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Last active February 24, 2016 20:34
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Save ctufts/a6c78da95a236674d83d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
##################### Import Libraries ##############################################
# if you don't have the libraries below you can install the library using the
# following command : install.packages('package_name_here_in_quotes')
######################### Import data And Clean Up######################################
# import the first 50k rows of the 2012-2014 crime data
ds <- read_csv('', n_max = 50000)
# rename column 3 and 7
names(ds)[3] <- 'Dispatch.Date.Time'
names(ds)[7] <- 'General.Crime.Category'
# remove uncategorized crimes
ds <- filter(ds, General.Crime.Category != 'All Other Offenses' )
# change label for DUI's
ds$General.Crime.Category[ds$General.Crime.Category == "DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE"] <- "DUI"
# convert date time to a datetime
# and the date to a date object
ds$Dispatch.Date.Time <- mdy_hms(ds$Dispatch.Date.Time)
ds$Dispatch.Date <- as.Date(ds$Dispatch.Date.Time)
# remove parentheses and commas from coordinates
ds$Coordinates<- gsub(")", "", ds$Coordinates)
ds$Coordinates<- gsub("\\(", "", ds$Coordinates)
coord.list <- (str_split(ds$Coordinates, ","))
# break into long/lat coordinates
y <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(coord.list, function(x)x[1])))
x <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(coord.list, function(x)x[2])))
# create data frame with coordiantes, dates, districts and crime category
coordinates <- data.frame(POINT_Y = y,
POINT_X = x,
General.Crime.Category = ds$General.Crime.Category,
District = ds$District,
Dispatch.Date = ds$Dispatch.Date.Time
# remove all rows missing coordinates
coordinates <- na.omit(coordinates)
# 22 and 23 districts were merged a few years back
coordinates$District[coordinates$District==23] <- 22
############# Import Shape Data for Police Districts #######################
# this snippet was taken from:
download.file(url, destname)
unzip(destname, exdir=downloaddir, junkpaths=TRUE)
filename<-list.files(downloaddir, pattern=".shp", full.names=FALSE)
filename<-gsub(".shp", "", filename)
districts<-readOGR(downloaddir, filename)
############################ calculate the number of events in each district###############
# group by crime
district.log <- coordinates %>% group_by(General.Crime.Category, District) %>%
events = n()
############################Draw Map##################################
# Only view arson events
crime.type.selected <- 'Arson'
# Arsons in each district
# sort by district
district.counts <- filter(district.log, General.Crime.Category == crime.type.selected) %>%
# gather coordinates for this specific crime
point.coord <- filter(coordinates, General.Crime.Category == crime.type.selected)
# create color palette for the districts in the map
pal <- colorNumeric(
palette = "Greys",
domain = district.counts$events
# create map <- leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles('CartoDB.Positron') %>%
setView(lng=-75.16048, lat=39.99000, zoom =11) %>%
addPolygons(data = districts,
stroke = T, smoothFactor = 0.2, fillOpacity = 0.5,
color = "#000000", weight = 2,
fillColor = ~pal(district.counts$events)
# color = ~pal(states@data$DISTRICT_)
addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = district.counts$events,
title = "Incidents 2012-2014",
opacity = 1
addCircles(lat = point.coord$POINT_Y, lng = point.coord$POINT_X,
fillOpacity = 0.8 , opacity = 0.8, radius = 120, fillColor = "#F0F340",
color = "#6A727B", weight = 2,
popup = paste("District:",point.coord$District, "<br/> Time:", point.coord$Dispatch.Date))
# display map
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