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Last active January 17, 2022 10:48
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  • Save curtisgibby/ebac612657d6ef71a32fe03e75bd07cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Powershell script to use imagemagick to convert a directory of SVGs to PNGs (with 10% padding)
$svgs = Get-ChildItem (".\*") -Filter *.svg
$scriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$scriptDirectory = Split-Path $scriptPath
$outputDirectory = $scriptDirectory + "\output"
# Replace specific path as needed
$magickExePath = "C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16\magick.exe"
ForEach($svg in $svgs) {
Write-Host $svg
$svgQuoted = '"' + $svg + '"'
$outputFile = Split-Path $svg.Basename -leaf
$outputFile = $outputFile + '.png'
$pngPath = Join-Path -Path $outputDirectory -ChildPath $outputFile
$pngPath = '"' + $pngPath + '"'
$arguments = 'convert','-scale','500x500','-extent','110%x110%','-gravity','center','-background','transparent',$svgQuoted,$pngPath
& $magickExePath $arguments
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Thank you.

Those that use it remember to create output folder first.

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jpeni commented Sep 26, 2021

How would I change this script to make image conversion RECURSIVE for all subfolders as well?

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