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Save currencysecrets/9899298 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Trend line EA
string VERSION = "TL BO 1.0";
// external global variables
extern int EXT_SWINGS = 2; // swing level, 0 is lowest, 2 is most common
extern int EXT_NO_SWING_LMT = 12; // don't consider the latest X bars as swing points to draw trend lines
extern int EXT_ATR = 300; // ATR(x)
extern double EXT_ATR_MAX_SLOPE = 0.05; // multiple of ATR that would be considered maximum slope
extern double EXT_ATR_BUFFER = 0.05; // multiple of ATR to add to low/high for it to be considered a "touch"
extern int EXT_NULL_CLOSES = 0; // number of closes beyond trend line to nullify it as a valid trend line
extern int EXT_NUM_TOUCHES = 3; // (inclusive) number of touches needed to be considered a valid trend line
extern int EXT_RES_COLOR = IndianRed; // horizontal resistance line
extern int EXT_SUP_COLOR = PaleGreen; // horizontal support line
extern int EXT_SLOPE_RES_COLOR = LightSalmon; // sloping resistance line
extern int EXT_SLOPE_SUP_COLOR = Lime; // sloping support line
extern double EXT_ATR_INI_STOP = 0.1; // additional buffer to add beyond the initial stop
extern int EXT_LOOKBACK = 3; // number of bars to find highest high/lowest low
extern double EXT_RISK_MINAMT = 50; // dollar value of the minimum amount to risk per trade
extern double EXT_RISK_DIVISOR = 10; // AccountBalance/X = risk per trade
extern int EXT_MAX_SLIP = 10; // maximum points of slippage allowed for order 10 = 1 pip
extern double EXT_ATR_TRAILSTOP = 2; // multiple for trailing the market ATR(EXT_ATR) * X
extern double EXT_ATR_BO = 2; // multiple of ATR to determine if bar is a BO
// global variables
datetime NOWPER;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
string sym = Symbol();
int per = Period();
// check if currency is active
GATE_ACTIVE = isActive( sym, false );
// remove all previous trend lines and plots
ObjectsDeleteAll( 0 );
// get resistance line
GATE_RES = getTrendLine( sym, per, true );
// get support line
GATE_SUP = getTrendLine( sym, per, false );
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| expert start function |
int start()
string sym = Symbol();
int per = Period();
int d = Digits;
datetime t = iTime( sym, per, 0 );
// if the system is not active, look for a new position
if ( GATE_ACTIVE == -1 ) {
// looking for breakouts UP
if ( GATE_RES > 0 ) {
if ( Bid > GATE_RES && GATE_RES > 0 && isBO( sym, per, true ) && getTrend( sym, per, true ) > 0 ) doBuy( sym, per );
// looking for breakouts DOWN
if ( GATE_SUP > 0 ) {
if ( Bid < GATE_SUP && GATE_SUP > 0 && isBO( sym, per, false ) && getTrend( sym, per, false ) < 0 ) doSell( sym, per );
} else {
// first we'll check to see if the exit price has been hit
// LONG trades
if ( GATE_ACTIVE == OP_BUY && EXIT_PRICE > Bid && EXIT_PRICE > 0 ) exitNow( sym, TRADE_TKT, TRADE_LOTS, Bid );
// SHORT trades
if ( GATE_ACTIVE == OP_SELL && Ask > EXIT_PRICE && EXIT_PRICE > 0 ) exitNow( sym, TRADE_TKT, TRADE_LOTS, Ask );
// if the gate is active let's analyse whether it's stop loss needs amending
GATE_ACTIVE = isActive( sym, true );
// only do at the change of every bar
if ( t != NOWPER ) {
GATE_RES = getTrendLine( sym, per, true );
GATE_SUP = getTrendLine( sym, per, false );
// let's comment the values of the trend line to see what their price is
Comment( "RES=" + DoubleToStr( GATE_RES, d ) + " SUP=" + DoubleToStr( GATE_SUP, d ) );
