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Created May 7, 2015 17:04
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Weather App in Clisp
(require :drakma)
(require :cl-ppcre)
(defvar *weather-url* ""
"The url we'll be going to, to get the weather information")
(defun starts-with (regexp string)
"Checks to see if a string starts
with the given regexp"
(eq (search regexp string) 0))
; Gets the weather
; from nws
; and parses away the HTML
; in the hackiest way possible
(defun get-weather ()
(let ((response (drakma:http-request *weather-url*)))
(let ((input-stream (make-string-input-stream response)))
; We
(loop for line = (read-line input-stream nil)
while line do (if
(starts-with "<b>" line) (starts-with "</table>" line))
(format t "~a ~%" (progn (dolist (x (list "<\/table>" "<\/b>" "<b>" "<br>"))
(setq line (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "\<.*?\>" line "")))
(eval line))))))))
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