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Created September 5, 2011 22:03
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Takes the results of a search query and runs a bunch of filters on it
function tan_athlete_search_page(){
if( isset($_GET['sport']) ) {
$sport = $_GET['sport'];
$sportquery = array( 'key' => 'sfn_tan_choose_sport', 'compare' => 'like', 'value' => $sport );
} else {
$sportquery = '';
if( !empty($_GET['state']) ) {
$state = $_GET['state'];} else { }
if( !empty($_GET['grad']) ) {
$grad = $_GET['grad'];} else { }
if( isset($_GET['fbposition']) ) {
$fbposition = $_GET['fbposition'];
$positionquery = array( 'key' => 'sfn_tan_football_position', 'compare' => 'like', 'value' => $fbposition );
} else { $positionquery = ''; }
if( isset($_GET['post_type']) ){
$cpt = $_GET['post_type'];
$cptvalue = array( 'athlete_profile', 'academic_profile');
} else {
$cptvalue = array( 'post', 'page' );
$searchResults = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' => $cptvalue,
'meta_query' => array(
$sportquery, $positionquery,
<?php if ( $searchResults->have_posts() ) :
$posts = $searchResults->posts;
// sfn_print_r( $posts );
// passing all results in to an array of authors
$authorids = array();
foreach( $posts as $post ){
$authorids[] = $post->post_author;
// removing duplicate author ids from the array
$authorids = array_unique( $authorids );
// sfn_print_r( $authorids );
// checks state against author
if( empty($state) ) {
// do nothing b/c we're not filtering by state
} else {
$authorByState = array();
$removeAuthorByState = array();
foreach( $authorids as $authorid ){
$author = $authorid;
if( $state == get_the_author_meta( 'state', $author ) ) {
$authorbystate[] = $authorid;
} else {
$removeAuthorByState[] = $authorid;
$authorids = $authorbystate;
// sfn_print_r( $authorbystate );
} // ends check for state
// check for graduation year
if( !empty($grad) ){
$authorGrad = array();
$authorNotGrad = array();
foreach( $authorids as $authorid ) {
$academicPosts = get_posts( 'post_type=academic_profile&author='.$authorid );
if( get_post_meta( $academicPosts['0']->ID, 'sfn_tan_hs_graduation_year', true ) == $grad ) {
$authorGrad[] = $authorid;
} else {
$authorNotGrad[] = $authorid;
$authorids = $authorGrad;
foreach( $authorids as $authorid ){
$author = $authorid;
show_athlete_profile_image( $author, 100, 100 );
show_athlete_profile_information( $author, 'publish' );
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
<!-- post content goes here -->
<?php else: ?>
<h3>Oops!! Looks like something went wrong. Please get in touch with the site <a href="mailto:<?php echo get_bloginfo('admin_email'); ?>">administrator</a> and we'll get this sorted out</h3>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php wp_reset_query();
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