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Last active July 14, 2019 14:06
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Create new firefox profile for pwa:

  • firefox -P then on gui add a new profile named "app"

Before we edit/create userChrome.css, we first have to make sure it is enabled.
userChrome.css is by default disabled on firefox >= 86:

  • in about:config set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true to enable userChrome.css

Edit/create userChrome.css:

  • cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.app/
  • mkdir chrome
  • vim chrome/userChrome.css and set content to something like this:
 * Do not remove the @namespace line -- it's required for correct functioning
@namespace url(""); /* set default namespace to XUL */

 * Hide tab bar, navigation bar and scrollbars
 * !important may be added to force override, but not necessary
 * #content is not necessary to hide scroll bars
#TabsToolbar {visibility: collapse;}
#navigator-toolbox {visibility: collapse;}
browser {margin-right: -14px; margin-bottom: -14px;}

Now you can create your shortcut that runs e.g. firefox -P app

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