// this function will determine whether the current bar is a breakout bar
bool isBO( string sym, int per, bool isUp ) {
// get the multiplier of ATR to determine if it has broken out
double bo = EXT_ATR_BO * iATR( sym, per, EXT_ATR, 1 );
// check current bar to determine if breakout has happened
if ( isUp && iClose( sym, per, 0 ) - iOpen( sym, per, 0 ) > bo ) return ( true );
if ( !isUp && iOpen( sym, per, 0 ) - iClose( sym, per, 0 ) > bo ) return ( true );
return( false );
// this function will determine the trend
int getTrend( string sym, int per, bool isUp ) {
// checking if price is greater than it's MA(300)
if ( isUp && iClose( sym, per, 0 ) > iMA( sym, per, 300, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 ) ) return ( 1 );
// checking if price is less than it's MA(300)
if ( !isUp && iClose( sym, per, 0 ) < iMA( sym, per, 300, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0 ) ) return ( -1 );
return( 0 );
// placing an at-market sell order
int doSell( string sym, int per ) {
// check whether the system is allowed to place a trade
int trade = checkIsTradeAllowed(), tkt = 0;
if ( trade == 0 ) RefreshRates();
if ( trade > 0 ) {
// order type
int ord = OP_SELL;
// get entry price
double entry = Bid;
// get spread as SELL orders pay the spread on their exit
double spread = MarketInfo( sym, MODE_SPREAD ) * MarketInfo( sym, MODE_POINT );
// get initial stop loss - we will use the highest high over X periods plus a buffer
double exit = N( iHigh( sym, per, iHighest( sym, per, MODE_HIGH, EXT_LOOKBACK, 0 ) ) + ( EXT_ATR_INI_STOP * iATR( sym, per, EXT_ATR, 1 ) ) );
// add spread to initial stop loss value
exit += spread;
// check if stop loss is beyond the currency's stop level
double stopPt = MarketInfo( sym, MODE_STOPLEVEL ) * MarketInfo( sym, MODE_POINT );
// if not amend the exit to meet stop level requirements
if ( MathAbs( entry - exit ) < stopPt ) exit = entry + stopPt;
// get the amount to risk per trade
double riskAmt = getRiskAmount();
// now calculate what the amount risked per trade equates to in lot size
double lots = MathMax( getLots( sym, entry, exit, riskAmt ), MarketInfo( sym, MODE_LOTSTEP ) );
// as we have an at market ordering process we don't need an expiry value
datetime expy = 0;
// storing a value for the MagicNumber can be subjective, you can do whatever you want, I will just use
// the active chart's Period() value
int magic = per;
// our last minute check to see that we DON'T have an active open order on this currency
// if we do exit this function with 0
if ( isActive( sym, false ) ) return( 0 );
// submit AT MARKET sell order
tkt = OrderSend( sym, ord, lots, entry, EXT_MAX_SLIP, exit, 0, VERSION, magic, expy, 0 );
if ( tkt > 0 ) {
// change the active currency's GATE_ACTIVE flag to true
// set global exit price
EXIT_PRICE = exit;
// our entry order has been placed let's now notify ourselves of the order
SendMail( "NEW SELL Order " + sym,
"Entry = " + D( entry ) + "\n" +
"StopLoss = " + D( exit ) + "\n" +
"Initial Risk = " + D( riskAmt, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Actual Risk = " + D( profitAtStop( sym, entry, exit, lots, OP_SELL ), 2 ) + "\n" +
"Lots = " + D( lots, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Expiry = " + TimeToStr( expy ) + "\n" +
"MagicNum = " + magic + "\n" +
"HHV = " + D( iHigh( sym, per, iHighest( sym, per, MODE_HIGH, EXT_LOOKBACK, 0 ) ) ) + "\n" +
"Version = " + VERSION + "\n"
} else if ( tkt == -1 ) {
