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Created April 10, 2015 17:33
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Daily Programmer 2015-04-08 solution
class Maze {
class Cell {
boolean n
boolean s
boolean w
boolean e
Cell(boolean n, boolean s, boolean w, boolean e) {
this.n = n
this.s = s
this.w = w
this.e = e
Cell[][] bisectPassage() {
def bisected = new Cell[2][2]
bisected[0][0] = new Cell(true, true, true, true)
bisected[0][1] = new Cell(true, true, true, true)
bisected[1][0] = new Cell(true, true, true, true)
bisected[1][1] = new Cell(true, true, true, true)
// North main wall
bisected[0][0].n = this.n
bisected[0][1].n = this.n
// South main wall
bisected[1][0].s = this.s
bisected[1][1].s = this.s
// West main wall
bisected[0][0].w = this.w
bisected[1][0].w = this.w
// East main wall
bisected[0][1].e = this.e
bisected[1][1].e = this.e
// North cross wall
bisected[0][0].e = !this.n
bisected[0][1].w = !this.n
// South cross wall
bisected[1][0].e = !this.s
bisected[1][1].w = !this.s
// West cross wall
bisected[0][0].s = !this.w
bisected[1][0].n = !this.w
// East cross wall
bisected[0][1].s = !this.e
bisected[1][1].n = !this.e
String toString() {
def sb = ''<<''
sb << "North: " << n
sb << ", South: " << s
sb << ", West: " << w
sb << ", East: " << e
private int _w
private int _h
int getW() {
return _w
int getH() {
return _h
Cell[][] cells
Maze(int w, int h) {
_w = w
_h = h
Maze(Cell[][] cells) {
_h = cells.length
_w = cells[0].length
this.cells = cells
void generate() {
// Initialize cells
cells = new Cell[_h][_w]
for (int i = 0; i < _h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _w; j++) {
cells[i][j] = new Cell(true, true, true, true)
// Depth-first search is easiest to implement
// Start from center
def (startX, startY) = [(int)w/2, (int)h/2]
def stack = [[startX, startY]]
def visited = [[startX, startY]].toSet()
def rand = new Random()
while (stack) {
def (x, y) = stack[-1]
def candidates = []
if (x > 0 && !([x-1, y] in visited)) candidates << [x-1, y]
if (x < _w-1 && !([x+1, y] in visited)) candidates << [x+1, y]
if (y > 0 && !([x, y-1] in visited)) candidates << [x, y-1]
if (y < _h-1 && !([x, y+1] in visited)) candidates << [x, y+1]
if (!candidates) {
else {
def nextCell = candidates[rand.nextInt(candidates.size())]
def (nx, ny) = nextCell
stack << nextCell
visited << nextCell
if (nx < x) {
cells[ y][ x].w = false
cells[ny][nx].e = false
else if (nx > x) {
cells[ y][ x].e = false
cells[ny][nx].w = false
else if (ny < y) {
cells[ y][ x].n = false
cells[ny][nx].s = false
else if (ny > y) {
cells[ y][ x].s = false
cells[ny][nx].n = false
List solve(start, end) {
// Depth-first search is easiest to implement
// Start from center
def stack = [start]
def visited = [start].toSet()
def rand = new Random()
while (stack) {
if (stack[-1] == end) break
def (x, y) = stack[-1]
def candidates = []
if (x > 0 && !(cells[y][x].w) && !([x-1, y] in visited)) candidates << [x-1, y]
if (x < _w-1 && !(cells[y][x].e) && !([x+1, y] in visited)) candidates << [x+1, y]
if (y > 0 && !(cells[y][x].n) && !([x, y-1] in visited)) candidates << [x, y-1]
if (y < _h-1 && !(cells[y][x].s) && !([x, y+1] in visited)) candidates << [x, y+1]
if (!candidates) {
else {
def nextCell = candidates[rand.nextInt(candidates.size())]
def (nx, ny) = nextCell
stack << nextCell
visited << nextCell
if (nx < x) {
cells[ y][ x].w = false
cells[ny][nx].e = false
else if (nx > x) {
cells[ y][ x].e = false
cells[ny][nx].w = false
else if (ny < y) {
cells[ y][ x].n = false
cells[ny][nx].s = false
else if (ny > y) {
cells[ y][ x].s = false
cells[ny][nx].n = false
return stack
void printMaze() {
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
// this weird initialization makes them StringBuffers
def line1 = '+'<<''
def line2 = ''<<''
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
if (cells[i][j].n)
line1 << '--+'
line1 << ' +'
if (cells[i][j].w)
line2 << '| '
line2 << ' '
line2 << '|'
println line1
println line2
// last line
def lastline = ''<<''
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
lastline << '+--'
lastline << '+'
println lastline
List bisectPassages() {
def bisectedCells = new Cell[_h*2][_w*2]
for (int i = 0; i < _h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _w; j++) {
def sector = cells[i][j].bisectPassage()
bisectedCells[i*2 ][j*2 ] = sector[0][0]
bisectedCells[i*2 ][j*2+1] = sector[0][1]
bisectedCells[i*2+1][j*2 ] = sector[1][0]
bisectedCells[i*2+1][j*2+1] = sector[1][1]
// pick new start and close the loop
def rand = new Random()
def (startX, startY) = [rand.nextInt(_w*2), rand.nextInt(_h*2)]
def (endX, endY) = [startX, startY]
if (!(bisectedCells[startY][startX].n)) {
bisectedCells[startY][startX].n = true
bisectedCells[endY][endX].s = true
else if (!(bisectedCells[startY][startX].s)) {
bisectedCells[startY][startX].s = true
bisectedCells[endY][endX].n = true
else if (!(bisectedCells[startY][startX].w)) {
bisectedCells[startY][startX].w = true
bisectedCells[endY][endX].e = true
else if (!(bisectedCells[startY][startX].e)) {
bisectedCells[startY][startX].e = true
bisectedCells[endY][endX].w = true
def newMaze = new Maze(bisectedCells)
return [newMaze, [startX, startY], [endX, endY]]
void packSentenceBox(String sentence) {
String letters = sentence.replaceAll("\\s", "").toUpperCase()
int len = letters.length()
int lenToMultFour = len + (4 - len%4) % 4
int packedLen, width=0, height=0
for (packedLen = lenToMultFour; width == 0; packedLen += 4) {
for (int i = 2; width == 0 && i < packedLen; i++) {
if (packedLen % i == 0 && (int)(packedLen / i) >= i &&
(int)(packedLen / i) % 2 == 0 && i % 2 == 0 &&
((int)(packedLen / i) / Math.sqrt(packedLen)) - 1.0 < 0.2) {
width = (int)((packedLen / i) / 2)
height = (int)(i / 2)
while (letters.length() < packedLen) {
letters += "%"
def maze = new Maze(width, height)
def (unicursal, start, end) = maze.bisectPassages()
def path = unicursal.solve(start, end)
def box = new char[height*2][width*2]
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
def (x, y) = path[i];
box[y][x] = letters.charAt(i)
println start.join(" ")
for (int i = 0; i < box.size(); i++) {
println box[i].join(" ")
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