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Last active May 28, 2020 19:09
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Sample code to use Dask to view a tiling of .tif files. See comment for usage.
Author: Robert Cudmore
Date: 20200528
Open a Napari viewer for a grid of _ch1.tif and _ch2.tif files
This is using dask arrays and blocks
Command Line Usage
Modify parameters in __main__ block and run with
Using in a custon script
import myDaskNapari
myGridParams = myDaskNapari.getDaskGridDict()
myGridParams['path'] = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/nathan/20200518'
myGridParams['prefixStr'] = '20200518__A01_G001_'
myGridParams['channelList'] = [1, 2]
myGridParams['commonShape'] = (64,512,512)
myGridParams['commonVoxelSize'] = (1, 0.621480865, 0.621480865)
myGridParams['trimPercent'] = 15
myGridParams['trimPixels'] = None # calculated
myGridParams['nRow'] = 8
myGridParams['nCol'] = 6
import os, sys, math, json
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import tifffile
import dask
import dask.array as da
import napari
def myFileRead(filename,commonShape, trimPixels):
File loading triggered from dask from_delayed and delayed
handle missing files in dask array by returning correct shape
if os.path.isfile(filename):
stackData = tifffile.imread(filename)
stackData = np.zeros(commonShape, dtype=np.uint8)
if trimPixels is not None:
thisHeight = stackData.shape[1] - trimPixels
thisWidth = stackData.shape[2] - trimPixels
stackData = stackData[:, 0:thisHeight, 0:thisWidth]
return stackData
def myGetBlock(path, prefixStr, finalPrefixStr, commonShape, trimPercent, trimPixels, nRow, nCol, channel):
Get a dask block representing a tile/grid of .tif files
Assuming acquisition follows a snake pattern, for example
path: path to raw folder with _ch1 and _ch2 .tif files
like '/Users/cudmore/box/data/nathan/20200518'
like '20200518__A01_G001_'
finalPrefixStr: used for computed analysis in analysis2/
like 'finalMask'
commonShape: tuple of (slices, x pixels, yPixels)
like (64,512,512)
trimPercent: Integer of percent overlap
trimPixels: Number of pixels to remove in lower/right of x/y to remove grid overlap
Pass None to calculate from trimPercent
nRow, nCol: number of rows and columns in the grid
channel: channel number, either 1 or 2
A dask block of (nRow, nCol)
A dask block is really a numpy ndarray of shape:
(commonShape[0], commonShape[1]*nRow, commonShape[2]*nCol)
if finalPrefixStr:
finalPrefixStr = '_' + finalPrefixStr
if channel == 1:
postfixStr = '_ch1' + finalPrefixStr + '.tif'
elif channel == 2:
postfixStr = '_ch2' + finalPrefixStr + '.tif'
elif channel == 3:
postfixStr = '_ch3' + finalPrefixStr + '.tif'
print('error: myGetBlock() got bad channel:', channel)
common_dtype = np.uint8 # assuming all stack are 8-bit
# trip bottom/right (e.g. x/y) of common stack shape
if trimPixels is None:
trimPixels = math.floor( trimPercent * commonShape[1] / 100 )
trimPixels = math.floor(trimPixels / 2)
if trimPixels > 0:
commonShape = (commonShape[0], commonShape[1]-trimPixels, commonShape[2]-trimPixels)
# make nRow X nCol grid of integers
tmpIntegerGrid = np.arange(1,nRow*nCol+1) # Values are generated within the half-open interval [start, stop)
tmpIntegerGrid = np.reshape(tmpIntegerGrid, (nRow, nCol))
# reverse numbers in every other row (to replicate 'snake' image acquisition)
integerGrid = tmpIntegerGrid.copy()
integerGrid[1::2] = tmpIntegerGrid[1::2,::-1]
# make a list of file names following order of snake pattern in integerGrid
filenames = [prefixStr + str(x).zfill(4) + postfixStr for x in integerGrid.ravel()]
filenames = [os.path.join(path, x) for x in filenames]
# check that all files exist, display will fail when loading file that does not exist
for idx, file in enumerate(filenames):
if not os.path.isfile(file):
print('error: myGetBlock() did not find file:', file)
#lazy_arrays = [dask.delayed(tifffile.imread)(fn) for fn in filenames]
lazy_arrays = [dask.delayed(myFileRead)(fn, commonShape, trimPixels) for fn in filenames]
lazy_arrays = [da.from_delayed(x, shape=commonShape, dtype=common_dtype)
for x in lazy_arrays]
# reshape 1d list into list of lists (nCol items list per nRow lists)
lazy_arrays = [lazy_arrays[i:i+nCol] for i in range(0, len(lazy_arrays), nCol)]
# make a block
x = da.block(lazy_arrays)
return x
def getDaskGridDict():
Used by external scripts
myGridParams = OrderedDict()
# file info
myGridParams['path'] = ''
