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├── matree
├── swift
│   ├── 00503_0_254.242_2013mar02
│   ├── 00546_0_ensbdasa-09aug2013
│   ├── 00553_0_ensbdpix3-09aug2013
│   ├── 00554_0_ensbdpix4-09aug2013
│   ├── 00555_0_ensbdrtr1-2013aug09
│   ├── 00557_0_ENSBDVPN1-02AUG2013
│   ├── 00558_0_ENSBDVPN2-02AUG2013
This is a simple example of WebSocket + Tornado + Redis Pub/Sub usage.
Do not forget to replace YOURSERVER by the correct value.
Keep in mind that you need the *very latest* version of your web browser.
You also need to add Jacob Kristhammar's websocket implementation to Tornado:
Grab it here:
Or clone my fork of Tornado with websocket included:
Oh and the Pub/Sub protocol is only available in Redis 2.0.0: