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Created March 5, 2015 15:47
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precision test for Torch7 and new hardware
--[[ precision-test
Compare precision of hardware and software implementation
run with: qlua precision-network.lua
require 'nn'
require 'pl'
require 'image'
local iC = 1 -- input channel
local iH = 128 -- input size
local iW = iH
local kC = 4 -- nb kernels
local kH = 3 -- kernel size
local kW = kH
local pH = 2 -- pool size
local pW = pH
-- define network and weights
network = nn.Sequential()
network:add(nn.SpatialConvolutionMM(iC, kC, kH, kW))
-- network:add(nn.Threshold())
-- network:add(nn.SpatialMaxPooling(pH, pW, pH, pW))
for i = 1, kC do
-- use lena as an input
local lena_red = image.lena()[1]
local lena_byte = image.scale(lena_red,iW,iH):resize(1,iH,iW):mul(256):byte()
local lena_sw = image.scale(lena_red,iW,iH):resize(1,iH,iW):expand(iC,iH,iW)
local lena_hw = torch.repeatTensor(lena_byte,iC,1,1)
-- parse network
local dst_sw = network:forward(lena_sw)
local dst_hw = network:forward(lena_sw) -- replace this with new library functions!
-- print output
print('==> Precision test')
local precision = 5
local coordinate = 20
local function trunc(x)
return math.floor(x*math.pow(10,precision)+.5)/math.pow(10,precision)
for i = 1, kC do
local sw = trunc(dst_sw[i][coordinate][coordinate])
local hw = trunc(dst_hw[i][coordinate][coordinate])
local diff = trunc(math.abs(sw-hw))
print('output['..i..']: ', 'CPU = ', sw, 'FPGA = ', hw, 'DIFF = ', diff)
-- display output
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