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Created June 8, 2017 16:05
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Broken solution to Daily Programmer Challenge #318. It's basically Bogosort for NBA teams.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import System.Random
-- State transformer that shuffles an STArray using Fisher-Yates
shuffleST :: RandomGen g => Int -> Int -> g -> STArray s Int e -> ST s (STArray s Int e, g)
shuffleST i max rng a = if i >= max
then return (a, rng)
else do
-- Get random j, i <= j <= max
let (j, newGen) = randomR (i, max) rng
-- Swap a[i] and a[j]
ai <- readArray a i
aj <- readArray a j
writeArray a i aj
writeArray a j ai
-- Next iteration
shuffleST (i+1) max newGen a
-- Functional wrapper around shuffleST
shuffle :: RandomGen g => Array Int Match -> g -> (Array Int Match, g)
shuffle init rng = runST st
where (min, max) = bounds init
st = do
curr <- thaw init
(finST, newRng) <- shuffleST min max rng curr
fin <- freeze finST
return (fin, newRng)
data Team = AtlantaHawks
| BostonCeltics
| BrooklynNets
| CharlotteHornets
| ChicagoBulls
| ClevelandCavaliers
| DallasMavericks
| DenverNuggets
| DetroitPistons
| GoldenStateWarriors
| HoustonRockets
| IndianaPacers
| LosAngelesClippers
| LosAngelesLakers
| MemphisGrizzlies
| MiamiHeat
| MilwaukeeBucks
| MinnesotaTimberwolves
| NewOrleansPelicans
| NewYorkKnicks
| OklahomaCityThunder
| OrlandoMagic
| Philadelphia76ers
| PhoenixSuns
| PortlandTrailBlazers
| SacramentoKings
| SanAntonioSpurs
| TorontoRaptors
| UtahJazz
| WashingtonWizards deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum)
instance Show Team where
show AtlantaHawks = "Atlanta Hawks"
show BostonCeltics = "Boston Celtics"
show BrooklynNets = "Brooklyn Nets"
show CharlotteHornets = "Charlotte Hornets"
show ChicagoBulls = "Chicago Bulls"
show ClevelandCavaliers = "Cleveland Cavaliers"
show DallasMavericks = "Dallas Mavericks"
show DenverNuggets = "Denver Nuggets"
show DetroitPistons = "Detroit Pistons"
show GoldenStateWarriors = "Golden State Warriors"
show HoustonRockets = "Houston Rockets"
show IndianaPacers = "Indiana Pacers"
show LosAngelesClippers = "Los Angeles Clippers"
show LosAngelesLakers = "Los Angeles Lakers"
show MemphisGrizzlies = "Memphis Grizzlies"
show MiamiHeat = "Miami Heat"
show MilwaukeeBucks = "Milwaukee Bucks"
show MinnesotaTimberwolves = "Minnesota Timberwolves"
show NewOrleansPelicans = "New Orleans Pelicans"
show NewYorkKnicks = "New York Knicks"
show OklahomaCityThunder = "Oklahoma City Thunder"
show OrlandoMagic = "Orlando Magic"
show Philadelphia76ers = "Philadelphia 76ers"
show PhoenixSuns = "Phoenix Suns"
show PortlandTrailBlazers = "Portland Trail Blazers"
show SacramentoKings = "Sacramento Kings"
show SanAntonioSpurs = "San Antonio Spurs"
show TorontoRaptors = "Toronto Raptors"
show UtahJazz = "Utah Jazz"
show WashingtonWizards = "Washington Wizards"
numTeams = fromEnum (maxBound :: Team) - fromEnum (minBound :: Team) + 1
-- Yes, these definitions allow matches between a team and itself
-- We'll fix this later
infixr 5 :-:
data Match = Team :-: Team deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Match where
showsPrec d (u :-: v) = showParen (d > match_prec) $
showsPrec (match_prec+1) u .
showString " - " .
showsPrec (match_prec+1) v
where match_prec = 5
instance Bounded Match where
minBound = minBound :-: minBound
maxBound = maxBound :-: maxBound
instance Enum Match where
fromEnum (home :-: away) = numTeams * fromEnum home + fromEnum away
toEnum n = home :-: away
where home = toEnum (n `div` numTeams)
away = toEnum (n `mod` numTeams)
-- Does a match contain a particular team?
containsTeam :: Match -> Team -> Bool
(home :-: away) `containsTeam` team = team == home || team == away
-- This is the list of valid matches
validMatch (home :-: away) = home /= away
validMatches = filter validMatch [minBound .. maxBound]
validMatchArray = listArray (1, length validMatches) validMatches
-- Shuffle the list of valid matches
getMatchBag :: RandomGen g => g -> (Array Int Match, g)
getMatchBag = shuffle validMatchArray
-- Now let's go about building the season.
