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Created March 27, 2020 14:24
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Python string.partition() example
# Demonstrates string.partition() to split a string by a sequence of delimiters.
# Not terribly useful, can do with regex pretty easily.
s = "apple AND banana AND cherry AND date OR elderberry BUT fig"
delims = [" AND "]*3 + [" OR ", " BUT "]
# [' AND ', ' AND ', ' AND ', ' OR ', ' BUT ']
def splitByDelimList(str, delimList):
delims = delimList.copy()
p = str.partition(delims.pop(0))
print("p:\t", p)
tokens = [p[0]]
while p[2] and delims:
p = p[2].partition(delims.pop(0))
print("p:\t", p)
# Get p[2] if no more delims
return tokens
tokensByPartition = splitByDelimList(s, delims)
p: ('apple', ' AND ', 'banana AND cherry AND date OR elderberry BUT fig')
p: ('banana', ' AND ', 'cherry AND date OR elderberry BUT fig')
p: ('cherry', ' AND ', 'date OR elderberry BUT fig')
p: ('date', ' OR ', 'elderberry BUT fig')
p: ('elderberry', ' BUT ', 'fig')
assert tokensByPartition == ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date" , "elderberry", "fig"]
### Using regex
import re
regexDelims = '|'.join([re.escape(delim) for delim in delims])
# \ AND\ |\ AND\ |\ AND\ |\ OR\ |\ BUT\
tokensRegex = re.split(regexDelims, s)
assert tokensRegex == tokensByPartition
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