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Created March 8, 2017 01:18
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(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.ZVM = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var clone = (function() {
'use strict';
var nativeMap;
try {
nativeMap = Map;
} catch(_) {
// maybe a reference error because no `Map`. Give it a dummy value that no
// value will ever be an instanceof.
nativeMap = function() {};
var nativeSet;
try {
nativeSet = Set;
} catch(_) {
nativeSet = function() {};
var nativePromise;
try {
nativePromise = Promise;
} catch(_) {
nativePromise = function() {};
* Clones (copies) an Object using deep copying.
* This function supports circular references by default, but if you are certain
* there are no circular references in your object, you can save some CPU time
* by calling clone(obj, false).
* Caution: if `circular` is false and `parent` contains circular references,
* your program may enter an infinite loop and crash.
* @param `parent` - the object to be cloned
* @param `circular` - set to true if the object to be cloned may contain
* circular references. (optional - true by default)
* @param `depth` - set to a number if the object is only to be cloned to
* a particular depth. (optional - defaults to Infinity)
* @param `prototype` - sets the prototype to be used when cloning an object.
* (optional - defaults to parent prototype).
* @param `includeNonEnumerable` - set to true if the non-enumerable properties
* should be cloned as well. Non-enumerable properties on the prototype
* chain will be ignored. (optional - false by default)
function clone(parent, circular, depth, prototype, includeNonEnumerable) {
if (typeof circular === 'object') {
depth = circular.depth;
prototype = circular.prototype;
includeNonEnumerable = circular.includeNonEnumerable;
circular = circular.circular;
// maintain two arrays for circular references, where corresponding parents
// and children have the same index
var allParents = [];
var allChildren = [];
var useBuffer = typeof Buffer != 'undefined';
if (typeof circular == 'undefined')
circular = true;
if (typeof depth == 'undefined')
depth = Infinity;
// recurse this function so we don't reset allParents and allChildren
function _clone(parent, depth) {
// cloning null always returns null
if (parent === null)
return null;
if (depth === 0)
return parent;
var child;
var proto;
if (typeof parent != 'object') {
return parent;
if (parent instanceof nativeMap) {
child = new nativeMap();
} else if (parent instanceof nativeSet) {
child = new nativeSet();
} else if (parent instanceof nativePromise) {
child = new nativePromise(function (resolve, reject) {
parent.then(function(value) {
resolve(_clone(value, depth - 1));
}, function(err) {
reject(_clone(err, depth - 1));
} else if (clone.__isArray(parent)) {
child = [];
} else if (clone.__isRegExp(parent)) {
child = new RegExp(parent.source, __getRegExpFlags(parent));
if (parent.lastIndex) child.lastIndex = parent.lastIndex;
} else if (clone.__isDate(parent)) {
child = new Date(parent.getTime());
} else if (useBuffer && Buffer.isBuffer(parent)) {
child = new Buffer(parent.length);
return child;
} else if (parent instanceof Error) {
child = Object.create(parent);
} else {
if (typeof prototype == 'undefined') {
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(parent);
child = Object.create(proto);
else {
child = Object.create(prototype);
proto = prototype;
if (circular) {
var index = allParents.indexOf(parent);
if (index != -1) {
return allChildren[index];
if (parent instanceof nativeMap) {
var keyIterator = parent.keys();
while(true) {
var next =;
if (next.done) {
var keyChild = _clone(next.value, depth - 1);
var valueChild = _clone(parent.get(next.value), depth - 1);
child.set(keyChild, valueChild);
if (parent instanceof nativeSet) {
var iterator = parent.keys();
while(true) {
var next =;
if (next.done) {
var entryChild = _clone(next.value, depth - 1);
for (var i in parent) {
var attrs;
if (proto) {
attrs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, i);
if (attrs && attrs.set == null) {
child[i] = _clone(parent[i], depth - 1);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(parent);
for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
// Don't need to worry about cloning a symbol because it is a primitive,
// like a number or string.
var symbol = symbols[i];
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(parent, symbol);
if (descriptor && !descriptor.enumerable && !includeNonEnumerable) {
child[symbol] = _clone(parent[symbol], depth - 1);
if (!descriptor.enumerable) {
Object.defineProperty(child, symbol, {
enumerable: false
if (includeNonEnumerable) {
var allPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(parent);
for (var i = 0; i < allPropertyNames.length; i++) {
var propertyName = allPropertyNames[i];
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(parent, propertyName);
if (descriptor && descriptor.enumerable) {
child[propertyName] = _clone(parent[propertyName], depth - 1);
Object.defineProperty(child, propertyName, {
enumerable: false
return child;
return _clone(parent, depth);
* Simple flat clone using prototype, accepts only objects, usefull for property
* override on FLAT configuration object (no nested props).
* USE WITH CAUTION! This may not behave as you wish if you do not know how this
* works.
clone.clonePrototype = function clonePrototype(parent) {
if (parent === null)
return null;
var c = function () {};
c.prototype = parent;
return new c();
// private utility functions
function __objToStr(o) {
clone.__objToStr = __objToStr;
function __isDate(o) {
return typeof o === 'object' && __objToStr(o) === '[object Date]';
clone.__isDate = __isDate;
function __isArray(o) {
return typeof o === 'object' && __objToStr(o) === '[object Array]';
clone.__isArray = __isArray;
function __isRegExp(o) {
return typeof o === 'object' && __objToStr(o) === '[object RegExp]';
clone.__isRegExp = __isRegExp;
function __getRegExpFlags(re) {
var flags = '';
if ( flags += 'g';
if (re.ignoreCase) flags += 'i';
if (re.multiline) flags += 'm';
return flags;
clone.__getRegExpFlags = __getRegExpFlags;
return clone;
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = clone;
Abstract syntax trees for IF VMs
Copyright (c) 2017 The ifvms.js team
BSD licenced
'use strict';
All AST nodes must use these functions, even constants
(An exception is made for branch addresses and text literals which remain as primitives)
toString() functions are used to generate JIT code
Aside from Variable is currently generic and could be used for Glulx too
Use strict mode for new Function()?
When we can run through a whole game, test whether using common_func is faster (if its slower then not worth the file size saving)
Can we eliminate the Operand class?
Subclass Operand/Variable from Number?
Replace calls to args() with arguments.join()?
var utils = require( '../common/utils.js' ),
Class = utils.Class,
U2S = utils.U2S16,
//S2U = utils.S2U16;
// Generic/constant operand
// Value is a constant
Operand = Class.subClass({
init: function( engine, value )
this.e = engine;
this.v = value;
toString: function()
return this.v;
// Convert an Operand into a signed operand
U2S: function()
return U2S( this.v );
// Variable operand
// Value is the variable number
// TODO: unrolling is needed -> retain immediate returns if optimisations are disabled
Variable = Operand.subClass({
// Get a value
toString: function()
var variable = this.v;
// Indirect
if ( this.indirect )
return 'e.indirect(' + variable + ')';
// Stack
if ( variable === 0 )
// If we've been passed a value we're setting a variable
return 's[--e.sp]';
// Locals
if ( --variable < 15 )
return 'l[' + variable + ']';
// Globals
return 'e.m.getUint16(' + ( this.e.globals + ( variable - 15 ) * 2 ) + ')';
// Store a value
store: function( value )
var variable = this.v;
// Indirect variable
if ( this.indirect )
return 'e.indirect(' + variable + ',' + value + ')';
// BrancherStorers need the value
if ( this.returnval )
return 'e.variable(' + variable + ',' + value + ')';
// Stack
if ( variable === 0 )
// If we've been passed a value we're setting a variable
return 't=' + value + ';s[e.sp++]=t';
// Locals
if ( --variable < 15 )
return 'l[' + variable + ']=' + value;
// Globals
return 'e.ram.setUint16(' + ( this.e.globals + ( variable - 15 ) * 2 ) + ',' + value + ')';
// Convert an Operand into a signed operand
U2S: function()
return 'e.U2S(' + this + ')';
// Generic opcode
// .func() must be set, which returns what .write() will actually return; it is passed the operands as its arguments
Opcode = Class.subClass({
init: function( engine, context, code, pc, next, operands )
this.e = engine;
this.context = context;
this.code = code;
this.pc = pc;
this.labels = [ this.pc + '/' + this.code ]; = next;
this.operands = operands;
// Post-init function (so that they don't all have to call _super)
if ( )
// Write out the opcode, passing .operands to .func(), with a JS comment of the pc/opcode
toString: function()
return this.label() + ( this.func ? this.func.apply( this, this.operands ) : '' );
// Return a string of the operands separated by commas
args: function( joiner )
return this.operands.join( joiner );
// Generate a comment of the pc and code, possibly for more than one opcode
label: function()
return '/* ' + this.labels.join() + ' */ ';
// Stopping opcodes
Stopper = Opcode.subClass({
stopper: 1,
// Pausing opcodes (ie, set the pc at the end of the context)
Pauser = Stopper.subClass({
post: function()
this.origfunc = this.func;
this.func = this.newfunc;
newfunc: function()
return 'e.stop=1;e.pc=' + + ';' + this.origfunc.apply( this, arguments );
PauserStorer = Pauser.subClass({
storer: 1,
post: function()
this.storer = this.operands.pop();
this.origfunc = this.func;
this.func = this.newfunc;
// Join multiple branchers together with varying logic conditions
BrancherLogic = Class.subClass({
init: function( ops, code )
this.ops = ops || [];
this.code = code || '||';
toString: function()
var i = 0,
ops = [],
while ( i < this.ops.length )
op = this.ops[i++];
// Accept either Opcodes or further BrancherLogics
op.func ?
( op.iftrue ? '' : '!(' ) + op.func.apply( op, op.operands ) + ( op.iftrue ? '' : ')' ) :
return ( this.invert ? '(!(' : '(' ) + ops.join( this.code ) + ( this.invert ? '))' : ')' );
// Branching opcodes
Brancher = Opcode.subClass({
// Flag for the disassembler
brancher: 1,
keyword: 'if',
// Process the branch result now
post: function()
var result,
// Calculate the offset
brancher = this.operands.pop(),
offset = brancher[1];
this.iftrue = brancher[0];
// Process the offset
if ( offset === 0 || offset === 1 )
result = 'e.ret(' + offset + ')';
offset += - 2;
// Add this target to this context's list
this.context.targets.push( offset );
result = 'e.pc=' + offset;
this.result = result + ';return';
this.offset = offset;
this.cond = new BrancherLogic( [this] );
// TODO: re-enable
/*if ( this.e.options.debug )
// Stop if we must
if ( debugflags.noidioms )
// Compare with previous statement
if ( this.context.ops.length )
prev = this.context.ops.pop();
// As long as no other opcodes have an offset property we can skip the instanceof check
if ( /* prev instanceof Brancher && */ prev.offset === offset )
// Goes to same offset so reuse the Brancher arrays
this.cond.ops.unshift( prev.cond );
this.labels = prev.labels;
this.labels.push( this.pc + '/' + this.code );
this.context.ops.push( prev );
// Write out the brancher
toString: function()
var result = this.result;
// Account for Contexts
if ( result instanceof Context )
// Update the context to be a child of this context
if ( this.e.options.debug )
result.context = this.context;
result = result + ( result.stopper ? '; return' : '' );
// Extra line breaks for multi-op results
if ( this.result.ops.length > 1 )
result = '\n' + result + '\n';
if ( this.e.options.debug )
result += this.context.spacer;
// Print out a label for all included branches and the branch itself
return this.label() + this.keyword + this.cond + ' {' + result + '}';
// Brancher + Storer
BrancherStorer = Brancher.subClass({
storer: 1,
// Set aside the storer operand
post: function()
{ this );
this.storer = this.operands.pop();
this.storer.returnval = 1;
// Replace the func
this.origfunc = this.func;
this.func = this.newfunc;
newfunc: function()
return this.origfunc.apply( this, arguments ) );
// Storing opcodes
Storer = Opcode.subClass({
// Flag for the disassembler
storer: 1,
// Set aside the storer operand
post: function()
this.storer = this.operands.pop();
// Write out the opcode, passing it to the storer (if there still is one)
toString: function()
var data = this );
// If we still have a storer operand, use it
// Otherwise (if it's been removed due to optimisations) just return func()
return this.storer ? data ) : data;
// Routine calling opcodes
Caller = Stopper.subClass({
// Fake a result variable
result: { v: -1 },
// Write out the opcode
toString: function()
// TODO: Debug: include label if possible
return this.label() + '' + this.operands.shift() + ',' + this.result.v + ',' + + ',[' + this.args() + '])';
// Routine calling opcodes, storing the result
CallerStorer = Caller.subClass({
// Flag for the disassembler
storer: 1,
post: function()
// We can't let the storer be optimised away here
this.result = this.operands.pop();
// A generic context (a routine, loop body etc)
Context = Class.subClass({
init: function( engine, pc )
this.e = engine;
this.pc = pc;
this.pre = [];
this.ops = []; = [];
this.targets = []; // Branch targets
if ( engine.options.debug )
this.spacer = '';
toString: function()
if ( this.e.options.debug )
// Indent the spacer further if needed
if ( this.context )
this.spacer = this.context.spacer + ' ';
// DEBUG: Pretty print!
return this.pre.join( '' ) + ( this.ops.length > 1 ? this.spacer : '' ) + this.ops.join( ';\n' + this.spacer ) + '' );
// Return the code
return this.pre.join( '' ) + this.ops.join( ';' ) + '' );
// A routine body
RoutineContext = Context.subClass({
toString: function()
// TODO: Debug: If we have routine names, find this one's name
// Add in some extra vars and return
this.pre.unshift( 'var l=e.l,s=e.s,t=0;\n' );
return this );
// Opcode builder
// Easily build a new opcode from a class
function opcode_builder( Class, func, flags )
flags = flags || {};
if ( func )
/*if ( func.pop )
flags.str = func;
flags.func = common_func;
flags.func = func;
return Class.subClass( flags );
module.exports = {
Operand: Operand,
Variable: Variable,
Opcode: Opcode,
Stopper: Stopper,
Pauser: Pauser,
PauserStorer: PauserStorer,
BrancherLogic: BrancherLogic,
Brancher: Brancher,
BrancherStorer: BrancherStorer,
Storer: Storer,
Caller: Caller,
CallerStorer: CallerStorer,
Context: Context,
RoutineContext: RoutineContext,
opcode_builder: opcode_builder,
File classes
Copyright (c) 2016 The ifvms.js team
BSD licenced
'use strict';
var utils = require( './utils.js' ),
MemoryView = utils.MemoryView,
// A basic IFF file, to be extended later
// Currently supports buffer data
IFF = utils.Class.subClass({
init: function( data )
this.type = '';
this.chunks = [];
if ( data )
var view = MemoryView( data ),
i = 12, length, chunk_length;
// Check that it is actually an IFF file
if ( view.getFourCC( 0 ) !== 'FORM' )
throw new Error( 'Not an IFF file' );
// Parse the file
this.type = view.getFourCC( 8 );
length = view.getUint32( 4 ) + 8;
while ( i < length )
chunk_length = view.getUint32( i + 4 );
if ( chunk_length < 0 || ( chunk_length + i ) > length )
throw new Error( 'IFF chunk out of range' );
type: view.getFourCC( i ),
offset: i,
data: view.getUint8Array( i + 8, chunk_length ),
i += 8 + chunk_length;
if ( chunk_length % 2 )
write: function()
// Start with the IFF type
var buffer_len = 12, i = 0, index = 12,
out, chunk;
// First calculate the required buffer length
while ( i < this.chunks.length )
// Replace typed arrays or dataviews with their buffers
if ( this.chunks[i].data.buffer )
this.chunks[i].data = this.chunks[i].data.buffer;
this.chunks[i].length = this.chunks[i].data.byteLength || this.chunks[i].data.length;
buffer_len += 8 + this.chunks[i++].length;
if ( buffer_len % 2 )
out = MemoryView( buffer_len );
out.setFourCC( 0, 'FORM' );
out.setUint32( 4, buffer_len - 8 );
out.setFourCC( 8, this.type );
// Go through the chunks and write them out
i = 0;
while ( i < this.chunks.length )
chunk = this.chunks[i++];
out.setFourCC( index, chunk.type );
out.setUint32( index + 4, chunk.length );
out.setUint8Array( index + 8, );
index += 8 + chunk.length;
if ( index % 2 )
return out.buffer;
Blorb = IFF.subClass({
init: function( data )
{ this, data );
if ( data )
if ( this.type !== 'IFRS' )
throw new Error( 'Not a Blorb file' );
// Process the RIdx chunk to find the main exec chunk
if ( this.chunks[0].type !== 'RIdx' )
throw new Error( 'Malformed Blorb: chunk 1 is not RIdx' );
var view = MemoryView( this.chunks[0].data ),
i = 4;
while ( i < this.chunks[0].data.length )
if ( view.getFourCC( i ) === 'Exec' && view.getUint32( i + 4 ) === 0 )
this.exec = this.chunks.filter( function( chunk )
return chunk.offset === view.getUint32( i + 8 );
i += 12;
Quetzal = IFF.subClass({
// Parse a Quetzal savefile, or make a blank one
init: function( data )
{ this, data );
if ( data )
// Check this is a Quetzal savefile
if ( this.type !== 'IFZS' )
throw new Error( 'Not a Quetzal savefile' );
// Go through the chunks and extract the useful ones
var i = 0,
type, chunk_data, view;
while ( i < this.chunks.length )
type = this.chunks[i].type;
chunk_data = this.chunks[i++].data;
// Memory and stack chunks
if ( type === 'CMem' || type === 'UMem' )
this.memory = chunk_data;
this.compressed = ( type === 'CMem' );
else if ( type === 'Stks' )
this.stacks = chunk_data;
// Story file data
else if ( type === 'IFhd' )
view = MemoryView( chunk_data.buffer );
this.release = view.getUint16( 0 );
this.serial = view.getUint8Array( 2, 6 );
// The checksum isn't used, but if we throw it away we can't round-trip
this.checksum = view.getUint16( 8 );
// The pc is only a Uint24, but there's no function for that, so grab an extra byte and then discard it
this.pc = view.getUint32( 9 ) & 0xFFFFFF;
// Write out a savefile
write: function()
// Reset the IFF type
this.type = 'IFZS';
// Format the IFhd chunk correctly
var ifhd = MemoryView( 13 );
ifhd.setUint16( 0, this.release );
ifhd.setUint8Array( 2, this.serial );
ifhd.setUint32( 9, this.pc );
ifhd.setUint16( 8, this.checksum );
// Add the chunks
this.chunks = [
{ type: 'IFhd', data: ifhd },
{ type: ( this.compressed ? 'CMem' : 'UMem' ), data: this.memory },
{ type: 'Stks', data: this.stacks },
// Return the byte array
return this );
// Inspect a file and identify its format and version number
function identify( buffer )
var view = MemoryView( buffer ),
// Blorb
if ( view.getFourCC( 0 ) === 'FORM' && view.getFourCC( 8 ) === 'IFRS' )
blorb = new Blorb( buffer );
if ( blorb.exec )
format = blorb.exec.type;
buffer =;
if ( format === 'GLUL' )
view = MemoryView( buffer );
version = view.getUint32( 4 );
if ( format === 'ZCOD' )
version = buffer[0];
// Glulx
else if ( view.getFourCC( 0 ) === 'Glul' )
format = 'GLUL';
version = view.getUint32( 4 );
// Z-Code
version = view.getUint8( 0 );
if ( version > 0 && version < 9 )
format = 'ZCOD';
if ( format && version )
return {
format: format,
version: version,
data: buffer,
module.exports = {
Blorb: Blorb,
Quetzal: Quetzal,
identify: identify,
Common untility functions
Copyright (c) 2016 The ifvms.js team
BSD licenced
'use strict';
// Utility to extend objects
function extend()
var old = arguments[0], i = 1, add, name;
while ( i < arguments.length )
add = arguments[i++];
for ( name in add )
old[name] = add[name];
return old;
// Simple classes
// Inspired by John Resig's class implementation
function Class()
Class.subClass = function( props )
function newClass()
if ( this.init )
this.init.apply( this, arguments );
newClass.prototype = extend( Object.create( this.prototype ), props );
newClass.subClass = this.subClass;
newClass.super = newClass.prototype.super = this.prototype;
return newClass;
// An enhanced DataView
// Accepts an ArrayBuffer, typed array, or a length number
function MemoryView( buffer, byteOffset, byteLength )
if ( typeof buffer === 'number' )
buffer = new ArrayBuffer( buffer );
// Typed arrays
if ( buffer.buffer )
buffer = buffer.buffer;
return extend( new DataView( buffer, byteOffset, byteLength ), {
getUint8Array: function( start, length )
return new Uint8Array( this.buffer.slice( start, start + length ) );
getUint16Array: function( start, length )
// We cannot simply return a Uint16Array as most systems are little-endian
return Uint8toUint16Array( new Uint8Array( this.buffer, start, length * 2 ) );
setUint8Array: function( start, data )
if ( data instanceof ArrayBuffer )
data = new Uint8Array( data );
( new Uint8Array( this.buffer ) ).set( data, start );
//setBuffer16 NOTE: if we implement this we cannot simply set a Uint16Array as most systems are little-endian
// For use with IFF files
getFourCC: function( index )
return String.fromCharCode( this.getUint8( index ), this.getUint8( index + 1 ), this.getUint8( index + 2 ), this.getUint8( index + 3 ) );
setFourCC: function( index, text )
this.setUint8( index, text.charCodeAt( 0 ) );
this.setUint8( index + 1, text.charCodeAt( 1 ) );
this.setUint8( index + 2, text.charCodeAt( 2 ) );
this.setUint8( index + 3, text.charCodeAt( 3 ) );
} );
// Utilities for 16-bit signed arithmetic
function U2S16( value )
return value << 16 >> 16;
function S2U16 ( value )
return value & 0xFFFF;
// Utility to convert from byte arrays to word arrays
function Uint8toUint16Array( array )
var i = 0, l = array.length,
result = new Uint16Array( l / 2 );
while ( i < l )
result[i / 2] = array[i++] << 8 | array[i++];
return result;
module.exports = {
extend: extend,
Class: Class,
MemoryView: MemoryView,
U2S16: U2S16,
S2U16: S2U16,
Uint8toUint16Array: Uint8toUint16Array,
ZVM - the ifvms.js Z-Machine (versions 3-5, 8)
Copyright (c) 2017 The ifvms.js team
MIT licenced
This file is the public API of ZVM, which is based on the API of Quixe:
ZVM willfully ignores the standard in these ways:
Non-buffered output is not supported
Saving tables is not supported (yet?)
