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Last active April 5, 2023 03:08
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Pagination React Bootstrap Responsive (Show 3 dots)
.pagination {
margin-top: 2rem;
margin: 0 5px ;
line-height: 1;
color: var(--color-1);
padding: 0;
border-top-right-radius:unset !important;
border-bottom-right-radius:unset !important;
border: none;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
color: #181818;
background: unset;
background: var(--color-4);
border-radius: 4px !important;
import { memo, useMemo } from 'react';
const ITEM_PER_BLOCK = 3;
const COUNT_PER_SIDE = Math.floor(ITEM_PER_BLOCK / 2);
interface Props {
totalPage: number;
currentPage: number;
onChangePage: (page: number) => void;
const Pagination = memo(({ totalPage, currentPage, onChangePage }: Props) => {
const countRightSide =
? ITEM_PER_BLOCK - currentPage
: currentPage > totalPage - COUNT_PER_SIDE
? totalPage - currentPage
const countLeftSide = ITEM_PER_BLOCK - countRightSide - 1;
const listPaginationAvailable = useMemo(
() =>
totalPage <= ITEM_PER_BLOCK
? [ Array(totalPage).fill(0).map((_, index) => index + 1)]
: [ Array(countLeftSide)
.map((_, index) => currentPage - (index + 1)),
currentPage, Array(countRightSide)
.map((_, index) => currentPage + (index + 1)),
].sort((a, b) => a - b),
[countLeftSide, countRightSide, currentPage, totalPage],
const isShowJumpLeft = listPaginationAvailable[0] - 1 > 1;
const isShowJumpRight =
listPaginationAvailable[listPaginationAvailable.length - 1] + 1 < totalPage;
const onSetCurrentPage = page => onChangePage(page);
const getJumpPrevBlock = () => {
const newCurrentPage = currentPage - ITEM_PER_BLOCK;
if (newCurrentPage > 1) onSetCurrentPage(newCurrentPage);
else onSetCurrentPage(1);
const getJumpNextBlock = () => {
const newCurrentPage = currentPage + ITEM_PER_BLOCK;
if (newCurrentPage < totalPage) onSetCurrentPage(newCurrentPage);
else onSetCurrentPage(totalPage);
const onPrevPage = () => {
if (currentPage - 1 > 0) onSetCurrentPage(currentPage - 1);
const onNextPage = () => {
if (currentPage + 1 < totalPage + 1) onSetCurrentPage(currentPage + 1);
return (
!!totalPage && (
<nav aria-label="Page navigation example">
<ul className="pagination justify-content-center mb-0 flex-wrap">
<li className={`page-item ${currentPage === 1 ? 'disabled' : ''}`}>
<span className="page-link --link" onClick={onPrevPage}>
<i className="fa-solid fa-angles-left" />
{!listPaginationAvailable.includes(1) && (
<li className="page-item" onClick={() => onSetCurrentPage(1)}>
<span className="--link page-link">1</span>
{isShowJumpLeft && (
<li className="page-item" onClick={() => getJumpPrevBlock()}>
<span className="page-link --link">•••</span>
{listPaginationAvailable?.map((item, index) => (
onClick={() => onSetCurrentPage(item)}
className={`--link page-link ${
currentPage === item ? 'active' : ''
{isShowJumpRight && (
<li className="page-item" onClick={() => getJumpNextBlock()}>
<span className="page-link --link">•••</span>
{!listPaginationAvailable.includes(totalPage) && (
onClick={() => onSetCurrentPage(totalPage)}
<span className="--link page-link">{totalPage}</span>
className={`page-item ${
currentPage === totalPage ? 'disabled' : ''
<span className="page-link --link" onClick={onNextPage}>
<i className="fa-solid fa-angles-right" />
export default Pagination;
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Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 10 03 49

Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 10 02 47

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