A bar chart showing benchmark results of various libraries (including reactive-property) emitting a single parameter. Data from Hypercubed/EventsSpeedTests node-v4.4.4.
forked from curran's block: Chart Types
A bar chart showing benchmark results of various libraries (including reactive-property) emitting a single parameter. Data from Hypercubed/EventsSpeedTests node-v4.4.4.
forked from curran's block: Chart Types
name | ops/sec | |
EventEmitter | 13514161 | |
EventEmitter2 | 5699203 | |
EventEmitter3 | 14359063 | |
RXJS | 4900605 | |
ReactiveProperty | 22578191 | |
JS-Signals | 566953 | |
MiniSignals | 28994936 | |
signal-emitter | 620903 | |
event-signal | 6936645 | |
signal-lite | 26685490 |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
<title>D3 Example</title> | |
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js"></script> | |
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Playfair+Display' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> | |
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3-tip/0.6.3/d3-tip.min.js"></script> | |
<style> | |
.axis text { | |
font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; | |
font-size: 18pt; | |
} | |
.axis .label { | |
font-size: 40pt; | |
} | |
.axis path, .axis line { | |
fill: none; | |
stroke: #000; | |
shape-rendering: crispEdges; | |
} | |
.y.axis path, .y.axis line { | |
stroke: none; | |
} | |
.tooltip { | |
font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; | |
font-size: 24pt; | |
/* This trick adds a heavy white shadow around the text. */ | |
text-shadow: | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white, | |
0px 0px 6px white; | |
/* This eliminates the possibility of flickering tooltips. */ | |
pointer-events: none; | |
} | |
</style> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<script> | |
var outerWidth = 960; | |
var outerHeight = 500; | |
var margin = { left: 240, top: 0, right: 89, bottom: 101 }; | |
var barPadding = 0.2; | |
var barPaddingOuter = 0.1; | |
var xColumn = "ops/sec"; | |
var yColumn = "name"; | |
var xAxisLabelText = "Operations Per Second"; | |
var xAxisLabelOffset = 80; | |
var innerWidth = outerWidth - margin.left - margin.right; | |
var innerHeight = outerHeight - margin.top - margin.bottom; | |
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") | |
.attr("width", outerWidth) | |
.attr("height", outerHeight); | |
var g = svg.append("g") | |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); | |
var xAxisG = g.append("g") | |
.attr("class", "x axis") | |
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + innerHeight + ")") | |
var xAxisLabel = xAxisG.append("text") | |
.style("text-anchor", "middle") | |
.attr("x", innerWidth / 2) | |
.attr("y", xAxisLabelOffset) | |
.attr("class", "label") | |
.text(xAxisLabelText); | |
var yAxisG = g.append("g") | |
.attr("class", "y axis"); | |
var tooltip = svg.append("text").attr("class", "tooltip"); | |
var xScale = d3.scale.linear().range([0, innerWidth]); | |
var yScale = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeRoundBands([0, innerHeight], barPadding, barPaddingOuter); | |
// Use D3's number format that generates SI prefixes for the X axis. | |
// See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix#List_of_SI_prefixes | |
var siFormat = d3.format("s"); | |
function tickFormat(num){ | |
// Replace the confusing G (for Giga) with | |
// the more recognizable B (for Billion). | |
return siFormat(num).replace("G", "B"); | |
} | |
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xScale).orient("bottom") | |
.ticks(5) | |
.tickFormat(tickFormat) | |
.outerTickSize(0); | |
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale).orient("left") | |
.outerTickSize(0); | |
var tooltipFormat = d3.format(","); | |
function showTooltip(d){ | |
tooltip.text(tooltipFormat(d[xColumn]) + " " + xAxisLabelText) | |
.attr("x", d3.event.pageX + 20) | |
.attr("y", d3.event.pageY); | |
} | |
function hideTooltip(){ | |
tooltip.text(""); | |
} | |
function render(data){ | |
data.sort(function (a, b){ | |
return b[xColumn] - a[xColumn]; | |
}); | |
xScale.domain([0, d3.max(data, function (d){ return d[xColumn]; })]); | |
yScale.domain( data.map( function (d){ return d[yColumn]; })); | |
console.log(xScale.domain()[1]) | |
xAxisG.call(xAxis); | |
yAxisG.call(yAxis); | |
var bars = g.selectAll("rect").data(data); | |
bars.enter().append("rect") | |
.attr("height", yScale.rangeBand()) | |
.on("mouseover", showTooltip) | |
.on("mousemove", showTooltip) | |
.on("mouseout", hideTooltip); | |
bars | |
.attr("x", 0) | |
.attr("y", function (d){ return yScale(d[yColumn]); }) | |
.attr("width", function (d){ return xScale(d[xColumn]); }); | |
bars.exit().remove(); | |
} | |
function type(d){ | |
d["ops/sec"] = +d["ops/sec"]; | |
return d; | |
} | |
d3.csv("data.csv", type, render); | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> |