No interpreter number or version is set
Any other non-standard behaviour should be considered a bug
'use strict';
var utils = require( './common/utils.js' ),
file = require( './common/file.js' ),
default_options = {
stack_len: 100 * 1000,
undo_len: 1000 * 1000,
api = {
init: function()
// Create this here so that it won't be cleared on restart
this.jit = {};
// The Quixe API expects the start function to be named init
this.init = this.start;
prepare: function( storydata, options )
// If we are not given a glk option then we cannot continue
if ( !options.Glk )
throw new Error( 'A reference to Glk is required' );
this.Glk = options.Glk; = storydata;
this.options = utils.extend( {}, default_options, options );
start: function()
var Glk = this.Glk,
// Identify the format and version number of the data file we were given
data = file.identify( );
if ( !data || data.format !== 'ZCOD' )
throw new Error( 'This is not a Z-Code file' );
if ( [ 3, 4, 5, 8 ].indexOf( data.version ) < 0 )
throw new Error( 'Unsupported Z-Machine version: ' + data.version );
// Load the storyfile we are given into our MemoryView (an enhanced DataView)
this.m = utils.MemoryView( );
// Make a seperate MemoryView for the ram, and store the original ram
this.staticmem = this.m.getUint16( 0x0E );
this.ram = utils.MemoryView( this.m.buffer, 0, this.staticmem );
this.origram = this.m.getUint8Array( 0, this.staticmem );
// Cache the game signature
let signature = ''
let i = 0
while ( i < 0x1E )
signature += ( this.origram[i] < 0x10 ? '0' : '' ) + this.origram[i++].toString( 16 )
this.signature = signature
// Handle loading and clearing autosaves
let autorestored
const Dialog = this.options.Dialog
if ( Dialog )
if ( this.options.clear_vm_autosave )
Dialog.autosave_write( signature, null )
else if ( this.options.do_vm_autosave )
const snapshot = Dialog.autosave_read( signature )
if ( snapshot )
this.do_autorestore( snapshot )
autorestored = 1
catch (ex)
this.log( 'Autorestore failed, deleting it' )
Dialog.autosave_write( signature, null )
// Initiate the engine, run, and wait for our first Glk event
if ( !autorestored )
if ( !this.quit )
this.glk_event = new Glk.RefStruct();
if ( !this.glk_blocking_call )
Glk.glk_select( this.glk_event );
this.glk_event.push_field( this.glk_blocking_call );
catch ( e )
if ( e instanceof Error )
e.message = 'ZVM start: ' + e.message;
Glk.fatal_error( e );
throw e;
resume: function( resumearg )
var Glk = this.Glk,
glk_event = this.glk_event,
event_type = glk_event.get_field( 0 );
// Process the event
if ( event_type === 2 )
this.handle_char_input( glk_event.get_field( 2 ) );
run = 1;
if ( event_type === 3 )
this.handle_line_input( glk_event.get_field( 2 ), glk_event.get_field( 3 ) );
run = 1;
// Arrange events
if ( event_type === 5 )
// glk_fileref_create_by_prompt handler
if ( event_type === 'fileref_create_by_prompt' )
run = this.handle_create_fileref( resumearg );
this.glk_blocking_call = null;
if ( run )
// Wait for another event
if ( !this.quit )
this.glk_event = new Glk.RefStruct();
if ( !this.glk_blocking_call )
Glk.glk_select( this.glk_event );
this.glk_event.push_field( this.glk_blocking_call );
catch ( e )
if ( e instanceof Error )
e.message = 'ZVM: ' + e.message;
Glk.fatal_error( e );
throw e;
get_signature: function()
return this.signature
// Run
run: function()
var pc,
// Stop when ordered to
this.stop = 0;
while ( !this.stop )
pc = this.pc;
if ( !this.jit[pc] )
result = this.jit[pc]( this );
// Return from a VM func if the JIT function returned a result
if ( !isNaN( result ) )
this.ret( result );
// Compile a JIT routine
compile: function()
var context = this.disassemble();
// Compile the routine with new Function()
this.jit[context.pc] = new Function( 'e', '' + context );
if ( context.pc < this.staticmem )
this.log( 'Caching a JIT function in dynamic memory: ' + context.pc );
VM = utils.Class.subClass( utils.extend(
require( './zvm/runtime.js' ),
require( './zvm/text.js' ),
require( './zvm/io.js' ),
require( './zvm/disassembler.js' )
) );
module.exports = VM;
Z-Machine disassembler - disassembles zcode into an AST
Copyright (c) 2011 The ifvms.js team
BSD licenced
Nothing is done to check whether an instruction actually has a valid number of operands. Extras will usually be ignored while missing operands may throw errors at either the code building stage or when the JIT code is called.
If we diassessemble part of what we already have before, can we just copy/slice the context?
var AST = require( '../common/ast.js' );
module.exports.disassemble = function()
var pc, offset, // Set in the loop below
memory = this.m,
opcodes = this.opcodes,
operands_type, // The types of the operands, or -1 for var instructions
// Create the context for this code fragment
context = new AST.RoutineContext( this, this.pc );
// Utility function to unpack the variable form operand types byte
function get_var_operand_types( operands_byte, operands_type )
for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
operands_type.push( (operands_byte & 0xC0) >> 6 );
operands_byte <<= 2;
// Set the context's root context to be itself, and add it to the list of subcontexts
//context.root = context;
//context.contexts[0] = context;
// Run through until we can no more
while ( 1 )
// This instruction
offset = pc = this.pc;
code = memory.getUint8( pc++ );
// Extended instructions
if ( code === 190 )
operands_type = -1;
code = memory.getUint8( pc++ ) + 1000;
else if ( code & 0x80 )
// Variable form instructions
if ( code & 0x40 )
operands_type = -1;
// 2OP instruction with VAR parameters
if ( !(code & 0x20) )
code &= 0x1F;
// Short form instructions
operands_type = [ (code & 0x30) >> 4 ];
// Clear the operand type if 1OP, keep for 0OPs
if ( operands_type[0] < 3 )
code &= 0xCF;
// Long form instructions
operands_type = [ code & 0x40 ? 2 : 1, code & 0x20 ? 2 : 1 ];
code &= 0x1F;
// Check for missing opcodes
if ( !opcodes[code] )
this.log( '' + context );
this.stop = 1;
throw new Error( 'Unknown opcode #' + code + ' at pc=' + offset );
// Variable for quicker access to the opcode flags
opcode_class = opcodes[code].prototype;
// Variable form operand types
if ( operands_type === -1 )
operands_type = [];
get_var_operand_types( memory.getUint8(pc++), operands_type );
// VAR_LONG opcodes have two operand type bytes
if ( code === 236 || code === 250 )
get_var_operand_types( memory.getUint8(pc++), operands_type );
// Load the operands
operands = [];
temp = 0;
while ( temp < operands_type.length )
// Large constant
if ( operands_type[temp] === 0 )
operands.push( new AST.Operand( this, memory.getUint16(pc) ) );
pc += 2;
// Small constant
if ( operands_type[temp] === 1 )
operands.push( new AST.Operand( this, memory.getUint8(pc++) ) );
// Variable operand
if ( operands_type[temp++] === 2 )
operands.push( new AST.Variable( this, memory.getUint8(pc++) ) );
// Check for a store variable
if ( opcode_class.storer )
operands.push( new AST.Variable( this, memory.getUint8(pc++) ) );
// Check for a branch address
// If we don't calculate the offset now we won't be able to tell the difference between 0x40 and 0x0040
if ( opcode_class.brancher )
temp = memory.getUint8( pc++ );
operands.push( [
temp & 0x80, // iftrue
temp & 0x40 ?
// single byte address
temp & 0x3F :
// word address, but first get the second byte of it
( temp << 8 | memory.getUint8( pc++ ) ) << 18 >> 18,
] );
// Check for a text literal
if ( opcode_class.printer )
// Just use the address as an operand, the text will be decoded at run time
operands.push( pc );
// Continue until we reach the stop bit
// (or the end of the file, which will stop memory access errors, even though it must be a malformed storyfile)
while ( pc < this.eof )
temp = memory.getUint8( pc );
pc += 2;
// Stop bit
if ( temp & 0x80 )
// Update the engine's pc
this.pc = pc;
// Create the instruction
context.ops.push( new opcodes[code]( this, context, code, offset, pc, operands ) );
// Check for the end of a large if block
temp = 0;
/*if ( context.targets.indexOf( pc ) >= 0 )
if ( DEBUG )
// Skip if we must
if ( !debugflags.noidioms )
temp = idiom_if_block( context, pc );
temp = idiom_if_block( context, pc );
// We can't go any further if we have a final stopper :(
if ( opcode_class.stopper && !temp )
return context;
Z-Machine IO
Copyright (c) 2017 The ifvms.js team
MIT licenced
'use strict';
- style and colour support
- pre-existing line input
- timed input
- mouse input
var utils = require( '../common/utils.js' ),
U2S = utils.U2S16,
//S2U = utils.S2U16,
// Glulx key codes accepted by the Z-Machine
ZSCII_keyCodes = (function()
var codes = {
0xfffffff9: 8, // delete/backspace
0xfffffffa: 13, // enter
0xfffffff8: 27, // escape
0xfffffffc: 129, // up
0xfffffffb: 130, // down
0xfffffffe: 131, // left
0xfffffffd: 132, // right
0xfffffff3: 146, // End / key pad 1
0xfffffff5: 148, // PgDn / key pad 3
0xfffffff4: 152, // Home / key pad 7
0xfffffff6: 154, // PgUp / key pad 9
i = 0;
while ( i < 12 )
codes[ 0xffffffef - i ] = 133 + i++; // function keys
return codes;
Try to support as many of the Z-Machine's formatting combinations as possible.
There are not enough styles to support them all, so sometimes bold formatting misses out.
This spreadsheet shows how the Z-Machine formatting is mapped to Glk styles
The index bits are (lowest to highest): mono, italic, bold, reverse
We use the default GlkOte styles as much as possible, but for full support zvm.css must also be used
style_mappings = [
// main window
[ 0, 2, 1, 7, 4, 7, 5, 7, 9, 10, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3 ],
// status window
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 5, 5, 9, 9, 6, 6, 3, 3, 7, 7 ],
module.exports = {
init_io: function()
var Glk = this.Glk; = || {
reverse: 0,
bold: 0,
italic: 0,
// A variable for whether we are outputing in a monospaced font. If non-zero then we are
// Bit 0 is for @set_style, bit 1 for the header, and bit 2 for @set_font
mono: this.m.getUint8( 0x11 ) & 0x02,
// A variable for checking whether the transcript bit has been changed
transcript: this.m.getUint8( 0x11 ) & 0x01,
// Index 0 is input stream 1, the output streams follow
streams: [ 0, 1, {}, [], {} ],
currentwin: 0,
// Use Zarf's algorithm for the upper window
// Implemented in fix_upper_window() and split_window()
height: 0, // What the VM thinks the height is
maxheight: 0, // Height including quote boxes etc
seenheight: 0, // Last height the player saw
width: 0,
row: 0,
col: 0,
// Construct the windows if they do not already exist
if ( !this.mainwin )
this.mainwin = Glk.glk_window_open( 0, 0, 0, 3, 201 );
this.set_window( 0 )
if ( this.version3 )
this.statuswin = Glk.glk_window_open( this.mainwin, 0x12, 1, 4, 202 );
if ( this.statuswin )
Glk.glk_set_style_stream( Glk.glk_window_get_stream( this.statuswin ), style_mappings[1][ 0x08 ] );
// Set the correct window
/*Glk.glk_set_window( this.upperwin && ? this.upperwin : this.mainwin );
if ( )
Glk.glk_window_move_cursor( this.upperwin,, );
erase_line: function( value )
if ( value === 1 )
var io =,
row = io.row,
col = io.col;
this._print( Array( io.width - io.col + 1 ).join( ' ' ) );
this.set_cursor( row, col );
erase_window: function( window )
if ( window < 1 )
this.Glk.glk_window_clear( this.mainwin );
if ( window === 1 || window === -2 )
if ( this.upperwin )
this.Glk.glk_window_clear( this.upperwin );
this.set_cursor( 0, 0 );
if ( window === -1 )
this.split_window( 0 );
fileref_create_by_prompt: function( data )
if ( typeof === 'undefined' )
{ = 1;
this.fileref_data = data;
this.glk_blocking_call = 'fileref_create_by_prompt';
this.Glk.glk_fileref_create_by_prompt( data.usage, data.mode, data.rock || 0 );
// Fix the upper window height before an input event
fix_upper_window: function()
var Glk = this.Glk,
io =;
// If we have seen the entire window, shrink it to what it should be
if ( io.seenheight === io.maxheight )
io.maxheight = io.height;
if ( this.upperwin )
if ( io.maxheight === 0 )
Glk.glk_window_close( this.upperwin );
this.upperwin = null;
Glk.glk_window_set_arrangement( Glk.glk_window_get_parent( this.upperwin ), 0x12, io.maxheight, null );
io.seenheight = io.maxheight;
io.maxheight = io.height;
format: function()
this.Glk.glk_set_style( style_mappings[ ][ !! | | | ] );
get_cursor: function( array )
this.ram.setUint16( array, + 1 );
this.ram.setUint16( array + 2, + 1 );
// Handle char input
handle_char_input: function( charcode )
var stream4 =[4],
code = ZSCII_keyCodes[ charcode ] || this.reverse_unicode_table[ charcode ] || 63;
this.variable( this.read_data.storer, code );
// Echo to the commands log
if ( stream4.mode === 1 )
stream4.cache += code;
if ( stream4.mode === 2 )
this.Glk.glk_put_char_stream_uni( stream4.str, code );
// Handle the result of glk_fileref_create_by_prompt()
handle_create_fileref: function( fref )
var Glk = this.Glk,
data = this.fileref_data,
if ( fref )
if ( data.unicode )
str = Glk.glk_stream_open_file_uni( fref, data.mode, data.rock || 0 );
str = Glk.glk_stream_open_file( fref, data.mode, data.rock || 0 );
