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Forked from rgborck/Powershell Class Outline
Created September 26, 2016 16:50
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This is an outline of a PowerShell class I taught to my coworkers in the fall of 2015
Powershell - Lesson 1
Powershell profile
Import-Module Grc
(Test it w/ `Get-GrcTenants`)
Variable declaration $
Powershell variables ( $true, $null, $false, etc )
Control Structures
Conditionals (-eq, -ne, -contains, etc)
Calling functions and commandlets (For
Arrays @()
Dictionary @{}
Variable Persistance - `Get-Variable | Out-String`
| operator
> Get-GrcTenants |% {Write-Host $_.Name}
Write-Host including writing variables in strings and piping variables into ConvertTo-Json and writing the result embedded in a string
Powershell - Lesson 2
Types - The type is in `[]`. The Static Member Invocation operator is `::`. The Static method name is on the Right.
Switch (and assigning it to a variable)
Literal strings: `@" "@`
ConvertTo-Json / ConvertFrom-Json (LazyJsonExample.ps1)
Creating custom classes `add-type @" public class
Invoke-WebRequest (More work to get the entire response)
Talking to RavenDb
GRC Commandlets
Powershell - Lesson 3
" vs '
` - escape character (Line breaks, including " inside a double quoted string, `n for newline)
, operator: make an array: `$array = 1, 2, 3` or `$array = ,1`
. - Invoke operator
& - Call operator
param ( ... )
Writing commandlets
Paging Raven Results
Powershell - Lesson 4 (Guest speaker: Doug Lewis)
DSC - Desired State Configuration
Powershell - Lesson 5
UTF-8 Encoding
Updating raven documents
Powershell - Lesson 6
Remote scripting
Configure locally to allow outgoing scripts: (Run as admin)
> cd wsman:
> Set-Item .\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value * #allows remote scripts to run on any destination
Configure remotely to allow Windows Remote Management:
> winrm quickconfig
> Enable-PSRemoting
> Invoke-Command -ComputerName goby-qa -ScriptBlock { $env:computername } -Credential dev\rborck
WMI Objects
[CmdletBinding], [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
Other notes:
Starting and monitoring Jobs? (DSC?)
Forgiving variable usage gotchas in powershell
$doug = 5
write "$($doog+5)"
Unzip a zip file:
$zip = $shell.NameSpace("C:\Provisioning\")
$zip.items() | % { $shell.Namespace("$buildAgentBasePath").copyhere($_) }
Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Remove-Module *; $error.Clear(); Clear-Host
AD Commandlets, SQL CmdLets, Services CmdLets, MSMQ Cmdlets
Powershells version of Lamda's
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