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Last active October 23, 2023 04:10
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[Node.js] get Operating-System Platform (Windows, macOS, Linux) and Architecture (x32, x64, etc.) (without any third-party npm dependencies)
const os = require('os');
// See docs:
const usage = {};
usage[`require('os').type()`] = {
value: os.type(),
otherValues: [
'Linux', 'Darwin', 'Windows_NT'
docs: ''
usage[`require('os').release()`] = {
value: os.release(),
otherExampleValues: '',
docs: ''
usage[`require('os').arch()`] = {
value: os.arch(),
otherValues: [
'arm', 'arm64', 'ia32', 'mips', 'mipsel', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 's390x', 'x32', 'x64'
docs: ''
usage[`require('os').platform()`] = {
value: os.platform(),
otherValues: [
'aix', 'darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'openbsd', 'sunos', 'win32'
docs: ''
// For Windows: can also check /^(msys|cygwin)$/.test(process.env.OSTYPE)
usage['process.arch'] = {
value: process.arch,
otherValues: [
'arm', 'arm64', 'ia32', 'mips', 'mipsel', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 's390x', 'x32', 'x64'
docs: ''
usage['process.platform'] = {
value: process.platform,
otherValues: [
'aix', 'darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'openbsd', 'sunos', 'win32'
docs: ''
usage['process.platform'] = {
value: process.platform,
otherValues: [
'aix', 'darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'openbsd', 'sunos', 'win32'
docs: ''
Object.keys(usage).map((key, idx) => {
const data = usage[key];
console.log(` Value:\n '${data.value}'`);
if (data.otherExampleValues && data.otherExampleValues.length) {
if (!Array.isArray(data.otherExampleValues)) {
data.otherExampleValues = [data.otherExampleValues, ''];
console.log(` Other example values:\n ${ => `${value}`).join('\n ')}`);
if (data.otherValues && data.otherValues.length) {
console.log(` Other possible values:\n ${ => ` '${value}'`).toString().trim()}`);
console.log(` Docs:\n ${}\n`);
// Source:
// Author: CVAN <>
// Useful helper snippet for understanding the capabilities of a user's system from Node.js' built-in `process.arch` and `process.platform`.
const system = {
_arch: process.arch,
_platform: process.platform
}; = system._platform === 'win32' || process.env.OSTYPE === 'cygwin' || process.env.OSTYPE === 'msys';
system.mac = system._platform === 'darwin';
system.linux = ! && !system.mac;
system.arch32 = system._arch === 'arm' || system._arch === 'ia32' || system._arch === 'mips' || system._arch === 'ppc' || system._arch === 's390' || system._arch === 'x32';
system.arch64 = system._arch === 'arm64' || system._arch === 'mipsel' || system._arch === 'ppc64' || system._arch === '390x' || system._arch === 'x64'; = system._arch === 'ia32' || system._arch === 'x32' || system._arch === 'x64';
system.arm = system._arch === 'arm' || system._arch === 'arm64';
if (!module.parent) {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = system;
} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.system = system;
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