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Created July 9, 2012 09:07
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MQL4: Automated Trend Lines
//| Automated Trend Lines.mq4 |
//| Ryan Sheehy, |
//| |
#property copyright "Ryan Sheehy,"
#property link ""
* This script automates the generation and plotting of sloping trend
* lines and horizontal trend lines using swing points as reference
* points.
* v1.0 = MetaTrader 4 version released 20120709
* v1.1 = Trend lines now have the ability to be extended after they have
* been broken by setting lineLife variable.
* v1.2 = Make trend line EA viewable on the weekends when market is
* closed.
* v1.2.1 = Delete all objects when deinitialised.
* v1.2.2 = Delete all objects when change of bar made.
* v2.0 = Operates on time frame of chart, level variable added to determine
* amount of swing points used to create turning point.
datetime now;
double pad;
extern int level = 3; // how many swing points to use to form a major turning point: Min = 0 Max = 3
string bot = "^"; // symbol used to designate bottom (trough)
string top = "^"; // symbol used to designate top (peak)
int fontSize = 10; // size of font for symbols and text
int lineLife = 30; // how many bars after a broken line do you want to see?
int brk = 2; // number of breaks needed for trend line to be considered broken
int tch = 2; // number of touches needed for trend line to be drawn
bool body = false; // are candle bodies considered a break? Yes = true, No (only closes) = false
string fontFace = "Times New Roman"; // style of font
int resColour = Red;
int supColour = Blue;
int slresColour = LightPink;
int slsupColour = LightBlue;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
// remove all objects from the chart
// if you draw your own trend lines you may want to delete this
// if the last bar is greater than the current local time PLUS an offset
// then we are exhibiting a weekend or broker holiday
// to calculate your offset, subtract your local GMT time by the server.
// At present Pepperstone exhibits GMT+3:
int offset = 7 * 60; // Therefore, my calcs are => 7 hours (x 60 minutes) = GMT+10 (local) - GMT+3 (server)
if ( TimeLocal()-TimeCurrent() > (offset / Period()) ) {
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| expert start function |
int start()
pad = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT) * Period(); // add padding for the text display on price
// only needs to be done at the change of every TF bar
if ( now != Time[0] ) {
plotLines( brk, body, tch );
now = Time[0];
* In this function we will plot our trend lines automatically based
* upon identifying swing points.
* @param sym string Symbol of currency being analysed
* @param TF int TimeFrame of chart being analysed
* @param brk int Number of breaks before trend line considered to be null
* @param body bool Are opens beyond the trend line considered a break? TRUE = yes
* @param tch int How many touches are needed to be considered a significant trend line?
* @return void
void plotLines( int brk, bool body, int tch ) {
int pkArr[1]; // lowest peak array good for weekly+ timeframes
int trArr[1]; // good for daily timeframe
int pk0A, pk0B, pk0C, pk1A, pk1B, pk1C; // good for 4H timeframe
int p = 0; // counters for their respective peak arrays
int tr0A, tr0B, tr0C, tr1A, tr1B, tr1C; // good for 4H timeframe
int t = 0; // counters for their respective trough arrays
double slope,endLine,xLine;
for ( int i = 1; i < Bars; i++ ) {
if ( High[i+1] > High[i] && High[i+1] >= High[i+2] ) {
pk0C = pk0B;
pk0B = pk0A;
pk0A = i+1;
if ( level < 1 ) {
if ( p > 0 ) {
ArrayResize( pkArr, p+1 );
pkArr[p] = i+1;
ObjectCreate( "Pk@" + pk0A, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[pk0A], High[pk0A]+pad);
ObjectSetText( "Pk@" + pk0A, top, fontSize, fontFace, resColour);
} else if ( pk0C > 0 && High[pk0B] > High[pk0A] && High[pk0B] >= High[pk0C] ) {
pk1C = pk1B;
pk1B = pk1A;
pk1A = pk0B;
if ( level < 2 ) {
if ( p > 0 ) {
ArrayResize( pkArr, p+1 );
pkArr[p] = pk0B;
ObjectCreate( "Pk@" + pk0B , OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[pk0B], High[pk0B]+pad);
ObjectSetText( "Pk@" + pk0B, top, fontSize, fontFace, resColour );
} else if ( pk1C > 0 && High[pk1B] > High[pk1A] && High[pk1B] >= High[pk1C] ) {
if ( p > 0 ) {
ArrayResize( pkArr, p+1 );
pkArr[p] = pk1B;