Glk.glk_fileref_destroy( fref );
if ( data.func === 'restore' || data.func === 'save' )
this.save_restore_handler( str );
if ( data.func === 'input_stream' )
{[0] = str;
if ( data.func === 'output_stream' )
this.output_stream_handler( str );
// Signal to resume() to call run() if required
// Handle line input
handle_line_input: function( len, terminator )
var ram = this.ram,
options = this.read_data,
streams =,
// Cut the response to len, convert to a lower case string, and then to a ZSCII array
command = String.fromCharCode.apply( null, options.buffer.slice( 0, len ) ) + '\n',
response = this.text_to_zscii( command.slice( 0, -1 ).toLowerCase() );
// The response must be echoed, Glk will handle this
// But we do have to echo to the transcripts
if ( streams[2].mode === 1 )
streams[2].cache += command;
if ( streams[2].mode === 2 )
this.Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( streams[2].str, command );
if ( streams[4].mode === 1 )
streams[4].cache += command;
if ( streams[4].mode === 2 )
this.Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( streams[4].str, command );
// Store the response
if ( this.version < 5 )
// Append zero terminator
response.push( 0 );
// Store the response in the buffer
ram.setUint8Array( options.bufaddr + 1, response );
// Store the response length
ram.setUint8( options.bufaddr + 1, len );
// Store the response in the buffer
ram.setUint8Array( options.bufaddr + 2, response );
// Store the terminator
this.variable( options.storer, isNaN( terminator ) ? 13 : terminator );
if ( options.parseaddr )
// Tokenise the response
this.tokenise( options.bufaddr, options.parseaddr );
input_stream: function( stream )
var io =;
if ( stream && !io.streams[0] )
func: 'input_stream',
mode: 0x02,
rock: 212,
unicode: 1,
usage: 0x103,
if ( !stream && io.streams[0] )
this.Glk.glk_stream_close( io.streams[0] );
io.streams[0] = 0;
// Manage output streams
output_stream: function( stream, addr, called_from_print )
var ram = this.ram,
streams =,
data, text;
stream = U2S( stream );
// The screen
if ( stream === 1 )
streams[1] = 1;
if ( stream === -1 )
streams[1] = 0;
// Transcript
if ( stream === 2 && !streams[2].mode )
func: 'output_stream',
mode: 0x05,
rock: 210,
run: !called_from_print,
str: 2,
unicode: 1,
usage: 0x102,
streams[2].cache = '';
streams[2].mode = 1;
if ( !called_from_print )
this.stop = 1;
if ( stream === -2 )
ram.setUint8( 0x11, ( ram.getUint8( 0x11 ) & 0xFE ) );
if ( streams[2].mode === 2 )
this.Glk.glk_stream_close( streams[2].str );
streams[2].mode = = 0;
// Memory
if ( stream === 3 )
streams[3].unshift( [ addr, '' ] );
if ( stream === -3 )
data = streams[3].shift();
text = this.text_to_zscii( data[1] );
ram.setUint16( data[0], text.length );
ram.setUint8Array( data[0] + 2, text );
// Command list
if ( stream === 4 && !streams[4].mode )
func: 'output_stream',
mode: 0x05,
rock: 211,
str: 4,
unicode: 1,
usage: 0x103,
streams[4].cache = '';
streams[4].mode = 1;
this.stop = 1;
if ( stream === -4 )
if ( streams[4].mode === 2 )
this.Glk.glk_stream_close( streams[4].str );
streams[4].mode = 0;
output_stream_handler: function( str )
var ram = this.ram,
streams =,
data = this.fileref_data;
if ( data.str === 2 )
ram.setUint8( 0x11, ( ram.getUint8( 0x11 ) & 0xFE ) | ( str ? 1 : 0 ) );
if ( str )
streams[2].mode = 2;
streams[2].str = str; = 1;
if ( streams[2].cache )
this.Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( streams[2].str, streams[2].cache );
streams[2].mode = = 0;
if ( data.str === 4 )
if ( str )
streams[4].mode = 2;
streams[4].str = str;
if ( streams[4].cache )
this.Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( streams[4].str, streams[4].cache );
streams[4].mode = 0;
// Print text!
_print: function( text )
var Glk = this.Glk,
io =,
i = 0;
// Stream 3 gets the text first
if ( io.streams[3].length )
io.streams[3][0][1] += text;
// Convert CR into LF
text = text.replace( /\r/g, '\n' );
// Check the transcript bit
// Because it might need to prompt for a file name, we return here, and will print again in the handler
if ( ( this.m.getUint8( 0x11 ) & 0x01 ) !== io.transcript )
this.output_stream( io.transcript ? -2 : 2, 0, 1 );
// Check if the monospace font bit has changed
// Unfortunately, even now Inform changes this bit for the font statement, even though the 1.1 standard depreciated it :(
if ( ( this.m.getUint8( 0x11 ) & 0x02 ) !== ( io.mono & 0x02 ) )
io.mono ^= 0x02;
// For the upper window we print each character individually so that we can track the cursor position
if ( io.currentwin && this.upperwin )
// Don't automatically increase the size of the window
// If we confirm that games do need this then we can implement it later
while ( i < text.length && io.row < io.height )
Glk.glk_put_jstring( text[i++] );
if ( io.col === io.width )
io.col = 0;
else if ( !io.currentwin )
if ( io.streams[1] )
Glk.glk_put_jstring( text );
// Transcript
if ( io.streams[2].mode === 1 )
io.streams[2].cache += text;
if ( io.streams[2].mode === 2 )
Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( io.streams[2].str, text );
// Print many things
print: function( type, val )
var proptable, result;
// Number
if ( type === 0 )
result = val;
// Unicode
if ( type === 1 )
result = String.fromCharCode( val );
// Text from address
if ( type === 2 )
result = this.jit[ val ] || this.decode( val );
// Object
if ( type === 3 )
proptable = this.m.getUint16( this.objects + ( this.version3 ? 9 : 14 ) * val + ( this.version3 ? 7 : 12 ) );
result = this.decode( proptable + 1, this.m.getUint8( proptable ) * 2 );
if ( type === 4 )
if ( !this.unicode_table[ val ] )
result = this.unicode_table[ val ];
this._print( '' + result );
print_table: function( zscii, width, height, skip )
height = height || 1;
skip = skip || 0;
var i = 0;
while ( i++ < height )
this._print( this.zscii_to_text( this.m.getUint8Array( zscii, width ) ) + ( i < height ? '\r' : '' ) );
zscii += width + skip;
// Process CSS default colours
process_colours: function()
// Convert RGB to a Z-Machine true colour
// RGB is a css colour code. rgb(), #000000 and #000 formats are supported.
/*function convert_RGB( code )
var round = Math.round,
data = /(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)|#(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})/.exec( code ),
// Nice rgb() code
if ( data[1] )
result = [ data[1], data[2], data[3] ];
// Messy CSS colour code
result = [ parseInt( data[4], 16 ), parseInt( data[5], 16 ), parseInt( data[6], 16 ) ];
// Stretch out compact #000 codes to their full size
if ( code.length === 4 )
result = [ result[0] << 4 | result[0], result[1] << 4 | result[1], result[2] << 4 | result[2] ];
// Convert to a 15bit colour
return round( result[2] / 8.226 ) << 10 | round( result[1] / 8.226 ) << 5 | round( result[0] / 8.226 );
// Standard colours
var colours = [
0xFFFE, // Current
0xFFFF, // Default
0x0000, // Black
0x001D, // Red
0x0340, // Green
0x03BD, // Yellow
0x59A0, // Blue
0x7C1F, // Magenta
0x77A0, // Cyan
0x7FFF, // White
0x5AD6, // Light grey
0x4631, // Medium grey
0x2D6B, // Dark grey
// Start with CSS colours provided by the runner
fg_css = this.options.fgcolour,
bg_css = this.options.bgcolour,
// Convert to true colour for storing in the header
fg_true = fg_css ? convert_RGB( fg_css ) : 0xFFFF,
bg_true = bg_css ? convert_RGB( bg_css ) : 0xFFFF,
// Search the list of standard colours
fg = colours.indexOf( fg_true ),
bg = colours.indexOf( bg_true );
// ZVMUI must have colours for reversing text, even if we don't write them to the header
// So use the given colours or assume black on white
if ( fg < 2 )
fg = fg_css || 2;
if ( bg < 2 )
bg = bg_css || 9;
utils.extend( this.options, {
fg: fg,
bg: bg,
fg_true: fg_true,
bg_true: bg_true,
// Request line input
read: function( storer, text, parse, time, routine )
var len = this.m.getUint8( text ),
initiallen = 0,
if ( this.version3 )
//initiallen = this.m.getUint8( text + 1 );
buffer = Array( len );
buffer.fill( 0 )
this.read_data = {
buffer: buffer,
bufaddr: text, // text-buffer
parseaddr: parse, // parse-buffer
routine: routine,
storer: storer,
time: time,
// Input stream 1
if ([0] )
input_stream1_len = this.Glk.glk_get_line_stream_uni([0], buffer );
// Check for a newline character
if ( buffer[input_stream1_len - 1] === 0x0A )
if ( input_stream1_len )
this._print( String.fromCharCode.apply( null, buffer.slice( 0, input_stream1_len ) ) + '\n' );
this.handle_line_input( input_stream1_len );
return this.stop = 0;
this.input_stream( 0 );
// TODO: pre-existing input
this.Glk.glk_request_line_event_uni( this.mainwin, buffer, initiallen );
// Request character input
read_char: function( storer, one, time, routine )
// Input stream 1
if ([0] )
var code = this.Glk.glk_get_char_stream_uni([0] );
// Check for EOF
if ( code === -1 )
this.input_stream( 0 );
this.variable( storer, code );
return this.stop = 0;
this.read_data = {
routine: routine,
storer: storer,
time: time,
this.Glk.glk_request_char_event_uni( this.mainwin );
set_colour: function( /*foreground, background*/ )
/*if ( foreground === 1 )
this.fg = undefined;
if ( foreground > 1 && foreground < 13 )
this.fg = foreground;
if ( background === 1 )
{ = undefined;
if ( background > 1 && background < 13 )
{ = background;
// Note that row and col must be decremented in JIT code
set_cursor: function( row, col )
var io =;
if ( row >= io.height )
// Moving the cursor to a row forces the upper window
// to open enough for that line to exist
this.split_window( row + 1 );
if ( this.upperwin && row >= 0 && col >= 0 && col < io.width )
this.Glk.glk_window_move_cursor( this.upperwin, col, row );
io.row = row;
io.col = col;
set_font: function( font )
// We only support fonts 1 and 4
if ( font !== 1 && font !== 4 )
return 0;
var returnval = & 0x04 ? 4 : 1;
if ( font !== returnval )
{ ^= 0x04;
return returnval;
// Set styles
set_style: function( stylebyte )
var io =;
// Setting the style to Roman will clear the others
if ( stylebyte === 0 )
io.reverse = io.bold = io.italic = 0;
io.mono &= 0xFE;
if ( stylebyte & 0x01 )
io.reverse = 0x08;
if ( stylebyte & 0x02 )
io.bold = 0x04;
if ( stylebyte & 0x04 )
io.italic = 0x02;
if ( stylebyte & 0x08 )
io.mono |= 0x01;
// Set true colours
set_true_colour: function( /*foreground, background*/ )
// Convert a 15 bit colour to RGB
/*function convert_true_colour( colour )
// Stretch the five bits per colour out to 8 bits
var newcolour = Math.round( ( colour & 0x1F ) * 8.226 ) << 16
| Math.round( ( ( colour & 0x03E0 ) >> 5 ) * 8.226 ) << 8
| Math.round( ( ( colour & 0x7C00 ) >> 10 ) * 8.226 );
newcolour = newcolour.toString( 16 );
// Ensure the colour is 6 bytes long
while ( newcolour.length < 6 )
newcolour = '0' + newcolour;
return '#' + newcolour;
if ( foreground === 0xFFFF )
this.fg = undefined;
else if ( foreground < 0x8000 )
this.fg = convert_true_colour( foreground );
if ( background === 0xFFFF )
{ = undefined;
else if ( background < 0x8000 )
{ = convert_true_colour( background );
set_window: function( window )
{console.log('set_window',window) = window;
// Focusing the upper window resets the cursor to the top left;
// it also opens the upper window if it's not open
if ( window )
this.set_cursor( 0, 0 );
this.Glk.glk_set_window( this.upperwin && window ? this.upperwin : this.mainwin );
split_window: function( lines )
var Glk = this.Glk,
io =,
row = io.row, col = io.col,
oldheight = io.height,
io.height = lines;
// Erase existing lines if we are expanding into existing rows
if ( this.upperwin && lines > oldheight )
str = Glk.glk_window_get_stream( this.upperwin );
while ( oldheight < lines )
Glk.glk_window_move_cursor( this.upperwin, 0, oldheight++ );
Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( str, Array( io.width + 1 ).join( ' ' ) );
Glk.glk_window_move_cursor( this.upperwin, col, row );
// Don't decrease the height of the window yet, only increase
if ( lines > io.maxheight )
io.maxheight = lines;
// Set the height of the window
// Create the window if it doesn't exist
if ( !this.upperwin )
this.upperwin = Glk.glk_window_open( this.mainwin, 0x12, io.maxheight, 4, 203 );
Glk.glk_window_set_arrangement( Glk.glk_window_get_parent( this.upperwin ), 0x12, io.maxheight, null );
if ( lines )
// Reset the cursor if it is now outside the window
if ( io.row >= lines )
this.set_cursor( 0, 0 );
// In version three the upper window is always cleared
if ( this.version3 )
Glk.glk_window_clear( this.upperwin );
// Update the header after restarting or restoring
update_header: function()
var ram = this.ram;
// Reset the Xorshift seed
this.xorshift_seed = 0;
// Update the width - in version 3 does not actually set the header variables
// For version 3 we only set Flags 1
if ( this.version3 )
return ram.setUint8( 0x01,
( ram.getUint8( 0x01 ) & 0x8F ) // Keep all except bits 4-6
| ( this.statuswin ? 0x20 : 0x10 ) // If status win is available then set 0x20 for the upper win also being available, otherwise 0x10 for the status win itself
| 0x40 // Variable pitch font is default - Or can we tell from options if the font is fixed pitch?
