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Created August 8, 2017 20:22
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Python script to blind all files in a folder by making a new copy with a random name
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
Author: Robert H Cudmore
Date: 20170807
- For each file in a folder, make a copy with a scrambled name.
- Preserve the file extension
- Print out the mapping from each source file to its new scrambled file name
- Save the source file to scrambled file mapping in a .txt file
Be sure to keep the output so you can reverse the scramble back to the original name.
import os, datetime
from shutil import copyfile
from random import sample
from Tkinter import *
import Tkinter, Tkconstants, tkFileDialog
# options
dstFolderName = 'scrambled'
dstFilePrefix = 's_'
maximumFiles = 9999
zeroPadding = len(str(maximumFiles))
def do_scramble():
# get the source folder from user
root = Tk() = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title='Please select a directory with your source files to scramble')
srcFolder =
# make the output directory
dstFolder = os.path.join(srcFolder,dstFolderName)
if not os.path.exists(dstFolder):
print '=== Start ======================================================================'
print ' was run on',
print ' srcFolder:', srcFolder
print ' dstFolder:', dstFolder
# make a list of files we will scramble, skipping directories and files that start with '.'
files = []
for file in os.listdir(srcFolder):
filepath = os.path.join(srcFolder,file)
if not os.path.isfile(filepath) or file.startswith('.'):
numfiles = len(files)
if numfiles > maximumFiles:
print "=== ERROR: This script only works with a maximum of", maximumFiles, "files. Please modify 'maximumFiles' and try again."
return 0
# generate a list of numfiles random numbers [0..myRange] without repeats
scramblednumbers = sample(range(maximumFiles), numfiles)
# make a string of length zeroPadding from scrambled numbers
scrambledstrings = [str(scramblednumber).zfill(zeroPadding) for scramblednumber in scramblednumbers]
outLines = []
# copy each file in srcFolder to a new scrambled name in dstFolder
for i, file in enumerate(files):
# source file we will copy
src = srcFolder + '/' + file
# make the random str length zeroPAdding
#randomStr = str(scramblednumbers[i])
#randomStr = randomStr.zfill(zeroPadding)
# get the base file name and file extension of file
basefilename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file)
# destination file (has scrambled name)
dstFile = dstFilePrefix + scrambledstrings[i] + file_extension
dst = os.path.join(dstFolder, dstFile)
outLine = 'file ' + str(i+1) + ' of ' + str(numfiles) + ', src:' + src + ', dst:' + dst
print outLine
# do the copy
copyfile(src, dst)
# save results in a file in srcFolder
outfilelog = os.path.join(srcFolder, 'scrambled_' +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') + '.txt')
print 'Saving output log file to:', outfilelog
with open(outfilelog, "w") as outputFile:
for line in outLines:
outputFile.write(line + '\n')
print '=== Done ======================================================================'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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