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Last active December 12, 2015 03:58
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Scrappy Post

Something we started doing just this week, and plan on continuing moving forward, is tackling "warm-up" problems. This reminds me of middle school math class. These are relatively simple programming problems that are solved via group-pairing.

Group-pairing is where the entire group participates in solving the problem. One person is designated as the coder. S/he displays her/his laptop on the conference room TV (via an Apple TV). The group then discusses the problem, and codes up a solution together.

Often this leads into side discussions about various programming techniques, tips, tricks, etc. It's a good time for all. Everyone at different experience levels walks away with something new.

Last week we started tackling the Project Euler problems. Up first was Even Fibonacci numbers. This appeared to be a relatively straight forward problem. The first solution that was attempted looked a bit like:

a = 1
b = 1
sum = 0
while b < 4_000_000
  a = b
  b = a + b
  if b.even?
    sum = sum + b
puts sum

However, this produced an incorrect result. Upon further investigation, the bug was in lines 5 and 6. Due to the order of the statements the value of a gets overwritten, before it can be added to b. The evaluation looks a bit like this:

a = 1; b = 1    # Before loop
a = 1; b = 2    # 1st pass
a = 2; b = 4    # 2nd pass
a = 4; b = 8    # 3rd pass

So to fix this, the group replaced those two lines of code with:

tmp = b
b = a + b
a = tmp

Now when things get evaluated, it looks like:

a = 1; b = 1; tmp = nil    # Before loop
a = 1; b = 2; tmp = 1      # 1st pass
a = 2; b = 3; tmp = 2      # 2nd pass
a = 3; b = 5; tmp = 3      # 3rd pass

This lead into a side discussion about some Ruby idioms. Namely, chained assignment. We were able to replace these three lines of code with one:

a, b = b, a+b

This will do exactly as you expect. It helps to understand what Ruby is doing behind the scenes. In essence, it's evaluating and storing the right-hand-side (rhs as it is commonly seen in error messages). Then it uses the splat to dereference the values and assign them in turn. Think of it as:

tmp = [b, a+b]
a, b = *tmp

Additionally, we talked about the if and unless one-liners. These are great ways to shorten up the code. Our final solution, took the form:

a = b = 1
sum = 0
while b < 4_000_000
  a, b = b, a+b
  sum += b if b.even?
puts sum

While this is a good solution. It wasn't very re-useable. So to make it more re-useable we wrapped it in a method:

def even_fibonnaci_sum(upper_limit)
  a = b = 1
  sum = 0
  while b < upper_limit
    a, b = b, a+b
    sum += b if b.even?

That's great. Now we can re-use it anywhere, and we are no longer locked into a 4_000_000 cap. However, the Fibonnaci sequence is very common. And this method doesn't let us re-use that.

So at this point we took a step back, and asked: "What is the code that I wish I could write?".

The answer looked something like:


Oh snaaaaap! A one-liner. And it's very clear what we are doing. In English, this would read: "For Fibonnaci numbers up to 4,000,000. Take the even numbers and sum them."

Sadly, there is no Fibonnaci number generator, but we can build sequences. In fact the Ruby docs show an example of how to create one Fibonacci Generator.

So we coded one up:

def Fibonnaci do |y|
    a = b = 1
    loop do
      y << a
      a, b = b, a + b

Great! We have an Enumerator, but there's no upto. So we created one:

module Sequentially
  def upto(limit, &block)
    enum = do |y|
      each do |num|
        break unless num < limit
        y << num

    block ? enum.each(&block) : enum

And updated the Fibonnaci generator accordingly:

def Fibonnaci{ |y|
    # see above for meat
  }.extend Sequentially

Sweet! select will work just fine. However, sum doesn't exist (at least not outside Rails). So, let's patch that in.

module Enumerable
  def sum

So this final solution is a lot longer. However, it is composed of very re-usable parts that we can continue to use for more Project Euler puzzles. Put that all together and you have the elegant solution:

module Enumerable
  def sum

module Sequentially
  def upto(limit, &block)
    enum = do |y|
      each do |num|
        break unless num < limit
        y << num

    block ? enum.each(&block) : enum

def Fibonnaci{ |y|
    a = b = 1
    loop do
      y << a
      a, b = b, a + b
  }.extend Sequentially

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csigg commented Feb 5, 2013

I'd always viewed the 'chained assignment' tool as a lazy way of removing an extra line of code. I liked how the exercise highlighted its use in making multiple assignments without the need for temporary variables.

The design of the code in the final example seems to follow the practice of 'single responsibility' which I've been reading about in the first chapters of Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby (Metz). When functions are performing more than one purpose extract the code into separate methods to increase reusability (a good habit even if the program is currently small and simple).

Great session Aaron!

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