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Created March 28, 2020 19:13
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(defmutation fill-schedule-cells
"Mutation: For every employee in the global list of all employees: create a row on the work schedule whose cells
reflect the currently-scheduled shifts, or placeholder nodes if nothing is scheduled in that cell.
params can include:
`:gc` - A list of old schedule IDs to GC before filling out the current schedule."
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(let [query [{:ucv.models.employee/all-employees
[:employee/id :employee/first-name :employee/last-name :employee/hourly-wage]}]
all-employees (-> (fdn/db->tree query @state @state)
schedule-id (ns/get-in-graph @state [:component/id ::work-schedule-editor :work-schedule/current-week :schedule/id])]
(swap!-> state
(fill-schedule-cells* {:employees all-employees
:schedule/id schedule-id})
(add-materialized-metrics* {:schedule/id schedule-id})))))
(defmutation goto-schedule
"Mutation: Load the schedule for the week that contains the inst `of`, GC old schedules, and fill in the cells for the
work schedule editor."
[{:keys [of]}]
(action [{:keys [app state]}]
(let [old-schedule-ids (-> state deref :schedule/id keys)]
(swap!-> state
(cond-> (seq old-schedule-ids) (gc-schedules* old-schedule-ids)))
(df/load! app :ucv.models.schedule/for-week WorkScheduleEditor
{:target [:component/id ::work-schedule-editor :work-schedule/current-week]
:marker ::schedule
:params {:of of}
:post-mutation `fill-schedule-cells}))))
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