myGridParams['prefixStr'] = ''
myGridParams['finalPostfixStr'] = ''
# stack info
myGridParams['channelList'] = [] # e.g. [1,2] or [1] or [2]
myGridParams['commonShape'] = None # pixels (slices, x, y)
myGridParams['commonVoxelSize'] = None # voxel size in um/pixel (slices, x, y)
# grid info
# percent of overlap between tiles, final trim pixels is
myGridParams['trimPercent'] = 15
myGridParams['trimPixels'] = None
# size of the grid
myGridParams['nRow'] = None
myGridParams['nCol'] = None
return myGridParams
def openDaskNapari(myGridParams):
Given grid parameters corresponding to _ch1 and _ch2 stacks in folder (path)
1) construct a dask block with all files
2) open a Napari viewer
print(json.dumps(myGridParams, indent=4))
# extract information from myGridParams
path = myGridParams['path']
prefixStr = myGridParams['prefixStr']
finalPostfixStr = myGridParams['finalPostfixStr'] # always '' for raw data
channelList = myGridParams['channelList']
commonShape = myGridParams['commonShape']
commonVoxelSize = myGridParams['commonVoxelSize']
trimPercent = myGridParams['trimPercent']
trimPixels = myGridParams['trimPixels']
nRow = myGridParams['nRow']
nCol = myGridParams['nCol']
rawBlockList = []
for channel in channelList:
rawBlock = myGetBlock(path, prefixStr, finalPostfixStr, commonShape, trimPercent, trimPixels, nRow, nCol, channel=channel)
# for napari
tmpPath, windowTitle = os.path.split(path)
scale = commonVoxelSize
# napari
with napari.gui_qt():
viewer = napari.Viewer(title='dask: ' + windowTitle)
for idx, rawBlock in enumerate(rawBlockList):
channelIdx = channelList[idx]
if channelIdx == 1:
color = 'green'
elif channelIdx == 2:
color = 'red'
minContrast = 0
maxContrast = 255
name = 'ch' + str(channelIdx) + ' raw'
myImageLayer = viewer.add_image(rawBlock, scale=scale, colormap=color,
contrast_limits=(minContrast, maxContrast), opacity=0.6, visible=True,
if __name__ == '__main__':
# specify parameters for a given folder with a grid
# file info
path = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/nathan/20200518'
prefixStr = '20200518__A01_G001_'
# stack info
channelList = [1, 2]
commonShape = (64,512,512)
commonVoxelSize = (1, 0.621480865, 0.621480865)
# grid info
trimPercent = 15
nRow = 8
nCol = 6
# main
trimPixels = None
#trimPixels = math.floor( trimPercent * commonShape[1] / 100 )
#trimPixels = math.floor(trimPixels / 2)
myGridParams = OrderedDict()
myGridParams['path'] = path
myGridParams['prefixStr'] = prefixStr
myGridParams['finalPostfixStr'] = '' #finalPostfixStr # always empty for raw data
myGridParams['channelList'] = channelList
myGridParams['commonShape'] = commonShape
myGridParams['commonVoxelSize'] = commonVoxelSize
myGridParams['trimPercent'] = trimPercent
myGridParams['trimPixels'] = trimPixels
myGridParams['nRow'] = nRow
myGridParams['nCol'] = nCol
import myDaskNapari
myGridParams = myDaskNapari.getDaskGridDict()
myGridParams['path'] = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/nathan/20200518'
myGridParams['prefixStr'] = '20200518__A01_G001_'
myGridParams['channelList'] = [1, 2]
myGridParams['commonShape'] = (64,512,512)
myGridParams['commonVoxelSize'] = (1, 0.621480865, 0.621480865)
myGridParams['trimPercent'] = 15
myGridParams['trimPixels'] = None # calculated
myGridParams['nRow'] = 8
myGridParams['nCol'] = 6
This (17,7) grid is SUPER SLOW on my home machine, thus I tweaked it to (12,7)
import myDaskNapari
myGridParams = myDaskNapari.getDaskGridDict()
myGridParams['path'] = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/nathan/20200519'
myGridParams['prefixStr'] = '20200519__A01_G001_'
myGridParams['channelList'] = [1, 2]
myGridParams['commonShape'] = (62,512,512)
myGridParams['commonVoxelSize'] = (1, 0.621480865, 0.621480865)
myGridParams['trimPercent'] = 15
myGridParams['trimPixels'] = None # calculated
myGridParams['nRow'] = 12 #17
myGridParams['nCol'] = 7
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cudmore commented May 28, 2020

Download all three files (using provided names), tweak parameters in to point to a local hard-drive folder with _ch1.tif and _ch2.tif.

Make sure path, prefixStr, stack shape (commonShape), voxel size (commonVoxelSize), and nRow and nCol are correct.

Run in a virtual environment

python -m venv dask_env
source dask_env/bin/activate
pip install tifffile
pip install numpy
pip install dask
pip install napari

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