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Created December 3, 2019 18:50
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(:refer-clojure :exclude [list])
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
["native-base" :as nb :refer [Container Header Footer FooterTab Item Input Icon Button Content
List ListItem CheckBox Left Body Right Label Card CardItem Segment
H1 H2 H3 Form Spinner Separator Picker Text Title Subtitle TextArea]]
["react-native-modal-datetime-picker" :default DateTimePicker]
["react-native" :as rn]
[clojure.string :as str]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[ :as futil]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro-native.alpha.components :as c]))
(def ios? (= "ios" rn/Platform.OS))
(defn- remove-separators [s]
(when s
(str/replace s #"^[.#]" "")))
(defn- get-tokens [k]
(re-seq #"[#.]?[^#.]+" (name k)))
(defn- parse
"Parse CSS shorthand keyword and return vector of prop strings.
(parse :.klass3.klass1.klass2)
=> [\"klass1\"
(if k
(let [tokens (get-tokens k)
classes (->> tokens (clojure.core/filter #(re-matches #"^\..*" %)))]
(when-not (re-matches #"^(\.[^.#]+|#[^.#]+)+$" (name k))
(throw (ex-info "Invalid style keyword. It contains something other than classnames and IDs." {:item k})))
(keep remove-separators classes))
(defn add-kwprops-to-props
[props kw]
(let [kw-strings (parse kw)]
(let [props (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 true)
(clj->js props))))
(declare container header item input icon button content
list list-item checkbox left body right label card card-item
form spinner separator picker text textarea title subtitle
(defn text
([str] (text nil str))
([props str]
(c/create-element Text (clj->js props) str)))
(defn b
"Emits a Text element with font weight set to bold."
(text {:style {:fontWeight "bold"}} txt))
(defn title
([str] (title nil str))
([props str]
(c/create-element Title (clj->js props) str)))
(defn subtitle
([str] (subtitle nil str))
([props str]
(c/create-element Subtitle (clj->js props) str)))
(defn react-factory [js-class]
(c/react-factory js-class
{:ui-text (fn [child]
(text nil child))}))
(def ^{:private true} element-marker
(-> (js/React.createElement Text nil)
(gobj/get "$$typeof")))
(defn element? "Returns true if the given arg is a react element."
(and (object? x) (= element-marker (gobj/get x "$$typeof"))))
(s/def ::base-element-args
:css (s/? keyword?)
:attrs (s/? (s/or
:nil nil?
:map #(and (map? %) (not (element? %)))
:js-object #(and (object? %) (not (element? %)))))
:children (s/* (s/or
:string string?
:number number?
:collection #(or (vector? %) (seq? %) (array? %))
:nil nil?
:element element?))))
;; react v16 is really picky, the old direct .children prop trick no longer works
(defn macro-create-element*
"Used internally by the DOM element generation."
{:pre [(array? arr)]}
(.apply js/React.createElement nil arr))
(defonce form-elements? #{"input" "select" "option" "textarea"})
(defn is-form-element? [element]
(let [tag (.-tagName element)]
(and tag (form-elements? (str/lower-case tag)))))
(defn- arr-append* [arr x]
(.push arr x)
(defn- arr-append [arr tail]
(if (and (= 1 (count tail)) (string? (first tail)))
(arr-append* arr (text (first tail)))
(reduce arr-append* arr tail)))
(defn create-element-impl
"Runtime interpretation of props. Used internally by element generation when the macro cannot expand the element at compile time."
