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Last active February 9, 2023 23:50
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  • Save ctsdownloads/662eda6d544403aa0392f87c8a9ae7ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ctsdownloads/662eda6d544403aa0392f87c8a9ae7ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Just copy the code below, drop it into the terminal of a computer with Internet.
sudo apt-get install git -y > /dev/null && git clone && cd wi-fi-fixer && chmod +x && wget -P ~/wi-fi-fixer && echo -e "\033[1;33mEnter your wifi SSID, then press Enter: \033[0m" && read ssid && [ -f ] && sed -i "s/assigned_wap=.*/assigned_wap="$ssid"/" && cd ~/ && tar -czvf wi-fi-fixer.tar.gz wi-fi-fixer/* > /dev/null && sleep 2 && rm -rf wi-fi-fixer && echo -e "- \033[1;33mYour wi-fi-fixer is packed and ready to be copied to a flash drive.\033[0m \n
- Copy wi-fi-fixer.tar.gz located in your /home/$USER directory to a USB flash drive. \n
- On the laptop without Wi-Fi, plugin your USB flash drive containing wi-fi-fixer.tar.gz, copy it to the laptop's home directory. \n
- Right click and extract this wi-fi-fixer.tar.gz to your home directory. \n
- Inside the wi-fi-fixer directory, look for unpack-commands.txt - open it and copy/paste that command to fix your Wi-Fi on the laptop.\n"
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