//Print( sym + " p " + pk0C );
// any conditions put in here
ObjectCreate( "Pk@" + pk1B , OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[pk1B], High[pk1B]+pad);
ObjectSetText( "Pk@" + pk1B, top, fontSize, fontFace, resColour );
if ( Low[i+1] < Low[i] && Low[i+1] <= Low[i+2] ) {
tr0C = tr0B;
tr0B = tr0A;
tr0A = i+1;
if ( level < 1 ) {
if ( t > 0 ) {
ArrayResize( trArr, t+1 );
trArr[t] = i+1;
ObjectCreate( "Tr@" + tr0A, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[tr0A], High[tr0A]-pad);
ObjectSetText( "Tr@" + tr0A, bot, fontSize, fontFace, supColour );
} else if ( tr0C > 1 && Low[tr0B] < Low[tr0A] && Low[tr0B] <= Low[tr0C] ) {
tr1C = tr1B;
tr1B = tr1A;
tr1A = tr0B;
if ( level < 2 ) {
if ( t > 0 ) {
ArrayResize( trArr, t+1 );
trArr[t] = tr0B;
ObjectCreate( "Tr@" + tr0B, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[tr0B], High[tr0B]-pad);
ObjectSetText( "Tr@" + tr0B, bot, fontSize, fontFace, supColour );
} else if ( tr1C > 0 && Low[tr1B] < Low[tr1A] && Low[tr1B] <= Low[tr1C] ) {
if ( t > 0 ) {
ArrayResize(trArr, t+1);
trArr[t] = tr1B;
// any conditions go here
ObjectCreate( "Tr@" + tr1B , OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[tr1B], Low[tr1B]-pad);
ObjectSetText( "Tr@" + tr1B, bot, fontSize, fontFace, supColour );
} // end for-bars loop
// now that we have obtained our swing points let's create our sloping and
// horizontal trendlines by going through each point.
// we'll loop through the highest PEAK array first
string u;
int x, a, j;
if ( ArraySize(pkArr) > 1 ) {
// we will sort the array so that the closest bars are at the end of the array
ArraySort( pkArr, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND );
a = ArraySize(pkArr);
for ( i = 0; i < a; i++ ) {
u = countHCrosses(pkArr[i], brk, 0, true, body);
t = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, 0, StringFind(u,",")));
x = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, StringFind(u,",")+1, StringLen(u)-StringFind(u,",")-1));
if ( t > tch && x <= lineLife ) {
ObjectCreate( "Res@" + pkArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[pkArr[i]],High[pkArr[i]],Time[x],High[pkArr[i]] );
ObjectSet( "Res@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "Res@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_COLOR, resColour );
ObjectCreate( "ResText@" + pkArr[i], OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[pkArr[i]], High[pkArr[i]]+pad);
ObjectSetText( "ResText@" + pkArr[i], DoubleToStr(High[pkArr[i]],MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)), fontSize, fontFace, resColour );
Print( Symbol() + " res@ " + DoubleToStr(High[pkArr[i]],MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)) + " t:" + tch + " dist:" +
DoubleToStr( (High[pkArr[i]]-MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK))/(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT)*10), 1 ));
if ( x > 0 ) {
ObjectSet( "Res@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, false );
ObjectCreate( "BrokenRes@" + pkArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[x],High[pkArr[i]],Time[0],High[pkArr[i]] );
ObjectSet( "BrokenRes@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, true );
ObjectSet( "BrokenRes@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT );
ObjectSet( "BrokenRes@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_COLOR, resColour );
// here we will be checking against sloping trend lines
for ( j = i + 1; j < a; j++ ) {
u = countSlopingCrosses(pkArr[i], pkArr[j], brk, 0, true, body);
t = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, 0, StringFind(u,",")));
x = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, StringFind(u,",")+1, StringLen(u)-StringFind(u,",")-1));
if ( t > tch && x <= lineLife ) {
slope = (High[pkArr[i]] - High[pkArr[j]]) / (pkArr[i] - pkArr[j]);
endLine = (slope * (0 - pkArr[i])) + High[pkArr[i]];
xLine = (slope * (x - pkArr[i])) + High[pkArr[i]];
ObjectCreate( "SlopeRes@" + pkArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[pkArr[i]],High[pkArr[i]],Time[x],xLine );
ObjectSet( "SlopeRes@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "SlopeRes@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_COLOR, slresColour );
Print( Symbol() + " res@ " + DoubleToStr(endLine,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)) + " t:" + tch + " dist:" +