-- We're going to take the matches in a random order and assign them to rounds
-- There are 29 rounds in each half, and two halves
numRoundsPerHalf = 29
-- Rounds work better as a list rather than an array
-- This will be slightly inefficient but it's okay
type Round = [Match]
type Season = Array Int Round
-- Helper function for making an array of a single value
constArray :: Ix i => (i, i) -> e -> Array i e
constArray bds = listArray bds . repeat
seasonBounds = (1, 2 * numRoundsPerHalf)
emptySeason = constArray seasonBounds []
-- These functions check each rule for emplacing a match
-- Get a round as it currently exists, as a State monad
-- For convenience, if it's a nonexistant round, return []
getRound :: Int -> State Season Round
getRound rnum
| inRange seasonBounds rnum = fmap (! rnum) get
| otherwise = return []
-- Returns Just (home :-: away) if the team played in the given round, Nothing if not
findTeamInRound :: Int -> Team -> State Season (Maybe Match)
findTeamInRound rnum team = do
round <- getRound rnum
return $ find (`containsTeam` team) round
-- Returns True if the team played in the given round and was the home team, False if not
teamWasHomeInRound rnum team = do
maybeMatch <- findTeamInRound rnum team
case maybeMatch of Just (home :-: _) -> return $ home == team
Nothing -> return False
-- Would this match break the rule on a team playing more than two home games in a row?
breaksConsecutiveHomeLimit :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
breaksConsecutiveHomeLimit rnum (home :-: _) = do
homeM2 <- teamWasHomeInRound (rnum-2) home
homeM1 <- teamWasHomeInRound (rnum-1) home
homeP1 <- teamWasHomeInRound (rnum+1) home
homeP2 <- teamWasHomeInRound (rnum+2) home
return $ (homeM2 && homeM1)
|| (homeM1 && homeP1)
|| (homeP1 && homeP2)
-- Has this team ever played two home games in a row?
teamHasConsecutiveHome :: Team -> State Season Bool
teamHasConsecutiveHome team = do
let rnumList = uncurry enumFromTo seasonBounds
pred rnum = do
b1 <- teamWasHomeInRound rnum team
b2 <- teamWasHomeInRound (rnum-1) team
return $ b1 && b2
consHomes <- filterM pred rnumList
return . not . null $ consHomes
-- Does this emplacement cause a team to play any set of two consecutive
-- home games?
causesConsecutiveHomePair :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
causesConsecutiveHomePair rnum (home :-: _) = do
homeM1 <- teamWasHomeInRound (rnum-1) home
homeP1 <- teamWasHomeInRound (rnum+1) home
return $ homeM1 || homeP1
-- Does this emplacement cause a team to play more than two sets of consecutive
-- home games?
breaksConsecutiveHomePairLimit :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
breaksConsecutiveHomePairLimit rnum (home :-: away) = do
causesHome <- causesConsecutiveHomePair rnum (home :-: away)
consHome <- teamHasConsecutiveHome home
return $ causesHome && consHome
-- Now repeat the above four rules for away
-- Returns True if the team played in the given round and was the away team, False if not
teamWasAwayInRound rnum team = do
maybeMatch <- findTeamInRound rnum team
case maybeMatch of Just (_ :-: away) -> return $ away == team
Nothing -> return False
-- Would this match break the rule on a team playing more than two away games in a row?
breaksConsecutiveAwayLimit :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
breaksConsecutiveAwayLimit rnum (_ :-: away) = do
awayM2 <- teamWasAwayInRound (rnum-2) away
awayM1 <- teamWasAwayInRound (rnum-1) away
awayP1 <- teamWasAwayInRound (rnum+1) away
awayP2 <- teamWasAwayInRound (rnum+2) away
return $ (awayM2 && awayM1)
|| (awayM1 && awayP1)
|| (awayP1 && awayP2)
-- Has this team ever played two away games in a row?
teamHasConsecutiveAway :: Team -> State Season Bool
teamHasConsecutiveAway team = do
let rnumList = uncurry enumFromTo seasonBounds
pred rnum = do
b1 <- teamWasAwayInRound rnum team
b2 <- teamWasAwayInRound (rnum-1) team
return $ b1 && b2
consAways <- filterM pred rnumList
return . not . null $ consAways
-- Does this emplacement cause a team to play any set of two consecutive
-- away games?
causesConsecutiveAwayPair :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
causesConsecutiveAwayPair rnum (_ :-: away) = do
awayM1 <- teamWasAwayInRound (rnum-1) away
awayP1 <- teamWasAwayInRound (rnum+1) away
return $ awayM1 || awayP1
-- Does this emplacement cause a team to play more than two sets of consecutive
-- away games?
breaksConsecutiveAwayPairLimit :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
breaksConsecutiveAwayPairLimit rnum (home :-: away) = do
causesAway <- causesConsecutiveAwayPair rnum (home :-: away)
consAway <- teamHasConsecutiveAway away
return $ causesAway && consAway
-- Does this emplacement cause a team to play in a single round more than once?
