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Last active August 11, 2016 17:56
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Akiyama-Tanigawa 法によるベルヌーイ数の計算 ref:
module m_rat
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ki = selected_int_kind(15)
type :: t_rat
integer(ki) :: n, d
end type t_rat
interface operator(+)
procedure :: rat_add
end interface
interface operator(-)
procedure :: rat_sub
end interface
interface operator(*)
procedure :: rat_mul
end interface
interface operator(/)
procedure :: rat_div
end interface
pure elemental type(t_rat) function reduce(a)
type(t_rat), intent(in) :: a
reduce = t_rat(0, 1)
if (a%n == 0) return
reduce = t_rat(a%n / gcd(a%n, a%d), a%d / gcd(a%n, a%d))
reduce%n = reduce%n * sign(1_ki, reduce%d)
reduce%d = abs(reduce%d)
pure integer(ki) function gcd(ia, ib)
integer(ki), intent(in) :: ia, ib
integer(ki) :: m(2)
m = [ia, ib]
if (mod(m(2), m(1)) == 0) exit
m = [mod(m(2), m(1)), m(1)]
end do
gcd = m(1)
end function gcd
end function reduce
pure elemental type(t_rat) function rat_add(a, b)
type(t_rat), intent(in) :: a, b
rat_add = reduce( t_rat(a%n * b%d + a%d * b%n, a%d * b%d) )
end function rat_add
pure elemental type(t_rat) function rat_sub(a, b)
type(t_rat), intent(in) :: a, b
rat_sub = reduce( t_rat(a%n * b%d - a%d * b%n, a%d * b%d) )
end function rat_sub
pure elemental type(t_rat) function rat_mul(a, b)
type(t_rat), intent(in) :: a, b
rat_mul = reduce( t_rat(a%n * b%n, a%d * b%d) )
end function rat_mul
pure elemental type(t_rat) function rat_div(a, b)
type(t_rat), intent(in) :: a, b
rat_div = reduce( t_rat(a%n * b%d, a%d * b%n) )
end function rat_div
end module m_rat
program Bernoulli
use m_rat
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 32
type(t_rat) :: b(n, n)
integer(ki) :: i, j
forall(i = 1:n) b(i, 1) = t_rat(1, i)
do j = 2, n
forall(i = 1:n - j + 1) b(i, j) = t_rat(i, 1) * (b(i, j - 1) - b(i + 1, j - 1))
print '(i2.2, a, 2i30)', j, ':', b(1, j)
end do
end program Bernoulli
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