// here's what we will do when something goes wrong - try to return as much details as possible
if ( GetLastError() > 0 ) {
SendMail( "ERR with NEW SELL Order " + sym,
"Entry = " + D( entry ) + "\n" +
"StopLoss = " + D( exit ) + "\n" +
"Initial Risk = " + D( riskAmt, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Actual Risk = " + D( profitAtStop( sym, entry, exit, lots, OP_SELL ), 2 ) + "\n" +
"Lots = " + D( lots, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Expiry = " + TimeToStr( expy ) + "\n" +
"MagicNum = " + magic + "\n" +
"HHV = " + D( iHigh( sym, per, iHighest( sym, per, MODE_HIGH, EXT_LOOKBACK, 0 ) ) ) + "\n" +
"Version = " + VERSION + "\n"
return ( tkt );
int doBuy( string sym, int per ) {
int trade = checkIsTradeAllowed(), tkt = 0;
if ( trade == 0 ) RefreshRates();
if ( trade > 0 ) {
int ord = OP_BUY;
double entry = Ask; // spread paid at entry
double exit = N( iLow( sym, per, iLowest( sym, per, MODE_LOW, EXT_LOOKBACK, 0 ) ) - ( EXT_ATR_INI_STOP * iATR( sym, per, EXT_ATR, 1 )) ); // bid price
double stopPt = MarketInfo( sym, MODE_STOPLEVEL ) * MarketInfo( sym, MODE_POINT );
if ( MathAbs( entry - exit ) < stopPt ) exit = entry - stopPt;
double riskAmt = getRiskAmount();
double lots = MathMax( getLots( sym, entry, exit, riskAmt ), MarketInfo( sym, MODE_LOTSTEP ) );
datetime expy = 0;
int magic = per;
if ( isActive( sym, false ) ) return( 0 ); // last minute check!
// submit AT MARKET entry order
tkt = OrderSend( sym, ord, lots, entry, EXT_MAX_SLIP, exit, 0, VERSION, magic, expy, 0 );
if ( tkt > 0 ) {
EXIT_PRICE = exit;
SendMail( "NEW BUY Order for " + sym,
"Entry = " + D( entry ) + "\n" +
"StopLoss = " + D( exit ) + "\n" +
"Initial Risk = " + D( riskAmt, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Actual Risk = " + D( profitAtStop( sym, entry, exit, lots, OP_BUY ), 2 ) + "\n" +
"Lots = " + D( lots, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Expiry = " + TimeToStr( expy ) + "\n" +
"MagicNum = " + magic + "\n" +
"LLV = " + D( iLow( sym, per, iLowest( sym, per, MODE_LOW, EXT_LOOKBACK, 0 ) ) ) + "\n" +
"Version = " + VERSION
} else if ( tkt == -1 ) {
if ( GetLastError() > 0 ) {
SendMail( "ERR with NEW BUY Order for " + sym,
"Entry = " + D( entry ) + "\n" +
"StopLoss = " + D( exit ) + "\n" +
"Initial Risk = " + D( riskAmt, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Actual Risk = " + D( profitAtStop( sym, entry, exit, lots, OP_BUY ), 2 ) + "\n" +
"Lots = " + D( lots, 2 ) + "\n" +
"Expiry = " + TimeToStr( expy ) + "\n" +
"MagicNum = " + magic + "\n" +
"LLV = " + D( iLow( sym, per, iLowest( sym, per, MODE_LOW, EXT_LOOKBACK, 0 ) ) ) + "\n" +
"Version = " + VERSION
return( tkt );
// amended from
int checkIsTradeAllowed( uint MaxWaiting_sec = 30 ) {
// check firstly whether it's the end of the forex day
// Pepperstone will not allow us to trade between 17:00 - 17:05 NY EST
if ( Hour() == 0 && Minute() < 5 ) {
Print( "Cannot trade during this time, closing market" );
return( -1 );
if ( !IsTradeAllowed() ) {
uint StartWaitingTime = GetTickCount();
while( true ) {
if ( IsStopped() ) {
Print("The expert was terminated by the user!");
return( -1 );
if ( GetTickCount() - StartWaitingTime > MaxWaiting_sec * 1000 ) {
Print("Waiting limit exceeded");
return( -2 );
if ( IsTradeAllowed() ) return( 0 );
Sleep( 100 );
} else {
return( 1 );
return( -1 );
// calculates the amount of money to risk per trade
double getRiskAmount() {
