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Created June 3, 2018 18:54
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Create some ImgLib2 ROIs and attach them to an IJ1 ImagePlus
#@ ConvertService convert
#@ ImagePlus imp
import bdv.util.BdvFunctions
import bdv.util.BdvOptions
import ij.gui.Overlay
import ij.gui.Roi
import net.imglib2.roi.Masks
import net.imglib2.roi.geom.GeomMasks
import net.imglib2.view.Views
import net.imglib2.util.Intervals
// Create some ImgLib2 ROIs.
rois = [
GeomMasks.closedEllipsoid([5, 6] as double[], [7, 8] as double[]),
GeomMasks.polygon2D([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 9, 9] as double[], [7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1, 1, 9] as double[]) // TODO Fiji logo
// Lump them into a collection.
roiTree = new net.imagej.roi.DefaultROITree()
// Define a function to show ROIs with BDV.
def showROIs(roi) {
rrari = Masks.toRealRandomAccessibleRealInterval(roi)
ra = Views.raster(rrari)
bounds = Intervals.smallestContainingInterval(rrari)
rai = Views.interval(ra, bounds), "Awesome", new BdvOptions().is2D())
// Uncomment this to show the ImgLib2 ROIs with the BDV.
// Convert IJ2 -> IJ1.
overlay = convert.convert(roiTree, Overlay.class)
// You could also convert them individually if you like things to be more complicated. :-)
//roi0 = convert.convert(rois[0], Roi.class)
//roi1 = convert.convert(rois[1], Roi.class)
//overlay = new Overlay()
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