// Flags 1
ram.setUint8( 0x01,
0x00 // Colour is not supported yet
| 0x1C // Bold, italic and mono are supported
| 0x00 // Timed input not supported yet
// Flags 2: Clear bits 3, 5, 7: no character graphics, mouse or sound effects
// This is really a word, but we only care about the lower byte
ram.setUint8( 0x11, ram.getUint8( 0x11 ) & 0x57 );
// Screen settings
ram.setUint8( 0x20, 255 ); // Infinite height
if ( this.version > 4 )
ram.setUint16( 0x24, 255 );
ram.setUint16( 0x26, 0x0101 ); // Font height/width in "units"
// Colours
//ram.setUint8( 0x2C, isNaN( ) ? 1 : );
//ram.setUint8( 0x2D, isNaN( this.options.fg ) ? 1 : this.options.fg );
//this.extension_table( 5, this.options.fg_true );
//this.extension_table( 6, this.options.bg_true );
// Z Machine Spec revision
ram.setUint16( 0x32, 0x0102 );
// Clear flags three, we don't support any of that stuff
this.extension_table( 4, 0 );
update_width: function()
var Glk = this.Glk,
tempwin = Glk.glk_window_open( this.mainwin, 0x12, 0, 4, 204 ),
box = new Glk.RefBox(),
Glk.glk_window_get_size( tempwin || this.mainwin, box );
if ( tempwin )
Glk.glk_window_close( tempwin );
// Get the width but limit to a max of 255 = width = Math.min( box.get_value(), 255 );
if ( this.version > 3 )
this.ram.setUint8( 0x21, width );
if ( this.version > 4 )
this.ram.setUint16( 0x22, width );
if ( >= width )
{ = width - 1;
// Output the version 3 status line
v3_status: function()
if ( !this.statuswin )
var Glk = this.Glk,
str = Glk.glk_window_get_stream( this.statuswin ),
memory = this.m,
width =,
hours_score = memory.getUint16( this.globals + 2 ),
mins_turns = memory.getUint16( this.globals + 4 ),
proptable = memory.getUint16( this.objects + 9 * memory.getUint16( this.globals ) + 7 ),
shortname = '' + this.decode( proptable + 1, memory.getUint8( proptable ) * 2 ),
// Handle the turns/score or time
if ( memory.getUint8( 0x01 ) & 0x02 )
rhs = 'Time: ' + ( hours_score % 12 === 0 ? 12 : hours_score % 12 ) + ':' + ( mins_turns < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + mins_turns + ' ' + ( hours_score > 11 ? 'PM' : 'AM' );
rhs = 'Score: ' + hours_score + ' Turns: ' + mins_turns;
// Print a blank line in reverse
Glk.glk_window_move_cursor( this.statuswin, 0, 0 );
Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( str, Array( width + 1 ).join( ' ' ) );
// Trim the shortname if necessary
Glk.glk_window_move_cursor( this.statuswin, 0, 0 );
Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( str, ' ' + shortname.slice( 0, width - rhs.length - 4 ) );
// Print the right hand side
Glk.glk_window_move_cursor( this.statuswin, width - rhs.length - 1, 0 );
Glk.glk_put_jstring_stream( str, rhs );
Z-Machine opcodes
Copyright (c) 2017 The ifvms.js team
MIT licenced
'use strict';
Abstract out the signed conversions such that they can be eliminated if possible
don't access memory directly
var AST = require( '../common/ast.js' ),
Variable = AST.Variable,
Opcode = AST.Opcode,
Stopper = AST.Stopper,
Pauser = AST.Pauser,
PauserStorer = AST.PauserStorer,
Brancher = AST.Brancher,
BrancherStorer = AST.BrancherStorer,
Storer = AST.Storer,
Caller = AST.Caller,
CallerStorer = AST.CallerStorer,
opcode_builder = AST.opcode_builder,
// Common functions, variables and opcodes
simple_func = function( a ) { return '' + a; },
stack_var = new Variable( this.e, 0 ),
alwaysbranch = opcode_builder( Brancher, function() { return 1; } ),
not = opcode_builder( Storer, function( a ) { return 'e.S2U(~' + a + ')'; } ),
// Indirect storer opcodes - rather non-generic I'm afraid
// Not used for inc/dec
// @load (variable) -> (result)
// @pull (variable)
// @store (variable) value
Indirect = Storer.subClass({
storer: 0,
post: function()
var operands = this.operands,
op0 = operands[0],
op0isVar = op0 instanceof Variable;
// Replace the indirect operand with a Variable, and set .indirect if needed
operands[0] = new Variable( this.e, op0isVar ? op0 : op0.v );
if ( op0isVar || op0.v === 0 )
operands[0].indirect = 1;
// Get the storer
this.storer = this.code === 142 ? operands.pop() : operands.shift();
// @pull needs an added stack. If for some reason it was compiled with two operands this will break!
if ( operands.length === 0 )
operands.push( stack_var );
func: simple_func,
Incdec = Opcode.subClass({
func: function( variable )
var varnum = variable.v - 1,
operator = this.code % 2 ? 1 : -1;
// Fallback to the runtime function if our variable is a variable operand itself
// Or, if it's a global
if ( variable instanceof Variable || varnum > 14 )
return 'e.incdec(' + variable + ',' + operator + ')';
return ( varnum < 0 ? 'e.s[e.sp-1]' : 'e.l[' + varnum + ']' ) + ( operator === 1 ? '++' : '--' );
// Version 3 @save/restore branch instead of store
V3SaveRestore = Stopper.subClass({
brancher: 1,
toString: function()
return 'e.stop=1;e.' + ( this.code === 181 ? 'save' : 'restore' ) + '(' + ( this.pc + 1 ) + ')';
V45Restore = opcode_builder( PauserStorer, function() { return 'e.restore(' + ( - 1 ) + ')'; } ),
V45Save = opcode_builder( PauserStorer, function() { return '' + ( - 1 ) + ')'; } );
/*eslint brace-style: "off" */
/*eslint indent: "off" */
module.exports = function( version )
return {
/* je */ 1: opcode_builder( Brancher, function() { return arguments.length === 2 ? this.args( '===' ) : 'e.jeq(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* jl */ 2: opcode_builder( Brancher, function( a, b ) { return a.U2S() + '<' + b.U2S(); } ),
/* jg */ 3: opcode_builder( Brancher, function( a, b ) { return a.U2S() + '>' + b.U2S(); } ),
// Too many U2S/S2U for these...
/* dec_chk */ 4: opcode_builder( Brancher, function( variable, value ) { return 'e.U2S(e.incdec(' + variable + ',-1))<' + value.U2S(); } ),
/* inc_chk */ 5: opcode_builder( Brancher, function( variable, value ) { return 'e.U2S(e.incdec(' + variable + ',1))>' + value.U2S(); } ),
/* jin */ 6: opcode_builder( Brancher, function() { return 'e.jin(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* test */ 7: opcode_builder( Brancher, function() { return 'e.test(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* or */ 8: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return this.args( '|' ); } ),
/* and */ 9: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return this.args( '&' ); } ),
/* test_attr */ 10: opcode_builder( Brancher, function() { return 'e.test_attr(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* set_attr */ 11: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.set_attr(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* clear_attr */ 12: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.clear_attr(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* store */ 13: Indirect,
/* insert_obj */ 14: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.insert_obj(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* loadw */ 15: opcode_builder( Storer, function( array, index ) { return 'e.m.getUint16(e.S2U(' + array + '+2*' + index.U2S() + '))'; } ),
/* loadb */ 16: opcode_builder( Storer, function( array, index ) { return 'e.m.getUint8(e.S2U(' + array + '+' + index.U2S() + '))'; } ),
/* get_prop */ 17: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.get_prop(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* get_prop_addr */ 18: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.find_prop(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* get_next_prop */ 19: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.find_prop(' + this.args( ',0,' ) + ')'; } ),
/* add */ 20: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.S2U(' + this.args( '+' ) + ')'; } ),
/* sub */ 21: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.S2U(' + this.args( '-' ) + ')'; } ),
/* mul */ 22: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.S2U(' + this.args( '*' ) + ')'; } ),
/* div */ 23: opcode_builder( Storer, function( a, b ) { return 'e.S2U(parseInt(' + a.U2S() + '/' + b.U2S() + '))'; } ),
/* mod */ 24: opcode_builder( Storer, function( a, b ) { return 'e.S2U(' + a.U2S() + '%' + b.U2S() + ')'; } ),
/* call_2s */ 25: CallerStorer,
/* call_2n */ 26: Caller,
/* set_colour */ 27: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.set_colour(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* throw */ 28: opcode_builder( Stopper, function( value, cookie ) { return 'while(e.frames.length+1>' + cookie + '){e.frameptr=e.frames.pop()}return ' + value; } ),
/* jz */ 128: opcode_builder( Brancher, function( a ) { return a + '===0'; } ),
/* get_sibling */ 129: opcode_builder( BrancherStorer, function( obj ) { return 'e.get_sibling(' + obj + ')'; } ),
/* get_child */ 130: opcode_builder( BrancherStorer, function( obj ) { return 'e.get_child(' + obj + ')'; } ),
/* get_parent */ 131: opcode_builder( Storer, function( obj ) { return 'e.get_parent(' + obj + ')'; } ),
/* get_prop_length */ 132: opcode_builder( Storer, function( a ) { return 'e.get_prop_len(' + a + ')'; } ),
/* inc */ 133: Incdec,
/* dec */ 134: Incdec,
/* print_addr */ 135: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( addr ) { return 'e.print(2,' + addr + ')'; } ),
/* call_1s */ 136: CallerStorer,
/* remove_obj */ 137: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( obj ) { return 'e.remove_obj(' + obj + ')'; } ),
/* print_obj */ 138: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( obj ) { return 'e.print(3,' + obj + ')'; } ),
/* ret */ 139: opcode_builder( Stopper, function( a ) { return 'return ' + a; } ),
/* jump */ 140: opcode_builder( Stopper, function( a ) { return 'e.pc=' + a.U2S() + '+' + ( - 2 ); } ),
/* print_paddr */ 141: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( addr ) { return 'e.print(2,' + addr + '*' + this.e.addr_multipler + ')'; } ),
/* load */ 142: Indirect.subClass( { storer: 1 } ),
143: version < 5 ?
/* not (v3/4) */ not :
/* call_1n (v5/8) */ Caller,
/* rtrue */ 176: opcode_builder( Stopper, function() { return 'return 1'; } ),
/* rfalse */ 177: opcode_builder( Stopper, function() { return 'return 0'; } ),
// Reconsider a generalised class for @print/@print_ret?