return( MathMax( EXT_RISK_MINAMT, ( AccountBalance() + getStopPL() ) / EXT_RISK_DIVISOR ) );
// calculates the total profit/loss of all open positions as though every open trade were to
// exit immediately at their current stop prices
double getStopPL() {
int tot = OrdersTotal();
double result = 0;
for( int i = tot; i >= 0; i -= 1 ) {
if ( OrderSelect( i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) ) {
result += profitAtStop( OrderSymbol(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), OrderLots(), OrderType() );
return( result );
// calculates the profit/loss of the trade if it's stop is hit
double profitAtStop( string sym, double open, double stop, double lots, int type ) {
double result = lots * MarketInfo( sym, MODE_TICKVALUE ) / MarketInfo( sym, MODE_TICKSIZE );
if ( type == OP_BUY ) {
return( N( ( stop - open ) * result, 2 ) );
} else if ( type == OP_SELL ) {
return( N( ( open - stop ) * result, 2 ) );
return ( 0 );
// shortcut function to NormalizeDouble
double N( double d, int dig = 0 ) {
if ( dig == 0 ) dig = Digits;
return( NormalizeDouble( d, dig ) );
// calculates the position size of the trade according to entry, initial stop loss and risk
double getLots( string sym, double entry, double stop, double risk ) {
double dist = MathAbs( entry - stop ),
result = ( risk * MarketInfo( sym, MODE_TICKSIZE ) ) / ( dist * MarketInfo( sym, MODE_TICKVALUE ) );
return( N( result, 2 ) );
// shortcut function to convert double to string
string D( double d, int dig = 0 ) {
if ( dig == 0 ) dig = Digits;
return( DoubleToStr( d, dig ) );
// check if the symbol currently has an open position
int isActive( string sym, bool checkStop ) {
int tots = OrdersTotal();
for ( int i = tots; i >= 0; i -= 1 ) {
if ( OrderSelect( i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES ) ) {
if ( OrderSymbol() == sym ) {
// check if we are checking the trailing stop on an active order
if ( checkStop && OrderType() < 2 ) {
// as we are checking stops let's check this one
// notice here how when we stored the OrderMagicNumber we used it to store the Period
// the purpose of this is to help us differentiate what time period was used in case we
// use multiple time frames for this EA on the same currency
EXIT_PRICE = getTrailingStop( sym, OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), OrderOpenTime(), OrderMagicNumber(), OrderType() );
TRADE_TKT = OrderTicket();
TRADE_LOTS = OrderLots();
return ( OrderType() );
return ( -1 );
// this function requires the following parameters:
// sym = currency
// op = opening price of the current trade
// sl = stop loss price of the current trade
// ot = opening datetime of the current trade
// per = active chart's period - for calculating ATR distance properly
// type = order type of the current trade
double getTrailingStop( string sym, double op, double sl, datetime ot, int per, int type ) {
double temp;
// make the result for this function initially equal the stop loss
double result = sl;
// calculate the trailing stop distance
double atr = iATR( sym, per, EXT_ATR, 1 ) * EXT_ATR_TRAILSTOP;
// check if we are operating in the bar of entry, if so move to minute charts to find out
// what the highest high or lowest low is since entry (rather than using the whole bar)
// As Pepperstone timestamp their bars with the opening time of that bar we can frame
// our logic by checking if the current bar is less than or equal to the current bar
// if it is, then the current bar *IS* the bar of entry.
