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Last active January 31, 2020 12:51
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Riak-KV dumper

Export a riak-kv node's objects to a file tree.


Given that:

  • A desire to have a tangible representation of a riak-kv's node's content á la mysqldump exists;
  • Existing tools that could fulfil the above, all fail in one way or another. That is:
    • Every incantation that I could think of of

      riak-admin backup <node> <cookie> <filename> [node|all]

      ... produced, apart from this depreciation warning:

      riak-admin backup has been deprecated and its use is not recommended. Please see the documentation for more information on how to safely backup a cluster.

      ... exactly zero files.


      git clone
      cd riak-data-migrator
      mvn clean
      mvn package
      cd target
      java -jar riak-data-migrator-0.2.9.jar -h
      Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException
            at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
            at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
          ... 7 more

      npm install -g riak-bucket-exporter
      /usr/local/bin/riak-bucket-exporter -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/riak-bucket-exporter/bin/riak-bucket-exporter.js
      > wtf8@0.2.0 install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/riak-bucket-exporter/node_modules/wtf8
      > node-gyp rebuild
        CXX(target) Release/
      In file included from ../
      In file included from ../../nan/nan.h:74:
      ../../nan/nan_new.h:23:43: error: no member named 'Handle' in namespace 'v8'
      template <typename T> v8::Local<T> To(v8::Handle<v8::Integer> i);
      fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
      20 errors generated.
      make: *** [Release/] Error 1
      gyp ERR! build error
      gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
      gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:194:23)
      npm ERR! Failed at the wtf8@0.2.0 install script.
      npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
      npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
      npm ERR!     /Users/david/.npm-cache/_logs/2020-01-24T12_11_00_858Z-debug.log

... I ultimately resorted to concoct the shell script included below;



There are no command line arguments to supply; parameterization is purely driven by environment variables. These, and their defaults are:


So, a compeletely parameterized invocation could look like: PORT=1234 BUCKET_TYPE=cusomt-bt

This will create a file tree in the current working directory, conforming to this pattern:


... where head and body will contain the corresponding sections of the response to the HTTP request below:

GET /types/${BUCKET_TYPE}/buckets/${BUCKET}/keys/${KEY}

The script will simply walk the listed buckets and their keys to fetch each object and store it as described above;

Knowing available bucket types

Curiously, riak-kv's HTTP API does not seem to provide a means to list available bucket-types; so, to discover these, one could:

riak-admin bucket-type list

The script doesn't bother to do walk these as well but one could easily wrap a loop around the output of the above to achieve that:

( export BUCKET_TYPE;  while IFS='' read BUCKET_TYPE ;  do ;  done < <( riak-admin bucket-type list | sed -e 's/\s*(active)//' ))

Note this implies that be run on the machine that hosts the riak-kv node; (and you probably should sudo riak-admin ... too).


The script is only as complete as I currently need it to be. There's probably "some" ground left to cover.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Some UNIX-es do not allow arguments beyond the shebang line's first, so any
## shell options should be set explicitly instead, like so:
## Exit immediately when any command fails.
set -e
## Define utils;
uri_encode ()
jq --slurp --raw-input --raw-output '.[0:-1]|@uri' <<<"${1}"
list_fetch ()
curl --silent -- "${1}?${2}=true" | jq --raw-output ".${2}[] | @uri"
object_fetch ()
local OBJECT_URL="${2}/${1}"
local OBJECT_PATH="${3}/${1}"
( mkdir -p -- "${OBJECT_PATH}" \
&& cd -- "${OBJECT_PATH}" \
&& echo "${OBJECT_URL}" \
&& curl --dump-header head --output body -- "${OBJECT_URL}"
## Set defaults;
## Sanity checks;
## These values must be defined and non-empty:
[[ -n "${HOST:?}" ]]
[[ -n "${PORT:?}" ]]
[[ -n "${BUCKET_TYPE:?}" ]]
## Encode;
HOST_ENCODED=$( uri_encode "${HOST}" )
PORT_ENCODED=$( uri_encode "${PORT}" )
## It would seem that no HTTP API exists for listing all bucket types; instead one can do:
## ```bash
## riak-admin bucket-type list
## ```
## Go:
while IFS='' read -r BUCKET_ENCODED; do
while IFS='' read -r KEY_ENCODED; do
object_fetch \
"${URL_KEYS}" \
done < <( list_fetch "${URL_KEYS}" keys )
done < <( list_fetch "${URL_BUCKETS}" buckets )
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