/* print */ 178: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( text ) { return 'e.print(2,' + text + ')'; }, { printer: 1 } ),
/* print_ret */ 179: opcode_builder( Stopper, function( text ) { return 'e.print(2,' + text + ');e.print(1,13);return 1'; }, { printer: 1 } ),
/* nop */ 180: Opcode,
/* save (v3/4) */ 181: version < 4 ?
V3SaveRestore :
/* restore(v3/4) */ 182: version < 4 ?
V3SaveRestore :
/* restart */ 183: opcode_builder( Stopper, function() { return 'e.erase_window(-1);e.restart()'; } ),
/* ret_popped */ 184: opcode_builder( Stopper, function( a ) { return 'return ' + a; }, { post: function() { this.operands.push( stack_var ); } } ),
185: version < 5 ?
/* pop (v3/4) */ opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 's[--e.sp]'; } ) :
/* catch (v5/8) */ opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.frames.length+1'; } ),
/* quit */ 186: opcode_builder( Pauser, function() { return 'e.quit=1;e.Glk.glk_exit()'; } ),
/* new_line */ 187: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.print(1,13)'; } ),
188: version < 4 ?
/* show_status (v3) */ opcode_builder( Stopper, function() { return 'e.pc=' + + ';e.v3_status()'; } ) :
/* act as a nop in later versions */ Opcode,
/* verify */ 189: alwaysbranch, // Actually check??
/* piracy */ 191: alwaysbranch,
/* call_vs */ 224: CallerStorer,
/* storew */ 225: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( array, index, value ) { return 'e.ram.setUint16(e.S2U(' + array + '+2*' + index.U2S() + '),' + value + ')'; } ),
/* storeb */ 226: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( array, index, value ) { return 'e.ram.setUint8(e.S2U(' + array + '+' + index.U2S() + '),' + value + ')'; } ),
/* put_prop */ 227: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.put_prop(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* read */ 228: version < 5 ?
opcode_builder( Pauser, function() { return ',' + this.args() + ')'; } ) :
opcode_builder( PauserStorer, function() { return '' + this.storer.v + ',' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* print_char */ 229: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( a ) { return 'e.print(4,' + a + ')'; } ),
/* print_num */ 230: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( a ) { return 'e.print(0,' + a.U2S() + ')'; } ),
/* random */ 231: opcode_builder( Storer, function( a ) { return 'e.random(' + a.U2S() + ')'; } ),
/* push */ 232: opcode_builder( Storer, simple_func, { post: function() { this.storer = stack_var; }, storer: 0 } ),
/* pull */ 233: Indirect,
/* split_window */ 234: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( lines ) { return 'e.split_window(' + lines + ')'; } ),
/* set_window */ 235: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( wind ) { return 'e.set_window(' + wind + ')'; } ),
/* call_vs2 */ 236: CallerStorer,
/* erase_window */ 237: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( win ) { return 'e.erase_window(' + win.U2S() + ')'; } ),
/* erase_line */ 238: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( a ) { return 'e.erase_line(' + a + ')'; } ),
/* set_cursor */ 239: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( row, col ) { return 'e.set_cursor(' + row + '-1,' + col + '-1)'; } ),
/* get_cursor */ 240: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( addr ) { return 'e.get_cursor(' + addr + ')'; } ),
/* set_text_style */ 241: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( stylebyte ) { return 'e.set_style(' + stylebyte + ')'; } ),
/* buffer_mode */ 242: Opcode, // We don't support non-buffered output
/* output_stream */ 243: opcode_builder( Stopper, function() { return 'e.pc=' + + ';e.output_stream(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* input_stream */ 244: opcode_builder( Pauser, function() { return 'e.input_stream(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* sound_effect */ 245: Opcode, // We don't support sounds
/* read_char */ 246: opcode_builder( PauserStorer, function() { return 'e.read_char(' + this.storer.v + ',' + ( this.args() || '1' ) + ')'; } ),
/* scan_table */ 247: opcode_builder( BrancherStorer, function() { return 'e.scan_table(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* not (v5/8) */ 248: not,
/* call_vn */ 249: Caller,
/* call_vn2 */ 250: Caller,
/* tokenise */ 251: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.tokenise(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* encode_text */ 252: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.encode_text(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* copy_table */ 253: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.copy_table(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* print_table */ 254: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.print_table(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* check_arg_count */ 255: opcode_builder( Brancher, function( arg ) { return 'e.stack.getUint8(e.frameptr+5)&(1<<(' + arg + '-1))'; } ),
/* save */ 1000: V45Save,
/* restore */ 1001: V45Restore,
/* log_shift */ 1002: opcode_builder( Storer, function( a, b ) { return 'e.S2U(e.log_shift(' + a + ',' + b.U2S() + '))'; } ),
/* art_shift */ 1003: opcode_builder( Storer, function( a, b ) { return 'e.S2U(e.art_shift(' + a.U2S() + ',' + b.U2S() + '))'; } ),
/* set_font */ 1004: opcode_builder( Storer, function( font ) { return 'e.set_font(' + font + ')'; } ),
/* save_undo */ 1009: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.save_undo(' + + ',' + this.storer.v + ')'; } ),
// As the standard says calling this without a save point is illegal, we don't need to actually store anything (but it must still be disassembled)
/* restore_undo */ 1010: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'if(e.restore_undo())return'; }, { storer: 1 } ),
/* print_unicode */ 1011: opcode_builder( Opcode, function( a ) { return 'e.print(1,' + a + ')'; } ),
// Assume we can print and read all unicode characters rather than actually testing
/* check_unicode */ 1012: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 3; } ),
/* set_true_colour */ 1013: opcode_builder( Opcode, function() { return 'e.set_true_colour(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* sound_data */ 1014: Opcode.subClass( { brancher: 1 } ), // We don't support sounds (but disassemble the branch address)
/* gestalt */ 1030: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.gestalt(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
/* parchment */ //1031: opcode_builder( Storer, function() { return 'e.op_parchment(' + this.args() + ')'; } ),
Z-Machine runtime functions
Copyright (c) 2017 The ifvms.js team
MIT licenced
'use strict';
Save/restore: table, name, prompt support
const cloneDeep = require( 'clone' )
const file = require( '../common/file.js' )
const utils = require( '../common/utils.js' )
const extend = utils.extend
const U2S = utils.U2S16
const S2U = utils.S2U16
// Test whether we are running on a littleEndian system
const littleEndian = (function()
var testUint8Array = new Uint8Array( 2 ),
testUint16Array = new Uint16Array( testUint8Array.buffer );
testUint16Array[0] = 1;
return testUint8Array[0] === 1;
function fix_stack_endianness( view, start, end, auto )
if ( littleEndian && !auto )
while ( start < end )
view.setUint16( start, view.getUint16( start, 1 ) );
start += 2;
module.exports = {
art_shift: function( number, places )
return places > 0 ? number << places : number >> -places;
// Call a routine
call: function( addr, storer, next, args )
// 6.4.3: Calls to 0 instead just store 0
if ( addr === 0 )
if ( storer >= 0 )
this.variable( storer, 0 );
return this.pc = next;
// Get the number of locals and advance the pc
this.pc = addr * this.addr_multipler;
var locals_count = this.m.getUint8( this.pc++ ),
stack = this.stack,
i = 0,
// Write the current stack use
frameptr = this.frameptr;
stack.setUint16( frameptr + 6, this.sp );
this.frames.push( frameptr );
// Create a new frame
frameptr = this.frameptr = this.s.byteOffset + this.sp * 2;
// Return address
stack.setUint32( frameptr, next << 8 );
// Flags
stack.setUint8( frameptr + 3, ( storer >= 0 ? 0 : 0x10 ) | locals_count );
// Storer
stack.setUint8( frameptr + 4, storer >= 0 ? storer : 0 );
// Supplied arguments
stack.setUint8( frameptr + 5, ( 1 << args.length ) - 1 );
// Create the locals and stack
this.sp = 0;
while ( i < locals_count )
this.l[i] = i < args.length ? args[i] : ( this.version < 5 ? this.m.getUint16( this.pc + i * 2 ) : 0 );
if ( this.version < 5 )
this.pc += locals_count * 2;
clear_attr: function( object, attribute )
var addr = this.objects + ( this.version3 ? 9 : 14 ) * object + ( attribute / 8 ) | 0;
this.ram.setUint8( addr, this.m.getUint8( addr ) & ~( 0x80 >> attribute % 8 ) );
copy_table: function( first, second, size )
size = U2S( size );
var ram = this.ram,
i = 0,
allowcorrupt = size < 0;
size = Math.abs( size );
// Simple case, zeroes
if ( second === 0 )
while ( i < size )
ram.setUint8( first + i++, 0 );
if ( allowcorrupt )
while ( i < size )
ram.setUint8( second + i, this.m.getUint8( first + i++ ) );
ram.setUint8Array( second, this.m.getUint8Array( first, size ) );
do_autorestore: function( snapshot )
const Glk = this.Glk
// Restore Glk
Glk.restore_allstate( snapshot.glk )
// Get references to our Glk objects =
const RockBox = new Glk.RefBox()
let obj
while ( obj = Glk.glk_window_iterate( obj, RockBox ) )
if ( RockBox.value === 201 )
this.mainwin = obj
if ( obj.linebuf )
snapshot.read_data.buffer = obj.linebuf
if ( RockBox.value === 202 )
this.statuswin = obj
if ( RockBox.value === 203 )
this.upperwin = obj
obj = null
while ( obj = Glk.glk_stream_iterate( obj, RockBox ) )
if ( RockBox.value === 210 )
{[2].str = obj
if ( RockBox.value === 211 )
{[4].str = obj
// Restart and restore the RAM and stacks
this.restore_file( new Uint8Array( snapshot.ram ), 1 )
// Set remaining data from the snapshot
this.read_data = snapshot.read_data
this.xorshift_seed = snapshot.xorshift_seed
do_autosave: function( save )
if ( !this.options.Dialog )
throw new Error( 'A reference to Dialog is required' )
let snapshot = null
if ( ( save || 0 ) >= 0 )
snapshot = {
glk: this.Glk.save_allstate(),
io: cloneDeep( ),
ram: this.save_file( this.pc, 1 ),
read_data: cloneDeep( this.read_data ),
xorshift_seed: this.xorshift_seed,
delete snapshot.read_data.buffer
this.options.Dialog.autosave_write( this.signature, snapshot )
encode_text: function( zscii, length, from, target )
this.ram.setUint8Array( target, this.encode( this.m.getUint8Array( zscii + from, length ) ) );
// Access the extension table
extension_table: function( word, value )
var addr = this.extension;
if ( !addr || word > this.extension_count )
return 0;
addr += 2 * word;
if ( value === undefined )
return this.m.getUint16( addr );
this.ram.setUint16( addr, value );
// Find the address of a property, or given the previous property, the number of the next
find_prop: function( object, property, prev )
var memory = this.m,
version3 = this.version3,
this_property_byte, this_property,
last_property = 0,
// Get this property table
properties = memory.getUint16( this.objects + ( version3 ? 9 : 14 ) * object + ( version3 ? 7 : 12 ) );
// Skip over the object's short name
properties += memory.getUint8( properties ) * 2 + 1;
