
target[d] = calibrated(axes[d], source[d]);
public void apply(final RealLocalizable source, final RealPositionable target) {
for (int d=0; d<axes.length; d++) {
double raw = source.getDoublePosition(d)
double calibrated = calibrated(axes[d], raw);
target.setPosition(calibrated, d);
public void applyInverse(final double[] source, final double[] target) {
for (int d=0; d<axes.length; d++) {
source[d] = raw(axes[d], target[d]);
public void applyInverse(final RealPositionable source, final RealLocalizable target) {
for (int d=0; d<axes.length; d++) {
double calibrated = target.getDoublePosition(d);
double raw = raw(axes[d], calibrated);
source.setPosition(raw, d);
public InvertibleRealTransform inverse() {
return new InverseRealTransform(this);
public CalibratedAxesTransform copy() {
return new CalibratedAxesTransform(units, unit, axes);
// Whew! Now we can use our transform:
// Construct the transform.
axes = new CalibratedAxis[imgPlus.numDimensions()];
axesTransform = new CalibratedAxesTransform(units, axes);
// Create a transformed version of the raw image.
import net.imglib2.realtransform.RealViews;
RealRandomAccessible realCalibrated = RealViews.transformReal(realRaw, axesTransform);
// Rasterize our calibrated RRA, putting it back on an integer grid.
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessible;
RandomAccessible integerCalibrated = Views.raster(realCalibrated);
// Bound our calibrated RA, with the same corners as the actual data.
min = new long[axes.length];
max = new long[axes.length];
double[] sourceMin = new double[axes.length];
double[] sourceMax = new double[axes.length];
for (int d=0; d<axes.length; d++) {
sourceMin[d] = imgPlus.min(d);
sourceMax[d] = imgPlus.max(d);
double[] targetMin = new double[axes.length];
double[] targetMax = new double[axes.length];
axesTransform.apply(sourceMin, targetMin);
axesTransform.apply(sourceMax, targetMax);
long[] min = new long[axes.length];
long[] max = new long[axes.length];
for (int d=0; d<axes.length; d++) {
min[d] = Math.ceil(targetMin[d]);
max[d] = Math.floor(targetMax[d]);
calibratedRAI = Views.interval(integerCalibrated, min, max);"Calibrated RAI", calibratedRAI);
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