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Last active October 14, 2021 13:34
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R: Save a dataframe als xlsx with each group a separate sheet
# Save a dataframe als xlsx with each group a separate sheet
# plus formatting and highlighting
# some configs
filename <- "test.xlsx"
data <- diamonds %>% rename(group = cut)
string_to_highlight <- "setosa"
index_col_to_highlight <- 5
# 1) list of dataframes: every list will be a sheet
list <- data %>% group_split(group)
# 2) name dataframes: will be sheet names
# Dataframes innerhalb der Liste benennen
names(list) <- list %>%
purrr::map(~pull(., group)) %>%
purrr::map(~as.character(.)) %>% # Convert factor to character
# 3) Save every dataframe in list as a new sheet
# Formatting:
# - Fix first row
# - add filter for columns
# - color for column names
# - auto width for columns, depending on cell values
wb <- createWorkbook()
.x = list,
.f = function(df, object_name) {
header_style_fix <- createStyle(
textDecoration = "bold", halign = "center", fgFill = "#B6EAFA", border = "Bottom"
header_style_check <- createStyle(
textDecoration = "bold", halign = "center", fgFill = "#FAC2B6", border = "Bottom"
addWorksheet(wb = wb, sheetName = object_name)
writeData(wb = wb, sheet = object_name, x = df)
# freeze first row
freezePane(wb = wb, sheet = object_name, firstRow = TRUE)
# auto width depending on content
setColWidths(wb, sheet = object_name, cols = 1:ncol(data), widths = "auto")
# different colors for headers
addStyle(wb, sheet = object_name, header_style_fix, rows = 1, cols = 1:ncol(data))
# add filter
addFilter(wb, sheet = object_name, row = 1, cols = 1:ncol(data))
# conditional coloring: Color when string_to_highlight is found
conditionalFormatting(wb, sheet = object_name, cols = index_col_to_highlight, rows = 1:nrow(data),
type = "contains", rule = string_to_highlight)
saveWorkbook(wb = wb, file = filename)
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