// Run through the properties
while ( 1 )
this_property_byte = memory.getUint8( properties );
this_property = this_property_byte & ( version3 ? 0x1F : 0x3F );
// Found the previous property, so return this one's number
if ( last_property === prev )
return this_property;
// Found the property! Return its address
if ( this_property === property )
// Must include the offset
return properties + ( !version3 && this_property_byte & 0x80 ? 2 : 1 );
// Gone past the property
if ( this_property < property )
return 0;
// Go to next property
last_property = this_property;
// Calculate the size of this property and skip to the next
if ( version3 )
properties += ( this_property_byte >> 5 ) + 2;
if ( this_property_byte & 0x80 )
this_property = memory.getUint8( properties + 1 ) & 0x3F;
properties += this_property ? this_property + 2 : 66;
properties += this_property_byte & 0x40 ? 3 : 2;
// 1.2 spec @gestalt
gestalt: function( id /*, arg*/ )
switch ( id )
case 1:
return 0x0102;
case 0x2000:
return 1;
// These aren't really applicable, but 2 is closer than 1
case 0x2001:
case 0x2002:
return 2;
return 0;
// Get the first child of an object
get_child: function( obj )
if ( this.version3 )
return this.m.getUint8( this.objects + 9 * obj + 6 );
return this.m.getUint16( this.objects + 14 * obj + 10 );
get_sibling: function( obj )
if ( this.version3 )
return this.m.getUint8( this.objects + 9 * obj + 5 );
return this.m.getUint16( this.objects + 14 * obj + 8 );
get_parent: function( obj )
if ( this.version3 )
return this.m.getUint8( this.objects + 9 * obj + 4 );
return this.m.getUint16( this.objects + 14 * obj + 6 );
get_prop: function( object, property )
var memory = this.m,
// Try to find the property
addr = this.find_prop( object, property ),
// If we have the property
if ( addr )
len = memory.getUint8( addr - 1 );
// Assume we're being called for a valid short property
return memory[ ( this.version3 ? len >> 5 : len & 0x40 ) ? 'getUint16' : 'getUint8' ]( addr );
// Use the default properties table
// Remember that properties are 1-indexed
return memory.getUint16( + 2 * ( property - 1 ) );
// Get the length of a property
// This opcode expects the address of the property data, not a property block
get_prop_len: function( addr )
// Spec 1.1
if ( addr === 0 )
return 0;
var value = this.m.getUint8( addr - 1 );
// Version 3
if ( this.version3 )
return ( value >> 5 ) + 1;
// Two size/number bytes
if ( value & 0x80 )
value &= 0x3F;
return value === 0 ? 64 : value;
// One byte size/number
return value & 0x40 ? 2 : 1;
// Quick hack for @inc/@dec/@inc_chk/@dec_chk
incdec: function( varnum, change )
if ( varnum === 0 )
this.s[this.sp - 1] += change;
return this.s[this.sp - 1];
if ( --varnum < 15 )
this.l[varnum] += change;
return this.l[varnum];
var offset = this.globals + ( varnum - 15 ) * 2;
this.ram.setUint16( offset, this.m.getUint16( offset ) + change );
return this.ram.getUint16( offset );
// Indirect variables
indirect: function( variable, value )
if ( variable === 0 )
if ( arguments.length > 1 )
return this.s[this.sp - 1] = value;
return this.s[this.sp - 1];
return this.variable( variable, value );
insert_obj: function( obj, dest )
// First remove the obj from wherever it was
this.remove_obj( obj );
// Now add it to the destination
this.set_family( obj, dest, dest, obj, obj, this.get_child( dest ) );
// @jeq
jeq: function()
var i = 1;
// Account for many arguments
while ( i < arguments.length )
if ( arguments[i++] === arguments[0] )
return 1;
jin: function( child, parent )
return this.get_parent( child ) === parent;
log: function( message )
if ( this.options.GlkOte )
this.options.GlkOte.log( message );
log_shift: function( number, places )
return places > 0 ? number << places : number >>> -places;
make_stacks: function()
var locals_count = this.stack.getUint8( this.frameptr + 3 ) & 0x0F;
this.l = new Uint16Array( this.stack.buffer, this.frameptr + 8, locals_count );
this.s = new Uint16Array( this.stack.buffer, this.frameptr + 8 + locals_count * 2 );
put_prop: function( object, property, value )
// Try to find the property
var addr = this.find_prop( object, property ),
if ( addr )
len = this.m.getUint8( addr - 1 );
// Assume we're being called for a valid short property
this.ram[ ( this.version3 ? len >> 5 : len & 0x40 ) ? 'setUint16' : 'setUint8' ]( addr, value );
random: function( range )
var seed = this.xorshift_seed;
// Switch to the Xorshift RNG (or switch off if range == 0)
if ( range < 1 )
this.xorshift_seed = range;
return 0;
// Pure randomness
if ( seed === 0 )
return 1 + ( Math.random() * range ) | 0;
// Based on the discussions in this forum topic, we will not implement the sequential mode recommended in the standard
// Instead implement a 32 bit Xorshift generator
seed ^= ( seed << 13 );
seed ^= ( seed >> 17 );
this.xorshift_seed = ( seed ^= ( seed << 5 ) );
return 1 + ( ( seed & 0x7FFF ) % range );
remove_obj: function( obj )
var parent = this.get_parent( obj ),
// No parent, do nothing
if ( parent === 0 )
older_sibling = this.get_child( parent );
younger_sibling = this.get_sibling( obj );
// obj is first child
if ( older_sibling === obj )
this.set_family( obj, 0, parent, younger_sibling );
// obj isn't first child, so fix the older sibling
// Go through the tree until we find the older sibling
while ( 1 )
temp_younger = this.get_sibling( older_sibling );
if ( temp_younger === obj )
older_sibling = temp_younger;
this.set_family( obj, 0, 0, 0, older_sibling, younger_sibling );
// (Re)start the VM
restart: function()
var ram = this.ram,
version = ram.getUint8( 0x00 ),
version3 = version === 3,
addr_multipler = version3 ? 2 : ( version === 8 ? 8 : 4 ),
flags2 = ram.getUint8( 0x11 ),
property_defaults = ram.getUint16( 0x0A ),
extension = ( version > 4 ) ? ram.getUint16( 0x36 ) : 0,
stack = utils.MemoryView( this.options.stack_len );
// Reset the RAM, but preserve flags 2
ram.setUint8Array( 0, this.origram );
ram.setUint8( 0x11, flags2 );
extend( this, {
// Locals and stacks of various kinds
stack: stack,
frameptr: 0,
frames: [],
s: new Uint16Array( stack.buffer, 8 ),
sp: 0,
l: [],
undo: [],
undo_len: 0,
glk_blocking_call: null,
// Get some header variables
version: version,
version3: version3,
pc: ram.getUint16( 0x06 ),
properties: property_defaults,
objects: property_defaults + ( version3 ? 53 : 112 ), // 62-9 or 126-14 - if we take this now then we won't need to always decrement the object number
globals: ram.getUint16( 0x0C ),
// staticmem: set in prepare()
eof: ( ram.getUint16( 0x1A ) || 65536 ) * addr_multipler,
extension: extension,
extension_count: extension ? ram.getUint16( extension ) : 0,
// Routine and string multiplier
addr_multipler: addr_multipler,
// Opcodes for this version of the Z-Machine
opcodes: require( './opcodes.js' )( version ),
// Update the header
// Request a restore
restore: function( pc )
this.pc = pc;
func: 'restore',
mode: 0x02,
usage: 0x01,
restore_file: function( data, autorestoring )
var ram = this.ram,
quetzal = new file.Quetzal( data ),
qmem = quetzal.memory,
stack = this.stack,
flags2 = ram.getUint8( 0x11 ),
i = 0, j = 0;
// Check this is a savefile for this story
if ( ram.getUint16( 0x02 ) !== quetzal.release || ram.getUint16( 0x1C ) !== quetzal.checksum )
return 0;
while ( i < 6 )
if ( ram.getUint8( 0x12 + i ) !== quetzal.serial[i++] )
return 0;
i = 0;
// Memory chunk
// Reset the RAM
ram.setUint8Array( 0, this.origram );
if ( quetzal.compressed )
while ( i < qmem.length )
temp = qmem[i++];
// Same memory
if ( temp === 0 )
j += 1 + qmem[i++];
ram.setUint8( j, temp ^ this.origram[j++] );
ram.setUint8Array( 0, qmem );
// Preserve flags 2
ram.setUint8( 0x11, flags2 );
// Stacks
stack.setUint8Array( 0, quetzal.stacks );
this.frames = [];
i = 0;
while ( i < quetzal.stacks.byteLength )
this.frameptr = i;
this.frames.push( i );
// Swap the bytes of the locals and stacks
fix_stack_endianness( stack, j = i + 8, j += ( stack.getUint8( i + 3 ) & 0x0F ) * 2, autorestoring )
fix_stack_endianness( stack, j, j += stack.getUint16( i + 6 ) * 2, autorestoring )
i = j;
this.sp = stack.getUint16( this.frameptr + 6 );
this.pc = quetzal.pc;
// Collapse the upper window (
if ( this.version3 )
this.split_window( 0 );
return 2;
restore_undo: function()
if ( this.undo.length === 0 )
return 0;
var state = this.undo.pop();
this.frameptr = state.frameptr;
this.pc = state.pc;
this.undo_len -= ( state.ram.byteLength + state.stack.byteLength );
// Replace the ram, preserving flags 2
state.ram[0x11] = this.m.getUint8( 0x11 );
this.ram.setUint8Array( 0, state.ram );
// Fix up the stack
this.frames = state.frames;
this.sp = state.sp;
this.stack.setUint8Array( 0, state.stack );
this.variable( state.var, 2 );
return 1;
// Return from a routine
ret: function( result )
var stack = this.stack,
// Get the storer and return pc from this frame
frameptr = this.frameptr,
storer = stack.getUint8( frameptr + 3 ) & 0x10 ? -1 : stack.getUint8( frameptr + 4 );
this.pc = stack.getUint32( frameptr ) >> 8;
// Recreate the locals and stacks from the previous frame
frameptr = this.frameptr = this.frames.pop();
this.sp = stack.getUint16( frameptr + 6 );
// Store the result if there is one
if ( storer >= 0 )
this.variable( storer, result || 0 );
// pc is the address of the storer operand (or branch in v3)
save: function( pc )
this.pc = pc;
func: 'save',
mode: 0x01,
usage: 0x01,
save_file: function( pc, autosaving )
var memory = this.m,
quetzal = new file.Quetzal(),
stack = utils.MemoryView( this.stack.buffer.slice() ),
frames = this.frames.slice(),
zeroes = 0,
i, j,
// IFhd chunk
quetzal.release = memory.getUint16( 0x02 );
quetzal.serial = memory.getUint8Array( 0x12, 6 );
quetzal.checksum = memory.getUint16( 0x1C );
quetzal.pc = pc;
// Memory chunk
if ( autosaving )
quetzal.memory = this.m.getUint8Array( 0, this.staticmem )
const compressed_mem = []
quetzal.compressed = 1;
for ( i = 0; i < this.staticmem; i++ )
abyte = memory.getUint8( i ) ^ this.origram[i];
if ( abyte === 0 )
if ( ++zeroes === 256 )
compressed_mem.push( 0, 255 );
zeroes = 0;
if ( zeroes )
compressed_mem.push( 0, zeroes - 1 );
zeroes = 0;
compressed_mem.push( abyte );
quetzal.memory = compressed_mem;
// Stacks
// Set the current sp
stack.setUint16( frameptr + 6, this.sp );
frames.push( this.frameptr );
// Swap the bytes of the locals and stacks
if ( littleEndian && !autosaving )
for ( i = 0; i < frames.length; i++ )
frameptr = frames[i];
fix_stack_endianness( stack, j = frameptr + 8, j += ( stack.getUint8( frameptr + 3 ) & 0x0F ) * 2 );
fix_stack_endianness( stack, j, j += stack.getUint16( frameptr + 6 ) * 2 );
quetzal.stacks = stack.getUint8Array( 0, this.frameptr + 8 + ( stack.getUint8( frameptr + 3 ) & 0x0F ) * 2 + this.sp * 2 );
return quetzal.write();
save_restore_handler: function( str )
var memory = this.m,
Glk = this.Glk,
result = 0,
buffer = [],
temp, iftrue, offset;
if ( str )
// Save
if ( this.fileref_data.func === 'save' )
Glk.glk_put_buffer_stream( str, new Uint8Array( this.save_file( this.pc ) ) );
result = 1;
// Restore
buffer = new Uint8Array( 128 * 1024 );
Glk.glk_get_buffer_stream( str, buffer );
result = this.restore_file( buffer.buffer );
Glk.glk_stream_close( str );
// Store the result / branch in z3
if ( this.version3 )
// Calculate the branch
temp = memory.getUint8( this.pc++ );
iftrue = temp & 0x80;
offset = temp & 0x40 ?
