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Created December 28, 2015 17:23
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Proposed Standup Style

Standup is an opportunity for us to sync up as a team, on the daily, so that we are aware of what others are working on as it relates to us as individuals as well as to the team.

Why Slack Standup?

Due to the "spread" of our team, Slack standup allows us to asynchronously communicate our objectives to the team without anyone missing information. It also provides us with documentation on what we're planning and how much we have achieved.

Overall, it's a great way for us to make sure everyone is on the same page, regardless of whether they were out for the day, during standup or want to reference to make sure we're not duplicating or blocking work.

Anatomy of the Status Update

  • *Standup Status:* makes it easy to search back through the logs and archives.
  • -24/+24 -24 is what you did yesterday. It's just easier to type. +24 is what you're doing today.
  • Blockers: If anyone or anything is keeping you from doing work, be sure to mention it!


*Standup Status:*

-24 Documented Standup Notes
+24 Create gap analysis between Jenkins and TravisCI
Blockers: none

Standup Protips

  • Share what you did yesterday, what you are doing today and any blockers you have.
  • Don't share off-topic status updates (work for other teams).
  • Share status update by 10 AM PST at the latest.
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