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Created August 25, 2019 13:44
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apiVersion: v1
kind: BuildConfig
name: inventory-spring-boot-maven-pipeline-complex
jenkinsfile: |-
// Don't forget to run the commands to create the dev project, and grant the needed roles to the service accounts
// $ oc create sa cicd-central-jenkins -n cicd-ext
// Cluster role permissions...
// $ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner system:serviceaccount:cicd-ext:cicd-central-jenkins
// $ oc adm groups new cicd-central system:serviceaccount:cicd-ext:cicd-central-jenkins
// $ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:cicd-ext:cicd-central-jenkins
// $ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:cicd-ext:cicd-central-jenkins
// Project by project permissions...
// $ oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME:jenkins -n PROD_PROJECT_NAME
// $ oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME:jenkins -n PROD_PROJECT_NAME
// $ oc policy add-role-to-user system:image-puller system:serviceaccount:PROD_PROJECT_NAME:default -n INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME
// TODO: change needed
def CLUSTER_NAME = "openshift-swedbank"
// TODO: change needed
def APP_BASE = ""
def APP_NAME = "inventory"
// TODO: change needed
def INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME = "coolstore-integration"
def PROD_PROJECT_NAME = "coolstore"
def LOG_CONFIG_MAP = APP_NAME + "-log-cm"
// TODO: change needed
def GIT_URL = ""
def GIT_REF = "ocp-3.10"
def CONTEXT_DIR = "inventory-spring-boot-gradle-openapi/inventory"
def BUILD_IMAGE_STREAM = "openshift/redhat-openjdk18-openshift:1.4"
pipeline {
agent {
label 'maven'
stages {
stage('Create Integration Project') {
when {
expression {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
return !openshift.selector("project", "${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}").exists();
steps {
script {
try {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
} catch ( e ) {
// The exception is a hudson.AbortException with details about the failure.
"Error encountered: ${e}"
stage('Create Production Project') {
when {
expression {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
return !openshift.selector("ns", "${PROD_PROJECT_NAME}").exists();
steps {
script {
try {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
def result = openshift.raw("policy add-role-to-user system:image-puller system:serviceaccount:${PROD_PROJECT_NAME}:default -n ${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}")
echo "Adding system:puller role to service account: ${result.out}"
} catch ( e ) {
// The exception is a hudson.AbortException with details about the failure.
"Error encountered: ${e}"
stage('Prepare') {
when {
expression {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}") {
return !openshift.selector("cm", "${LOG_CONFIG_MAP}").exists();
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}") {
def log_cm_def = [
"kind": "ConfigMap",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": [
"name": "${LOG_CONFIG_MAP}",
"labels": [
"data": [
def log_cm = openshift.create(log_cm_def, '--save-config', '--validate')
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
git url: "${GIT_URL}", branch: "${GIT_REF}"
stage('Build') {
steps {
dir("${CONTEXT_DIR}") {
sh "java -version"
sh "./gradlew build --no-daemon -x test"
stage('Test') {
steps {
dir("${CONTEXT_DIR}") {
sh "./gradlew test --no-daemon"
stage('Sonar') {
steps {
script {
dir("${CONTEXT_DIR}") {
echo "./gradlew sonarqube -Dsonar.login=SONAR_TOKEN --no-daemon"
stage('Nexus') {
steps {
script {
dir("${CONTEXT_DIR}") {
//APP_VERSION = sh (script: './gradlew -q getVersion --no-daemon', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo "curl -v -u NEXUS_USERNAME:NEXUS_PASSWORD --upload-file ./build/libs/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VERSION}.jar NEXUS_HOST/repository/maven-snapshots/NEXUS_PATH/${APP_VERSION}/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VERSION}.jar"
stage('Create Image Builder') {
when {
expression {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}") {
return !openshift.selector("bc", "${BUILD_NAME}").exists();
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}") {
openshift.newBuild("--name=${BUILD_NAME}", "--image-stream=${BUILD_IMAGE_STREAM}", "--binary")
stage('Build Image') {
steps {
script {
dir("${CONTEXT_DIR}") {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}") {
openshift.selector("bc", "${BUILD_NAME}").startBuild("--from-file=./build/libs/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VERSION}.jar", "--wait")
stage('Approve') {
steps {
timeout(time:15, unit:'MINUTES') {
input message:'Approve Deploy to Prod?'
stage('Promote to PROD') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}") {
openshift.tag("${BUILD_NAME}:latest", "${BUILD_NAME}:prod")
stage('Create PROD') {
when {
expression {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${PROD_PROJECT_NAME}") {
return !openshift.selector('dc', "${APP_NAME}").exists()
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster("${CLUSTER_NAME}") {
openshift.withProject("${PROD_PROJECT_NAME}") {
openshift.newApp("${INTEGRATION_PROJECT_NAME}/${BUILD_NAME}:prod", "--name=${APP_NAME}").narrow('svc').expose()
type: JenkinsPipeline
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