// single byte address
temp & 0x3F :
// word address, but first get the second byte of it
( temp << 8 | memory.getUint8( this.pc++ ) ) << 18 >> 18;
if ( !result === !iftrue )
if ( offset === 0 || offset === 1 )
this.ret( offset );
this.pc += offset - 2;
this.variable( memory.getUint8( this.pc++ ), result );
save_undo: function( pc, variable )
// Drop an old undo state if we've reached the limit, but always save at least one state
if ( this.undo_len > this.options.undo_len )
this.undo_len += this.staticmem + this.s.byteOffset + this.sp * 2;
frameptr: this.frameptr,
frames: this.frames.slice(),
pc: pc,
ram: this.m.getUint8Array( 0, this.staticmem ),
sp: this.sp,
stack: this.stack.getUint8Array( 0, this.s.byteOffset + this.sp * 2 ),
var: variable,
return 1;
scan_table: function( key, addr, length, form )
form = form || 0x82;
var memoryfunc = form & 0x80 ? 'getUint16' : 'getUint8';
form &= 0x7F;
length = addr + length * form;
while ( addr < length )
if ( this.m[memoryfunc]( addr ) === key )
return addr;
addr += form;
return 0;
set_attr: function( object, attribute )
var addr = this.objects + ( this.version3 ? 9 : 14 ) * object + ( attribute / 8 ) | 0;
this.ram.setUint8( addr, this.m.getUint8( addr ) | 0x80 >> attribute % 8 );
set_family: function( obj, newparent, parent, child, bigsis, lilsis )
var ram = this.ram,
objects = this.objects;
if ( this.version3 )
// Set the new parent of the obj
ram.setUint8( objects + 9 * obj + 4, newparent );
// Update the parent's first child if needed
if ( parent )
ram.setUint8( objects + 9 * parent + 6, child );
// Update the little sister of a big sister
if ( bigsis )
ram.setUint8( objects + 9 * bigsis + 5, lilsis );
// Set the new parent of the obj
ram.setUint16( objects + 14 * obj + 6, newparent );
// Update the parent's first child if needed
if ( parent )
ram.setUint16( objects + 14 * parent + 10, child );
// Update the little sister of a big sister
if ( bigsis )
ram.setUint16( objects + 14 * bigsis + 8, lilsis );
test: function( bitmap, flag )
return ( bitmap & flag ) === flag;
test_attr: function( object, attribute )
return ( this.m.getUint8( this.objects + ( this.version3 ? 9 : 14 ) * object + ( attribute / 8 ) | 0 ) << attribute % 8 ) & 0x80;
// Read or write a variable
variable: function( variable, value )
var havevalue = value !== undefined,
if ( variable === 0 )
if ( havevalue )
this.s[this.sp++] = value;
return this.s[--this.sp];
else if ( --variable < 15 )
if ( havevalue )
this.l[variable] = value;
return this.l[variable];
offset = this.globals + ( variable - 15 ) * 2;
if ( havevalue )
this.ram.setUint16( offset, value );
return this.m.getUint16( offset );
return value;
// Utilities for signed arithmetic
U2S: U2S,
S2U: S2U,
Z-Machine text functions
Copyright (c) 2017 The ifvms.js team
MIT licenced
Consider quote suggestions from 1.1 spec
module.exports = {
init_text: function()
var self = this,
memory = this.m,
alphabet_addr = ( this.version > 4 ) && memory.getUint16( 0x34 ),
unicode_addr = this.extension_table( 3 ),
unicode_len = unicode_addr && memory.getUint8( unicode_addr++ );
this.abbr_addr = memory.getUint16( 0x18 );
// Generate alphabets
function make_alphabet( data )
var alphabets = [[], [], []],
i = 0;
while ( i < 78 )
alphabets[( i / 26 ) | 0][i % 26] = data[ i++ ];
// A2->7 is always a newline
alphabets[2][1] = 13;
self.alphabets = alphabets;
// Make the unicode tables
function make_unicode( data )
var table = { 13: '\r' }, // New line conversion
reverse = { 13: 13 },
i = 0;
while ( i < data.length )
table[155 + i] = String.fromCharCode( data[i] );
reverse[data[i]] = 155 + i++;
i = 32;
while ( i < 127 )
table[i] = String.fromCharCode( i );
reverse[i] = i++;
self.unicode_table = table;
self.reverse_unicode_table = reverse;
// Check for custom alphabets
make_alphabet( alphabet_addr ? memory.getUint8Array( alphabet_addr, 78 )
// Or use the standard alphabet
: this.text_to_zscii( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ \r0123456789.,!?_#\'"/\\-:()', 1 ) );
// Check for a custom unicode table
make_unicode( unicode_addr ? memory.getUint16Array( unicode_addr, unicode_len )
// Or use the default
: this.text_to_zscii( unescape( '%E4%F6%FC%C4%D6%DC%DF%BB%AB%EB%EF%FF%CB%CF%E1%E9%ED%F3%FA%FD%C1%C9%CD%D3%DA%DD%E0%E8%EC%F2%F9%C0%C8%CC%D2%D9%E2%EA%EE%F4%FB%C2%CA%CE%D4%DB%E5%C5%F8%D8%E3%F1%F5%C3%D1%D5%E6%C6%E7%C7%FE%F0%DE%D0%A3%u0153%u0152%A1%BF' ), 1 ) );
// Parse the standard dictionary
this.dictionaries = {};
this.dict = memory.getUint16( 0x08 );
this.parse_dict( this.dict );
// Optimise our own functions
/*if ( DEBUG )
if ( !debugflags.nooptimise )
optimise_obj( this, 'TEXT' );
// Decode Z-chars into ZSCII and then Unicode
decode: function( addr, length )
var memory = this.m,
start_addr = addr,
buffer = [],
i = 0,
alphabet = 0,
result = [],
resulttexts = [],
unicodecount = 0;
// Check if this one's been cached already
if ( this.jit[addr] )
return this.jit[addr];
// If we've been given a length, then use it as the finaladdr,
// Otherwise don't go past the end of the file
length = length ? length + addr : this.eof;
// Go through until we've reached the end of the text or a stop bit
while ( addr < length )
temp = memory.getUint16( addr );
addr += 2;
buffer.push( temp >> 10 & 0x1F, temp >> 5 & 0x1F, temp & 0x1F );
// Stop bit
if ( temp & 0x8000 )
// Process the Z-chars
while ( i < buffer.length )
zchar = buffer[i++];
// Special chars
// Space
if ( zchar === 0 )
result.push( 32 );
// Abbreviations
else if ( zchar < 4 )
usesabbr = 1;
result.push( -1 );
resulttexts.push( '\uE000+this.abbr(' + ( 32 * ( zchar - 1 ) + buffer[i++] ) + ')+\uE000' );
// Shift characters
else if ( zchar < 6 )
alphabet = zchar;
// Check for a 10 bit ZSCII character
else if ( alphabet === 2 && zchar === 6 )
// Check we have enough Z-chars left.
if ( i + 1 < buffer.length )
tenbit = buffer[i++] << 5 | buffer[i++];
// A regular character
if ( tenbit < 768 )
result.push( tenbit );
// 1.1 spec Unicode strings - not the most efficient code, but then noone uses this
tenbit -= 767;
unicodecount += tenbit;
temp = i;
i = ( i % 3 ) + 3;
while ( tenbit-- )
result.push( -1 );
resulttexts.push( String.fromCharCode( buffer[i] << 10 | buffer[i + 1] << 5 | buffer[i + 2] ) );
// Set those characters so they won't be decoded again
buffer[i++] = buffer[i++] = buffer[i++] = 0x20;
i = temp;
// Regular characters
else if ( zchar < 0x20 )
result.push( this.alphabets[alphabet][ zchar - 6 ] );
// Reset the alphabet
alphabet = alphabet < 4 ? 0 : alphabet - 3;
// Add to the index if we've had raw unicode
if ( ( i % 3 ) === 0 )
i += unicodecount;
unicodecount = 0;
result = this.zscii_to_text( result, resulttexts );
// Abbreviations must be extracted at run time, so return a function instead
if ( usesabbr )
result = {
toString: ( Function( 'return"' + result.replace( /\\/g, '\\\\' ).replace( /"/g, '\\"' ).replace( /\r/g, '\\r' ).replace( /\uE000/g, '"' ) + '"' ) ).bind( this ),
// Cache and return
if ( start_addr >= this.staticmem )
this.jit[start_addr] = result;
return result;
// Encode ZSCII into Z-chars
encode: function( zscii )
var alphabets = this.alphabets,
zchars = [],
word_len = this.version3 ? 6 : 9,
i = 0,
result = [];
// Encode the Z-chars
while ( zchars.length < word_len )
achar = zscii[i++];
// Space
if ( achar === 32 )
zchars.push( 0 );
// Alphabets
else if ( ( temp = alphabets[0].indexOf( achar ) ) >= 0 )
zchars.push( temp + 6 );
else if ( ( temp = alphabets[1].indexOf( achar ) ) >= 0 )
zchars.push( 4, temp + 6 );
else if ( ( temp = alphabets[2].indexOf( achar ) ) >= 0 )
zchars.push( 5, temp + 6 );
// 10-bit ZSCII / Unicode table
else if ( ( temp = this.reverse_unicode_table[achar] ) )
zchars.push( 5, 6, temp >> 5, temp & 0x1F );
// Pad character
else if ( achar === undefined )
zchars.push( 5 );
zchars.length = word_len;
// Encode to bytes
i = 0;
while ( i < word_len )
result.push( zchars[i++] << 2 | zchars[i] >> 3, ( zchars[i++] & 0x07 ) << 5 | zchars[i++] );
result[ result.length - 2 ] |= 0x80;
return result;
// In these two functions zscii means an array of ZSCII codes and text means a regular Javascript unicode string
zscii_to_text: function( zscii, texts )
var i = 0, l = zscii.length,
j = 0,
result = '';
while ( i < l )
charr = zscii[i++];
// Text substitution from abbreviations or 1.1 unicode
if ( charr === -1 )
result += texts[j++];
// Regular characters
if ( ( charr = this.unicode_table[charr] ) )
result += charr;
return result;
// If the second argument is set then don't use the unicode table
text_to_zscii: function( text, notable )
var array = [], i = 0, l = text.length, charr;
while ( i < l )
charr = text.charCodeAt( i++ );
// Check the unicode table
if ( !notable )
charr = this.reverse_unicode_table[charr] || 63;
array.push( charr );
return array;
// Parse and cache a dictionary
parse_dict: function( addr )
var memory = this.m,
addr_start = addr,
dict = {},
// Get the word separators
seperators_len = memory.getUint8( addr++ );
// Support: IE, Safari, Firefox<38, Chrome<45, Opera<32, Node<4
// These browsers don't support Uint8Array.indexOf() so convert to a normal array
dict.separators = memory.getUint8Array( addr, seperators_len ) );
addr += seperators_len;
// Go through the dictionary and cache its entries
entry_len = memory.getUint8( addr++ );
endaddr = addr + 2 + entry_len * memory.getUint16( addr );
addr += 2;
while ( addr < endaddr )
dict[ memory.getUint8Array( addr, this.version3 ? 4 : 6 ) ) ] = addr;
addr += entry_len;
this.dictionaries[addr_start] = dict;
return dict;
// Print an abbreviation
abbr: function( abbrnum )
return this.decode( this.m.getUint16( this.abbr_addr + 2 * abbrnum ) * 2 );
// Tokenise a text
tokenise: function( bufaddr, parseaddr, dictionary, flag )
// Use the default dictionary if one wasn't provided
dictionary = dictionary || this.dict;
// Parse the dictionary if needed
dictionary = this.dictionaries[dictionary] || this.parse_dict( dictionary );
var memory = this.m,
ram = this.ram,
bufferlength = 1e3,
i = 1,
separators = dictionary.separators,
words = [],
wordcount = 0;
// In versions 5 and 8 we can get the actual buffer length
if ( this.version > 4 )
bufferlength = memory.getUint8( bufaddr + i++ ) + 2;
// Find the words, separated by the separators, but as well as the separators themselves
while ( i < bufferlength )
letter = memory.getUint8( bufaddr + i );
if ( letter === 0 )
else if ( letter === 32 || separators.indexOf( letter ) >= 0 )
if ( letter !== 32 )
words.push( [ [letter], i ] );
word = null;
if ( !word )
words.push( [ [], i ] );
word = words[ words.length - 1 ][0];
word.push( letter );
// Go through the text until we either have reached the max number of words, or we're out of words
max_words = Math.min( words.length, memory.getUint8( parseaddr ) );
while ( wordcount < max_words )
dictword = dictionary['' + this.encode( words[wordcount][0] )];
// If the flag is set then don't overwrite words which weren't found
if ( !flag || dictword )
// Fill out the buffer
ram.setUint16( parseaddr + 2 + wordcount * 4, dictword || 0 );
ram.setUint8( parseaddr + 4 + wordcount * 4, words[wordcount][0].length );
ram.setUint8( parseaddr + 5 + wordcount * 4, words[wordcount][1] );
// Update the number of found words
ram.setUint8( parseaddr + 1, wordcount );
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