if ( iTime( sym, per, 0 ) <= ot ) {
temp = getMinutePrice( sym, ot, atr, type );
if ( type == OP_BUY && temp > result ) result = temp;
if ( type == OP_SELL && temp < result ) result = temp;
// get bars of current periods' chart
int b = iBars( sym, per );
// let's loop through the bars now, starting with the most recent bar
for ( int i = 0; i < b; i += 1 ) {
// if the time of the active chart is LESS than the time of when the trade opened, end
if ( iTime( sym, per, i ) < ot ) break;
// calculate the ATR trailing distance - using active chart's period
// and always using the previous bar's ATR as the current bar is still
// forming
atr = iATR( sym, per, EXT_ATR, i+1 ) * EXT_ATR_TRAILSTOP;
// for long trades
if ( type == OP_BUY ) {
// using the high of the minute chart subtract the ATR distance
temp = iHigh( sym, per, i ) - atr;
// compare against the current best result, and if it is better modify result
if ( temp > result ) result = temp;
// for short trades
} else if ( type == OP_SELL ) {
// using the low of the minute chart add the ATR distance
temp = iLow( sym, per, i ) + atr;
// compare against the current best result, and if it is better modify result
if ( temp < result ) result = temp;
// return the result, normalizing the double
return ( N( result ) );
// this function will return the highest high or lowest low in the minute chart
// parameters of this function:
// sym = currency's symbol
// ot = opening datetime of the trade
// atr = atr value used as trailing distance
// type = order type of the trade
double getMinutePrice( string sym, datetime ot, double atr, int type ) {
int per = PERIOD_M1;
int b = iBars( sym, per );
// better to start with a value, rather than 0
double result = iClose( sym, per, 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < b; i += 1 ) {
// once the active bar is less than the opening time then we are analysing
// bars PRIOR to entry, therefore exit
if ( iTime( sym, per, i ) < ot ) break;
if ( type == OP_BUY && iHigh( sym, per, i ) > result ) result = iHigh( sym, per, i );
if ( type == OP_SELL && iLow( sym, per, i ) < result ) result = iLow( sym, per, i );
// now that we have found the highest value since entry let's subtract the atr distance
if ( type == OP_BUY ) return( result - atr );
// now that we hav found the lowest value since entry let's add the atr distance
if ( type == OP_SELL ) return ( result + atr );
// this function exits at market, but needs the following params:
// sym = currency symbol
// tkt = trades' ticket number
// lots = trades' lot size
// p = price to exit at
bool exitNow( string sym, int tkt, double lots, double p ) {
// check if it's okay to exit trade
int trade = checkIsTradeAllowed();
// place trade if ok to place order
if ( trade > 0 ) {
if ( OrderClose( tkt, lots, p, EXT_MAX_SLIP, 0 ) ) {
// trade has successfuly closed
GATE_ACTIVE = -1; // reset
// let's now loop through the historical trades and obtain some data to return
int t = OrdersHistoryTotal();
for ( int i = t; i >= 0; i -= 1 ) {
if ( OrderSelect( i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY ) ) {
if ( OrderTicket() == tkt ) {
double op = OrderOpenPrice();
datetime ot = OrderOpenTime();
double sl = OrderStopLoss();
double pr = OrderProfit();
int typ = OrderType();
string d;
if ( typ == 0 ) d = "LONG";
if ( typ == 1 ) d = "SHORT";
double cp = OrderClosePrice();
datetime ct = OrderCloseTime();
int mag = OrderMagicNumber();
double comm = OrderCommission();
double swap = OrderSwap();
double slip;
if ( typ == OP_BUY ) slip = cp - p;
if ( typ == OP_SELL ) slip = p - cp;
// Send alerts
SendMail( "EXIT of " + d + " for " + sym,
"PROFIT/LOSS = " + D( pr, 2 ) + "\n" +
"ALERT price = " + D( p ) + "\n" +
"CLOSE price = " + D( cp ) + "\n" +
"CLOSE time = " + TimeToStr( ct ) + "\n" +
"COMMISSION charged = " + D( comm, 2 ) + "\n" +
"SWAP charges = " + D( swap, 2 ) + "\n" +
"SLIPPAGE = " + D( slip ) + "\n" +
"\n" +
"OPEN price = " + D( op ) + "\n" +
"OPEN time = " + TimeToStr( ot ) + "\n" +
"MAGIC number = " + mag + "\n" +
"STOP LOSS = " + D( sl ) + "\n"
return( true );
} else {
// alert at the failure of closing the trade
SendMail("ERR EXIT of " + d + " for " + sym,
"ERR = " + GetLastError() + "\n" +
"ALERT price = " + D( p ) + "\n" +
"CLOSE price = " + D( cp ) + "\n" +
"CLOSE time = " + TimeToStr( ct ) + "\n"
return( false );
double getTrendLine( string sym, int per, bool isUp ) {
int swingArray[], tempArray[];
initBarsArray( sym, per, swingArray ); // initialise array with all bars
// refine the array according to the swing level set
