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Last active September 28, 2015 20:58
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benchmark script for nose tests
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import sys
trials = 5
force_drop = True
branch = 'factories'
test_db = 'test_zamboni'
drop_db = 'mysql -u root -e "drop database %s"' % test_db
test_runner = ' test --settings=settings_local_mkt --noinput -s --logging-clear-handlers'
test_to_run = 'webapps'
def call(s):
stdout, stderr = subprocess.Popen(s.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
return stderr
def test():
output = call(test_runner + ' ' + test_to_run)
for line in output.split('\n'):
if line.startswith('Ran'):
duration = line.strip('s').split(' ')[-1]
return line, float(duration)
def do_trials():
total_duration = 0.0
for x in xrange(trials):
if force_drop:
print '\tDropping database ...'
print '\tTrial %s:' % (x + 1)
line, duration = test()
total_duration += duration
print '\t\t' + line
print '\tTotal duration: %.4fs' % total_duration
print '\tAverage time per trial: %.4fs' % (total_duration / trials)
return total_duration
def _main():
global branch
global test_to_run
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
branch = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
test_to_run = sys.argv[2]
print 'Benchmarks for %s:' % test_to_run
call('git checkout %s' % branch)
print 'After:'
after = do_trials()
call('git checkout master')
print 'Before:'
before = do_trials()
stats = {
'before': before,
'after': after,
'trials': trials,
'speedup': before / after,
'diff': (before - after) / trials,
print ('Before (%(before).4f / %(trials)s) vs. '
'After (%(after).4f / %(trials)s) => %(diff).4fs faster '
'(%(speedup).4fx speedup)') % stats
if __name__ == '__main__':
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