breaksRoundPlayLimit :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
breaksRoundPlayLimit rnum (t1 :-: t2) = do
m1 <- findTeamInRound rnum t1
m2 <- findTeamInRound rnum t2
return $ isJust m1 || isJust m2
-- Get all rounds for a single half
getRoundsForHalf :: Int -> State Season [Round]
getRoundsForHalf hnum = do
let rds = case hnum of 1 -> [1 .. numRoundsPerHalf]
2 -> [numRoundsPerHalf+1 .. 2*numRoundsPerHalf]
_ -> error "Bad half number!"
mapM getRound rds
-- Get the half number for a round number
roundToHalf rnum
| 1 <= rnum && rnum <= numRoundsPerHalf = 1
| numRoundsPerHalf+1 <= rnum && rnum <= 2*numRoundsPerHalf = 2
| otherwise = error "Bad round number!"
-- Does this emplacement cause team A to play team B twice in the same half?
breaksHalfPlayLimit :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
breaksHalfPlayLimit rnum (t1 :-: t2) = do
-- Note that there's only once possible target match for this rule
let targetMatch = t2 :-: t1
hnum = roundToHalf rnum
roundPred = elem targetMatch
rds <- getRoundsForHalf hnum
return $ any roundPred rds
-- Is this emplacement a good idea?
isGoodMatch :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
isGoodMatch rnum mt = do
b1 <- causesConsecutiveHomePair rnum mt
b2 <- breaksConsecutiveHomeLimit rnum mt
b3 <- breaksConsecutiveHomePairLimit rnum mt
b4 <- causesConsecutiveAwayPair rnum mt
b5 <- breaksConsecutiveAwayLimit rnum mt
b6 <- breaksConsecutiveAwayPairLimit rnum mt
b7 <- breaksRoundPlayLimit rnum mt
b8 <- breaksHalfPlayLimit rnum mt
return $ (not . or) [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8]
-- Is this emplacement valid at all?
isValidMatch :: Int -> Match -> State Season Bool
isValidMatch rnum mt = do
b1 <- breaksConsecutiveHomeLimit rnum mt
b2 <- breaksConsecutiveHomePairLimit rnum mt
b3 <- breaksConsecutiveAwayLimit rnum mt
b4 <- breaksConsecutiveAwayPairLimit rnum mt
b5 <- breaksRoundPlayLimit rnum mt
b6 <- breaksHalfPlayLimit rnum mt
return $ (not . or) [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6]
-- Try to make one emplacement
-- Return True (and put change) if we succeded, False if not
-- Tries to avoid placing two consecutive home or away games, otherwise fails to tryForcedEmplacement
tryEmplacement :: Match -> State Season Bool
tryEmplacement mt = go min
where (min, max) = seasonBounds
go rnum
| rnum > max = tryForcedEmplacement mt
| otherwise = do
good <- isGoodMatch rnum mt
if not good
then go (rnum+1)
else do
-- Make that change to the season, then return True
season <- get
let round = season ! rnum
put $ season // [(rnum, mt:round)]
return True
-- Try forcing one emplacement
-- Return True (and put change) if we succeded, False if not
-- (it is possible for this algorithm to get stuck)
tryForcedEmplacement :: Match -> State Season Bool
tryForcedEmplacement mt = go min
where (min, max) = seasonBounds
go rnum
| rnum > max = return False
| otherwise = do
valid <- isValidMatch rnum mt
if not valid
then go (rnum+1)
else do
-- Make that change to the season, then return True
season <- get
let round = season ! rnum
put $ season // [(rnum, mt:round)]
return True
-- Try emplacing the whole list recursively
-- Return a Just with the match number on which it failed, or Nothing for success
tryFilling :: Int -> [Match] -> State Season (Maybe Int)
tryFilling _ [] = return Nothing
tryFilling mcount (mt:mts) = do
res <- tryEmplacement mt
if res
then tryFilling (mcount+1) mts
else return $ Just mcount
-- Print a season
printSeason :: Handle -> Season -> IO ()
printSeason h season = go min
where (min, max) = seasonBounds
printRound = foldr ((>>) . print) (hPutStrLn h "")
go :: Int -> IO ()
go rnum
| rnum > max = return ()
| otherwise = do
hPutStrLn h $ "Round " ++ show rnum
hPutStrLn h ""
printRound (season ! rnum)
go (rnum+1 )
main = do
matchBag <- getStdRandom getMatchBag
let mlist = elems matchBag
(res, season) = runState (tryFilling 1 mlist) emptySeason
case res of Nothing -> printSeason stdout season
Just mcount -> putStrLn ("Failed on match " ++ show mcount ++ ", retrying") >> main
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