for ( int s = 0; s <= EXT_SWINGS; s += 1 ) {
int arrLen = ArraySize( swingArray );
for ( int a = 2; a < arrLen; a += 1 ) {
if ( isUp ) {
if ( isPeak( sym, swingArray[a-2], swingArray[a-1], swingArray[a], per ) ) intArrayPush( tempArray, swingArray[a-1] );
} else {
if ( isTrough( sym, swingArray[a-2], swingArray[a-1], swingArray[a], per ) ) intArrayPush( tempArray, swingArray[a-1] );
// copy array
flushArray( swingArray );
ArrayCopy( swingArray, tempArray );
flushArray( tempArray );
// now that we have an array of all valid swing points we test each combination
// of points to determine whether they are trend lines that meet our specifications
double result, tempResult;
int arrSize = ArraySize( swingArray );
for ( a = 0; a < arrSize; a += 1 ) {
// first we will test the horizontal trend line value of this swing point
tempResult = getLastValidPoint( sym, swingArray[a], swingArray[a], per, isUp );
// if we get a number other than zero from our valid point function we will plot this trend line
if ( tempResult > 0 ) {
// let's compare the last valid point of the horizontal trend line to see if
// it is closer to price than our current result
if ( result == 0 ) result = tempResult;
if ( isUp && tempResult < result ) result = tempResult;
if ( !isUp && tempResult > result ) result = tempResult;
// draw trend line
if ( isUp ) {
ObjectCreate( "Res@" + swingArray[a],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[swingArray[a]],High[swingArray[a]],Time[0], tempResult );
ObjectSet( "Res@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "Res@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_COLOR, EXT_RES_COLOR );
} else {
ObjectCreate( "Sup@" + swingArray[a],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[swingArray[a]],Low[swingArray[a]],Time[0], tempResult );
ObjectSet( "Sup@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "Sup@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_COLOR, EXT_SUP_COLOR );
// next we'll test sloping trend lines
for ( int b = a + 1; b < arrSize; b += 1 ) {
// get last valid point of sloping trend line
tempResult = getLastValidPoint( sym, swingArray[a], swingArray[b], per, isUp );
if ( tempResult > 0 ) {
// let's compare the last valid point of the sloping trend line to see if
// it is closer to price than our current result
if ( result == 0 ) result = tempResult;
if ( isUp && tempResult < result ) result = tempResult;
if ( !isUp && tempResult > result ) result = tempResult;
// draw trend line
if ( isUp ) {
ObjectCreate( "SlopeRes@" + swingArray[a],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[swingArray[a]],High[swingArray[a]],Time[0], tempResult );
ObjectSet( "SlopeRes@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "SlopeRes@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_COLOR, EXT_SLOPE_RES_COLOR );
} else {
ObjectCreate( "SlopeSup@" + swingArray[a],OBJ_TREND,0,Time[swingArray[a]],Low[swingArray[a]],Time[0], tempResult );
ObjectSet( "SlopeSup@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "SlopeSup@" + swingArray[a], OBJPROP_COLOR, EXT_SLOPE_SUP_COLOR );
// return the value of the closest trend line's current value
return ( result );
void intArrayPush( int& arr[], int elem ) {
int size = ArraySize( arr );
ArrayResize( arr, size + 1 );
arr[ size ] = elem;
void initBarsArray( string sym, int per, int& arr[] ) {
int b = iBars( sym, per );
for ( int i = b - 1; i > EXT_NO_SWING_LMT; i -= 1 ) {
intArrayPush( arr, i );
void flushArray( int& arr[] ) {
ArrayInitialize( arr, 0 );
ArrayResize( arr, 0 );
bool isTrough( string sym, int left, int mid, int right, int per ) {
if ( iLow( sym, per, left ) >= iLow( sym, per, mid ) && iLow( sym, per, mid ) < iLow( sym, per, right ) ) return ( true );
return ( false );
bool isPeak( string sym, int left, int mid, int right, int per ) {
if ( iHigh( sym, per, left ) <= iHigh( sym, per, mid ) && iHigh( sym, per, mid ) > iHigh( sym, per, right ) ) return ( true );
return ( false );
double getLastValidPoint( string sym, int b1, int b2, int per, bool isUp ) {
// first we'll obtain the slope of the trend line to check its gradient
double slope = getSlope( sym, b1, b2, per, isUp ), pt, buffer;
// we will use a multiple of the ATR to check whether a trend line is too sharp
// if it is we will exit with a value of 0
if ( MathAbs( slope ) > iATR( sym, per, EXT_ATR, 0 ) * EXT_ATR_MAX_SLOPE ) return ( 0 );
// otherwise we will now test whether the trend line has had the right amount of
// touches without exceeding the number of closes beyond it.
