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Created April 5, 2020 22:41
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(defn elide-params [params elision-predicate]
(walk/postwalk (fn [x]
(if (and (vector? x) (= 2 (count x)) (elision-predicate (first x)))
(def blacklist #{
(defn elide-ast-nodes
"Like df/elide-ast-nodes but also applies elision-predicate logic to mutation params."
[{:keys [key union-key children] :as ast} elision-predicate]
(let [union-elision? (and union-key (elision-predicate union-key))]
(when-not (or union-elision? (elision-predicate key))
(when (and union-elision? (<= (count children) 2))
(log/warn "Unions are not designed to be used with fewer than two children. Check your calls to Fulcro
load functions where the :without set contains " (pr-str union-key)))
(let [new-ast (-> ast
(update :children (fn [c] (vec (keep #(elide-ast-nodes % elision-predicate) c))))
(update :params elide-params elision-predicate))]
(if (seq (:children new-ast))
(dissoc new-ast :children))))))
(defn elision-predicate [k]
(let [kw-namespace (fn [k] (and (keyword? k) (namespace k)))
k (if (vector? k) (first k) k)
ns (some-> k kw-namespace)]
(contains? blacklist k)
(and (string? ns) (= "ui" ns)))))
(defn global-eql-transform [ast]
(let [mutation? (symbol? (:dispatch-key ast))]
(cond-> (elide-ast-nodes ast elision-predicate)
js/goog.DEBUG (update :children conj (eql/expr->ast :com.wsscode.pathom/trace))
mutation? (update :children conj (eql/expr->ast :tempids)
(eql/expr->ast :ucv/mutation-errors)))))
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