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Last active March 29, 2016 04:49
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Save cunneen/d2f3842ae0240d8ab747 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A very rough bash script to replace meteor cordova tarball URLs with a private NPM reference. Use together with sinopia.
# Run this from the meteor application folder. It's assumed that the git root is somewhere
# ABOVE the meteor application folder. If your meteor application root *is* the git root,
# review this code very carefully as I've not tested it in such cases.
# It downloads all meteor cordova tarball and https plugins, and registers them
# with the npm registry. I use this with a private registry (sinopia).
# It then updates the meteor cordova plugin registry with a reference to the npm registry.
gitbase="`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`"
if [ ! -d .meteor ]; then
echo "you need to run this from your meteor project."
exit 1;
#plugman must be installed
command -v plugman >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "I require plugman but it's not installed. Aborting." >&2; exit 1; }
#check that npm registry is not default
npmregistry=`npm config get registry`
if [ ${npmregistry} == "" ]; then
echo "Your npm registry is set to the default."
echo "You need to publish to your own private npm registry. Install and run Sinopia:"
echo -e " npm install -g sinopia\n\n"
echo "Then set the npm registry before running this script (and keep it set when running meteor):"
echo " npm config set registry http://localhost:4873/"
echo " npm config set ca null"
echo " npm adduser"
exit 2;
if [[ ! -z $(git status -s) ]]; then
echo "Your git repository has changes. You MUST run this on a clean repository."
echo "Commit your changes first, then re-run."
git status -s
exit 2;
mkdir -p "${destfolderpath}"
cd "$destfolderpath"
gitRelativePath=`pwd | sed "s|${gitbase}/||"`
# call like this: downloadAndPublish "${i}" "${tarball}" "${giturl}" "${giturlnaked}" "${localname}" "${pluginid}" "${sha}"
function downloadAndPublish() {
echo -e "============\n" \
"PLUGIN:$i\n" \
"tarball:$tarballurl\n" \
"giturl:$giturl\n" \
"giturlnaked:$giturlnaked\n" \
"localname:$localname\n" \
"pluginid:$pluginid\n" \
"sha:$sha\n" \
# clean the destination if it already exists
if [ -d "${destfolderpath}/${localname}" ]; then
rm -rf "${destfolderpath}/${localname}"
# Get the module from git and add it as a submodule of this repo
echo -e "adding git submodule ${localname}\n\n"
cd ${gitbase}
git submodule add "${giturl}" "./${gitRelativePath}/${localname}" && \
git submodule update --init --recursive --force && \
cd "${gitbase}/${gitRelativePath}/${localname}" && \
git checkout "${sha}"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Git submodule / checkout didn't work"
cleanupAndExit 3
# Ensure we have a package.json
# cd "${destfoldername}/${localname}"
if [ ! -f package.json ]; then
if [ -f plugin.xml ]; then
echo -e "\n-------\n"
echo "Generating package.json from plugin.xml."
echo "It's a good idea to use the cordova plugin ID ${pluginid} as the package name. "
echo "git url is: ${giturl}"
echo "Stick with defaults in other cases."
plugman createpackagejson .
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Couldn't create package.json for ./${gitRelativePath}/${localname}"
cleanupAndExit 4
echo "No package.json, and can't find plugin.xml to generage package.json from"
echo "(in folder `pwd`)"
cleanupAndExit 5;
# We need to discover the version number in the package.json
version=`node -pe 'JSON.parse(process.argv[1]).version' "$(cat package.json)"`
packagename=`node -pe 'JSON.parse(process.argv[1]).name' "$(cat package.json)"`
# Let's publish
echo "publishing ${packagename}@${version}"
npm publish .
if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Couldn't publish plugin for ./${gitRelativePath}/${localname}"
echo "when trying to publish ${packagename}@${version}"
echo "trying to unpublish and republish"
npm unpublish ${packagename}@${version}
npm publish .
if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Couldn't publish plugin for ./${gitRelativePath}/${localname}"
echo "when trying to publish ${packagename}@${version}"
cleanupAndExit 5
cd "${meteordir}"
echo "replacing meteor cordova git reference with local sinopia reference..."
meteor remove "cordova:${pluginid}" && \
meteor add "cordova:${packagename}@${version}"
cd "${destfolderpath}"
function cleanupAndExit() {
# we do a hard git reset.
cd "${gitbase}"
git reset --hard
# cleanup the .git/modules folder
echo "You probably want to clean up the git modules:"
echo "rm -rf ${gitbase}/.git/modules/${destfoldername}"
echo ""
echo "You should also clean up the cordova plugins that were downloaded."
echo "rm -rf ${destfolderpath}"
echo ""
echo "Also you need to unpublish any npm publications before re-running:"
echo "npm unpublish package_name@version"
echo "see http://localhost:4873 for a list (if using sinopia)"
exit $1
# download the plugin tarballs
for i in `grep tarball ${meteordir}/.meteor/cordova-plugins`;
#for i in "";
tarballurl=`echo $i | cut -d@ -f2`
giturl=`echo $tarballurl | sed "s/\/tarball\/.*/.git/"`
giturlnaked=`echo $giturl | sed "s/\.git$//"` # without the .git suffix
localname=`echo $giturlnaked | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev`
sha=`echo $i | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev`
pluginid=`echo $i | cut -d@ -f1`
downloadAndPublish "${i}" "${tarball}" "${giturl}" "${giturlnaked}" "${localname}" "${pluginid}" "${sha}"
# Download the https cordova plugins.
# for i in
for i in `grep @https ${meteordir}/.meteor/cordova-plugins | grep -v tarball`;
giturl=`echo $i | cut -f2 -d@ | sed "s/#.*//"`
giturlnaked=`echo $giturl | sed "s/\.git$//"`
localname=`echo $giturlnaked | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev`
sha=`echo $i | rev | cut -d# -f1 | rev`
pluginid=`echo $i | cut -d@ -f1`
downloadAndPublish "${i}" "${tarball}" "${giturl}" "${giturlnaked}" "${localname}" "${pluginid}" "${sha}"
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