DoubleToStr( (endLine-MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK))/(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT)*10), 1 ));
if ( x > 0 ) {
ObjectSet( "SlopeRes@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, false );
ObjectCreate( "BrokenSlopeRes@" + pkArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[x],xLine,Time[0],endLine );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSlopeRes@" + pkArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, true );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSlopeRes@" + pkArr[i],OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSlopeRes@" + pkArr[i],OBJPROP_COLOR, slresColour );
// now we'll loop through the TROUGH array
if ( ArraySize(trArr) > 1 ) {
ArraySort( trArr, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND );
a = ArraySize(trArr);
for ( i = 0; i < a; i++ ) {
u = countHCrosses(trArr[i], brk, 0, false, body);
t = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, 0, StringFind(u,",")));
x = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, StringFind(u,",")+1, StringLen(u)-StringFind(u,",")-1));
if ( t > tch && x <= lineLife ) {
ObjectCreate( "Sup@" + trArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[trArr[i]],Low[trArr[i]],Time[x],Low[trArr[i]] );
ObjectSet( "Sup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "Sup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_COLOR, supColour );
ObjectCreate( "SupText@" + trArr[i],OBJ_TEXT,0,Time[trArr[i]],Low[trArr[i]]-pad);
ObjectSetText( "SupText@" + trArr[i], DoubleToStr(Low[trArr[i]],MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)), fontSize, fontFace, supColour );
ObjectSet( "SupText@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_COLOR, supColour );
Print( Symbol() + " sup@ " + DoubleToStr(Low[trArr[i]],MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)) + " t:" + tch + " dist:" +
DoubleToStr( (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)-Low[trArr[i]])/(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT)*10), 1 ));
if ( x > 0 ) {
ObjectSet( "Sup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, false );
ObjectCreate( "BrokenSup@" + trArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[x],Low[trArr[i]],Time[0],Low[trArr[i]] );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, true );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_COLOR, supColour );
// here we will be checking against sloping trend lines
for ( j = i + 1; j < a; j++ ) {
u = countSlopingCrosses(trArr[i], trArr[j], brk, 0, false, body);
t = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, 0, StringFind(u,",")));
x = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(u, StringFind(u,",")+1, StringLen(u)-StringFind(u,",")-1));
if ( t > tch && x <= lineLife ) {
slope = (Low[trArr[i]] - Low[trArr[j]]) / (trArr[i] - trArr[j]);
endLine = (slope * (0 - trArr[i])) + Low[trArr[i]];
xLine = (slope * (x - trArr[i])) + Low[trArr[i]];
ObjectCreate( "SlopeSup@" + trArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[trArr[i]],Low[trArr[i]],Time[x],xLine );
ObjectSet( "SlopeSup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "SlopeSup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_COLOR, slsupColour );
Print( Symbol() + " sup@ " + DoubleToStr(endLine,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)) + " t:" + tch + " dist:" +
DoubleToStr( (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)-endLine)/(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT)*10), 1 ));
if ( x > 0 ) {
ObjectSet( "SlopeSup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, false );
ObjectCreate( "BrokenSlopeSup@" + trArr[i],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[x],xLine,Time[0],endLine );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSlopeSup@" + trArr[i], OBJPROP_RAY, true );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSlopeSup@" + trArr[i],OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT );
ObjectSet( "BrokenSlopeSup@" + trArr[i],OBJPROP_COLOR, slsupColour );
* With this function we will count how many crosses and how many touches there have
* been on an horizontal trend line. If the quantity of crosses exceeds the number of
* breaks we will return the last bar when crosses == brk, otherwise we will return
* 0, meaning the trend line is still alive.
