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Created November 2, 2015 01:09
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(def macro-state
(atom {:question ""
:answer ""}))
(defcc input-wrapper < rum/reactive [comp hint label ref]
(mui/text-field {:hintText hint
:multiLine true
:fullWidth true
:rows 2
:value (rum/react ref)
:onChange (fn [e]
(reset! ref (.. e -target -value))
(.forceUpdate comp))
:floatingLabelText label}))
(defc q&a <
{:will-mount (fn [state]
(swap! macro-state
assoc :question (-> state :rum/args first))
(swap! macro-state
assoc :answer (-> state :rum/args second))
[question answer]
"Ex: How do you remove all files from staging?"
(rum/cursor macro-state [:question]))]
"Ex: Ex: git reset HEAD -- ."
(rum/cursor macro-state [:answer]))]])
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