([type args] (create-element-impl type args nil))
([type args csskw]
(let [[head & tail] (mapv comp/force-children args)
f macro-create-element*]
(nil? head)
(f (doto #js [type (add-kwprops-to-props {} csskw)]
(arr-append tail)))
(element? head)
(f (doto #js [type (add-kwprops-to-props {} csskw)]
(arr-append args)))
(object? head)
(f (doto #js [type (add-kwprops-to-props (js->clj head) csskw)]
(arr-append tail)))
(map? head)
(f (doto #js [type (add-kwprops-to-props head csskw)]
(arr-append tail)))
(f (doto #js [type (add-kwprops-to-props {} csskw)]
(arr-append args)))))))
(defn factory
([class default-attrs]
(fn [& args]
(let [conformed-args (futil/conform! ::base-element-args args)
{attrs :attrs
children :children
css :css} conformed-args
children (mapv second children)
attrs-value (merge default-attrs (or (second attrs) {}))]
(create-element-impl class (into [attrs-value] children) css))))
(fn [& args]
(let [conformed-args (futil/conform! ::base-element-args args)
{attrs :attrs
children :children
css :css} conformed-args
children (mapv second children)
attrs-value (or (second attrs) {})]
(create-element-impl class (into [attrs-value] children) css)))))
(def body (factory Body))
(def button (factory Button))
(def card (factory Card))
(def card-item (factory CardItem))
(def checkbox (factory CheckBox))
(def container (factory Container))
(def content (factory Content))
(def footer (factory Footer))
(def footer-tab (factory FooterTab))
(def form (factory Form))
(def header (factory Header))
(def icon (factory Icon))
(def input (c/wrap-text-input (factory Input)))
(def item (factory Item))
(def label (factory Label))
(def left (factory Left))
(def list
":dataArray - Array of things to render
:renderRow - (fn [element] )
:keyExtractor (fn [element] string)"
(factory List))
(def list-item
":button - boolean (false). To navigate on click of a list item.
:selected - boolean (true). Highlight the selected item.
:noIndent - boolean (true). Remove margin from left.
:itemDivider - boolean (false). Show divider.
:icon - boolean. Format to allow for icon on left.
:avatar - boolean. Format for an avatar on the item.
:thumbnail - boolean. Format for an image on the item.
(factory ListItem))
(def picker (factory Picker))
(def picker-item (factory (.-Item Picker)))
(def right (factory Right))
(def separator (factory Separator))
(def spinner (factory Spinner))
(def segment (factory Segment))
;;; These should not have strings wrapped by base/text
(defn h1
([str] (h1 nil str))
([props str]
(c/create-element H1 (clj->js props) str)))
(defn h2
([str] (h2 nil str))
([props str]
(c/create-element H2 (clj->js props) str)))
(defn h3
([str] (h3 nil str))
([props str]
(c/create-element H3 (clj->js props) str)))
(defn heading
"A header with the specified string as the single body element"
(header {} (body {} title)))
(defn warning-message
"Creates a red message as the body of a Card."
(card {}
(card-item {}
(body {}
(text {:style {:color "red"
:fontSize 20}} txt)))))
(defn confirm!
"Pop a confirm dialog.
onCancel - optional fn to call on cancel
onOK - fn to call on OK"
[{:keys [onCancel onOK title message]}]
(let [buttons (clj->js
[(cond-> {:text "Cancel"}
onCancel (assoc :onPress onCancel))
(cond-> {:text "OK"}
onOK (assoc :onPress onOK))])]
(rn/Alert.alert (or title "Confirm") (or message "") buttons)))
(defn back-button
"Renders a back button."
(button (merge {:transparent true} props)
(icon {:name "arrow-back"})))
(defn add-button
"Renders an add button."
(button (merge {:transparent true} props)
(icon {:name "add"})))
(def datetime-picker
"Create a datetime picker.
:isVisible - Show the picker
:onConfirm - (fn [inst])
:onCancel - (fn [inst])
(factory DateTimePicker {:timePickerModeAndroid "spinner"
:is24Hour false}))
(def theme
{:brandPrimary (if ios? "#007aff" "#3F51B5")
:brandInfo (if ios? "#62B1F6" "#62B1F6")
:brandSuccess (if ios? "#5cb85c" "#5cb85c")
:brandDanger (if ios? "#d9534f" "#d9534f")
:brandWarning (if ios? "#f0ad4e" "#f0ad4e")
:brandDark (if ios? "#000" "#000")
:brandLight (if ios? "#f4f4f4" "#f4f4f4")
:inverseTextColor "#fff"
:fontFamily (if ios? "System" "Roboto_medium")})
(defn message [& args]
(let [{attrs :attrs
children :children
css :css} (futil/conform! ::base-element-args args)
attrs (some-> attrs second)
msg (some-> children first second)]
(card attrs
(card-item {:style {:backgroundColor (theme (case css
:.danger :brandDanger :brandInfo
:.success :brandSuccess
:.warning :brandWarning
(text {:style {:color (theme :inverseTextColor)
:fontFamily (theme :fontFamily)}}
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