* @param sym string Symbol of the currency being analysed
* @param TF int Timeframe of the symbol being analysed
* @param fromBar int Starting point - going all the way to 1 NOT 0
* @param brk int Max number of breaks allowed
* @param rng double Allowable distance H/L price can be considered touched/broken (not used on breaks)
* @param pk bool If line is resistance make it "true" otherwise "false"
* @param body bool Is the body of a candle considered to be a cross? TRUE = yes, FALSE = no
* @return string touches,crosses
* TODO - add capacity to signal/colour bars responsible for touching (may not be evident with rng)
string countHCrosses(int fromBar, int brk, double rng, bool pk, bool body) {
int t, x, lastCross = 0;
bool flag;
for ( int i = fromBar; i > 0; i-- ) {
flag = true;
if ( pk == true ) {
// watching the highs
if ( High[i] + rng >= High[fromBar] ) {
if ( body == true && Open[i] > High[fromBar] ) {
flag = false; // need to make sure we don't double count if the close has broken above too!
if ( flag == true && Close[i] > High[fromBar] ) {
} else {
// watching the lows
if ( Low[i] - rng <= Low[fromBar] ) {
if ( body == true && Open[i] < Low[fromBar] ) {
flag = false;
if ( flag == true && Close[i] < Low[fromBar] ) {
if ( x > brk && brk > 0 ) {
lastCross = i;
} // end for-bars loop
return( StringConcatenate(t , "," , lastCross) );
* With this function we will count how many crosses and how many touches there have
* been on a SLOPING trend line.
* @param sym string Symbol of the currency being analysed
* @param TF int Timeframe of the symbol being analysed
* @param fromBar int Starting point - going all the way to 1 NOT 0
* @param toBar int Ending point of the trend line
* @param brk int Max number of breaks allowed
* @param rng double Allowable distance H/L price can be considered touched/broken (not used on breaks)
* @param pk bool If line is resistance make it "true" otherwise "false"
* @param body bool Is the body of a candle considered to be a cross? TRUE = yes, FALSE = no
* @return string touches,crosses
* TODO - add capacity to signal/colour bars responsible for touching (may not be evident with rng)
string countSlopingCrosses(int fromBar, int toBar, int brk, double rng, bool pk, bool body) {
int t, x, lastCross = 0;
bool flag;
double slope, val;
// obtain the slope of the trend line
if ( pk == true ) {
slope = ((High[fromBar] - High[toBar])/(fromBar - toBar));
} else {
slope = ((Low[fromBar] - Low[toBar])/(fromBar - toBar));
for ( int i = fromBar; i > 0; i-- ) {
flag = true;
if ( pk == true ) {
// calculate the value of the trend line at "i"
val = (slope * (i - fromBar)) + High[fromBar];
if ( High[i] + rng >= val ) {
if ( body == true && Open[i] > val ) {
flag = false; // need to make sure we don't double count if the close has broken above too!
if ( flag == true && Close[i] > val ) {
} else {
// calculate it's current value at bar "i"
val = (slope * (i - fromBar)) + Low[fromBar];
if ( Low[i] - rng <= val ) {
if ( body == true && Open[i] < val ) {
flag = false;
if ( flag == true && Close[i] < val ) {
if ( x > brk && brk > 0 ) {
lastCross = i;
} // end for-bars loop
return( StringConcatenate(t , "," , lastCross) );
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