int x = 0, t = 0, lastTouch;
for ( int i = b1; i >= 0; i -= 1 ) {
// adding a buffer in case price gets close to trend line but doesn't actually touch
buffer = iATR( sym, per, EXT_ATR, i ) * EXT_ATR_BUFFER;
if ( isUp ) {
pt = iHigh( sym, per, b1 ) + ( slope * ( b1 - i ) );
if ( iClose( sym, per, i ) > pt && i > 0 ) x += 1;
// a "touch" is made when it has formed a peak
if ( i == lastTouch && isPeak( sym, i+2, i+1, i, per ) ) t += 1;
if ( iHigh( sym, per, i ) + buffer >= pt ) lastTouch = i-1;
} else {
pt = iLow( sym, per, b1 ) + ( slope * ( b1 - i ) );
if ( iClose( sym, per, i ) < pt && i > 0 ) x += 1;
// a "touch" is made when it has formed a trough
if ( i == lastTouch && isTrough( sym, i+2, i+1, i, per ) ) t += 1;
if ( iLow( sym, per, i ) - buffer <= pt ) lastTouch = i-1;
// check if trend line has broken the number of closes to nullify it
if ( x > EXT_NULL_CLOSES ) {
// we want to plot our broken lines, however, we only want to plot
// those broken trend lines which exceeded our number of touches and which
// didn't get broken between their swing points
if ( i < b2 && t >= EXT_NUM_TOUCHES ) {
if ( isUp ) {
ObjectCreate( "BrokenTL@" + b1,OBJ_TREND,0,Time[b1],High[b1],Time[i], pt );
ObjectSet( "BrokenTL@" + b1, OBJPROP_RAY, false );
ObjectSet( "BrokenTL@" + b1, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "BrokenTL@" + b1, OBJPROP_COLOR, EXT_SLOPE_RES_COLOR );
} else {
ObjectCreate( "BrokenTL@" + b1,OBJ_TREND,0,Time[b1],Low[b1],Time[i], pt );
ObjectSet( "BrokenTL@" + b1, OBJPROP_RAY, false );
ObjectSet( "BrokenTL@" + b1, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID );
ObjectSet( "BrokenTL@" + b1, OBJPROP_COLOR, EXT_SLOPE_SUP_COLOR );
return ( 0 );
// if trend line exceeds the number of touches return the current value of the trend line
if ( t >= EXT_NUM_TOUCHES ) return ( pt );
// otherwise return 0
return ( 0 );
double getSlope( string sym, int b1, int b2, int per, bool isUp ) {
if ( b1 == b2 ) return ( 0 );
if ( isUp ) {
return ( ( iHigh( sym, per, b1 ) - iHigh( sym, per, b2 ) ) / ( b2 - b1 ) ); // b2 - b1 is deliberate
} else {
return ( ( iLow( sym, per, b1 ) - iLow( sym, per, b2 ) ) / ( b2 - b1 ) ); // b2 - b1 is deliberate
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Did this EA ever work? Awesome job btw. Testing but no trades. please ping me at Thanks!

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