Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from adamfknapp's block: Firearm Purchases per Capita
license: mit |
Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from adamfknapp's block: Firearm Purchases per Capita
State | PurchPer100th | |
Hawaii | 0 | |
District of Columbia | 9 | |
Iowa | 69 | |
New Jersey | 83 | |
Nebraska | 95 | |
Massachusetts | 116 | |
New York | 118 | |
North Carolina | 139 | |
Maryland | 144 | |
Rhode Island | 161 | |
California | 180 | |
Georgia | 200 | |
Utah | 205 | |
Michigan | 206 | |
Connecticut | 211 | |
Nevada | 234 | |
Illinois | 248 | |
Alabama | 265 | |
Texas | 279 | |
Arizona | 294 | |
South Carolina | 316 | |
Minnesota | 318 | |
Delaware | 325 | |
Ohio | 329 | |
Kentucky | 346 | |
Kansas | 357 | |
Arkansas | 358 | |
Washington | 359 | |
Florida | 362 | |
Pennsylvania | 421 | |
Vermont | 426 | |
Louisiana | 432 | |
Virginia | 440 | |
New Mexico | 454 | |
Idaho | 458 | |
Indiana | 467 | |
Maine | 477 | |
Wisconsin | 481 | |
Oregon | 515 | |
Oklahoma | 524 | |
Tennessee | 536 | |
New Hampshire | 539 | |
Missouri | 551 | |
West Virginia | 552 | |
North Dakota | 558 | |
Wyoming | 567 | |
Colorado | 579 | |
Mississippi | 589 | |
South Dakota | 653 | |
Montana | 676 | |
Alaska | 832 |
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<title>Fire Arms Purchased per 100,000 residence</title> | |
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const xValue = d => d.PurchPer100th; | |
const xLabel = 'Fire Arms purchased'; | |
const yValue = d => d.State; | |
const yLabel = 'State'; | |
const margin = { left: 150, right: 30, top: 5, bottom: 75 }; | |
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const row = d => { | |
const Purch = d['PurchPer100th']; | |
return { | |
State: d['State'], | |
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}; | |
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