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Last active July 11, 2016 15:01
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(let [conn (-> system :database :connection)
blob-store (-> system :blob-store)
db (d/db conn)
env {:db db :blob-store blob-store}]
(defmulti -pluck
"Multimethod for extending datomic.api/pull, while still maintaining the ability
to let the query decied what is actually fetched."
(fn [k env pull-result] k))
;; Default case just delivers what datomic.api/pull gives you.
(defmethod -pluck :default [k env pull-result]
(get pull-result k))
(defn pick
"Recursively annotates the pull-result with values supplied from the `-pluck`
[env pattern pull-result]
(->> pattern
(map (fn [k]
(keyword? k) k
(map? k) (-> k keys first))
(keyword? k) (-pluck k env pull-result)
(and (map? k)
(vector? (get pull-result (-> k keys first))))
(mapv #(pick env (-> k vals first) %) (get pull-result (-> k keys first)))
(and (map? k))
(pick env (-> k vals first) (get pull-result (-> k keys first))))]))
(into {})))
(defn pluck [env pattern eid]
(let [pull-result (d/pull (:db env) pattern eid)]
(pick env pattern pull-result)))
;;; Extend the pluck API by implementing -pluck multimethod.
;; dashboard/created-at is a derived attribute from Datomic's time model.
(defmethod -pluck :dashboard/created-at [k {db :db} {eid :db/id}]
(d/q '[:find
?created-at .
:in $ ?d
[?d :dashboard/organization _ ?org-tx _]
[?org-tx :db/txInstant ?created-at]]
;; data-source/current-stream is stored in both Datomic and a separate blob-store.
(defmethod -pluck :data-source/current-stream
[k {:keys [db blob-store]} {ds-eid :db/id}]
(let [data-stream (-> (d/entity db ds-eid) :data-source/current-stream)
data-stream-eid (:db/id data-stream)
uuid (:data-stream/id data-stream)]
(merge (d/pull db [{:data-stream/status [:db/ident]} :data-stream/id] data-stream-eid)
(data-stream/find-by-id blob-store uuid))))
;; data-source/fields need to be post-processed.
(defmethod -pluck :data-source/fields [k {db :db} pull-result]
(read-string (get pull-result :data-source/fields-str)))
(pluck env
{:dashboard/author [:db/id :user/first-name :user/last-name]}
{:dashboard/widgets [:db/id
{:widget/data-source [:db/id
;;; Returns something like
{:db/id 17592186056144,
:dashboard/created-at #inst "2016-06-25T00:06:14.571-00:00",
{:db/id 17592186045435, :user/first-name "Clark", :user/last-name "Gates-George"},
:dashboard/title "Summary Statistics",
[{:db/id 17592186056448,
:widget/title "bar copyxx",
{:db/id 17592186056450,
:data-source/id #uuid "57719b0b-e736-49c2-8410-f7d572c058ce",
:data-source/fields ["clicks" "spend" "impressions" "ctr"],
{:data-stream/status {:db/ident :data-stream.status/ready},
:data-stream/id #uuid "577eedab-386f-4de8-932f-93cf52a547cc",
:data-stream/start-date "2016-06-01",
:data-stream/end-date "2016-06-30",
{"impressions" "900,019",
"ctr" "0.51%",
"clicks" "4,630",
"spend" "$13,263.14 USD"},
:row/meta {"currency_code" "USD", "currency_symbol" "$"},
:row/row-id "totals"}},
:data-source/fields-str "[\"clicks\" \"spend\" \"impressions\" \"ctr\"]"}}
{:db/id 17592186056490,
:widget/title "bar copy copy",
{:db/id 17592186056492,
:data-source/id #uuid "57719c44-ef52-4ad6-abd6-534aedf63cb9",
:data-source/fields ["clicks" "spend" "impressions" "ctr"],
{:data-stream/status {:db/ident :data-stream.status/ready},
:data-stream/id #uuid "57729c65-23bf-4dfc-bdd3-ca59a3e1c232",
:data-stream/start-date "2016-05-01",
:data-stream/end-date "2016-05-31",
{"impressions" "983,378",
"ctr" "0.37%",
"clicks" "3,609",
"spend" "$11,760.04 USD"},
:row/meta {"currency_code" "USD", "currency_symbol" "$"},
:row/row-id "totals"}},
:data-source/fields-str "[\"clicks\" \"spend\" \"impressions\" \"ctr\"]"}}
{:db/id 17592186056499,
:widget/title "",
{:db/id 17592186056501,
:data-source/id #uuid "57719c60-1891-44d0-95b2-52af308daa65",
:data-source/fields ["spend" "clicks" "impressions" "ctr"],
{:data-stream/status {:db/ident :data-stream.status/ready},
:data-stream/id #uuid "57729c65-5541-4b80-acac-0af98bf02504",
:data-stream/start-date "2016-05-01",
:data-stream/end-date "2016-05-31",
{"impressions" "983,378",
"ctr" "0.37%",
"clicks" "3,609",
"spend" "$11,760.04 USD"},
:row/meta {"currency_code" "USD", "currency_symbol" "$"},
:row/row-id "totals"}},
:data-source/fields-str "[\"spend\" \"clicks\" \"impressions\" \"ctr\"]"}}
{:db/id 17592186056504,
:widget/title "bar copyxx copy",
{:db/id 17592186056506,
:data-source/id #uuid "57719c76-9a4e-4e3f-a57d-7760cfbef9dc",
:data-source/fields ["clicks" "spend" "impressions" "ctr"],
{:data-stream/status {:db/ident :data-stream.status/ready},
:data-stream/id #uuid "57729c65-fc6b-4e2c-ba43-72902145d808",
:data-stream/start-date "2016-05-01",
:data-stream/end-date "2016-05-31",
{"impressions" "983,378",
"ctr" "0.37%",
"clicks" "3,609",
"spend" "$11,760.04 USD"},
:row/meta {"currency_code" "USD", "currency_symbol" "$"},
:row/row-id "totals"}},
:data-source/fields-str "[\"clicks\" \"spend\" \"impressions\" \"ctr\"]"}}
{:db/id 17592186056548,
:widget/title "bar copyxx copy",
{:db/id 17592186056550,
:data-source/id #uuid "5771bfac-aaf9-4273-a8b4-fb82447c8cd1",
:data-source/fields ["clicks" "spend" "impressions" "ctr"],
{:data-stream/status {:db/ident :data-stream.status/ready},
:data-stream/id #uuid "57729c65-8333-4010-87da-522619ed4305",
:data-stream/start-date "2016-05-01",
:data-stream/end-date "2016-05-31",
{"impressions" "983,378",
"ctr" "0.37%",
"clicks" "3,609",
"spend" "$11,760.04 USD"},
:row/meta {"currency_code" "USD", "currency_symbol" "$"},
:row/row-id "totals"}},
:data-source/fields-str "[\"clicks\" \"spend\" \"impressions\" \"ctr\"]"}}]}
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