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Created February 8, 2016 09:30
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;;; config.el --- rtags layer configuration file
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; Prerequisites
(configuration-layer/declare-layers '(auto-completion))
;;; packages.el --- rtags layer packages file for Spacemacs.
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;;; Commentary:
;; See the Spacemacs documentation and FAQs for instructions on how to implement
;; a new layer:
;; SPC h SPC layers RET
;; Briefly, each package to be installed or configured by this layer should be
;; added to `rtags-packages'. Then, for each package PACKAGE:
;; - If PACKAGE is not referenced by any other Spacemacs layer, define a
;; function `rtags/init-PACKAGE' to load and initialize the package.
;; - Otherwise, PACKAGE is already referenced by another Spacemacs layer, so
;; define the functions `rtags/pre-init-PACKAGE' and/or
;; `rtags/post-init-PACKAGE' to customize the package as it is loaded.
;;; Code:
(defconst rtags-packages
'(rtags cmake-ide))
;;; Adapted from comment:
;;; by user
(defun rtags-major-mode-keybindings (mode)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode mode
"R." 'rtags-find-symbol-at-point
"R," 'rtags-find-references-at-point
"Rv" 'rtags-find-virtuals-at-point
"RV" 'rtags-print-enum-value-at-point
"R/" 'rtags-find-all-references-at-point
"RY" 'rtags-cycle-overlays-on-screen
"R>" 'rtags-find-symbol
"R<" 'rtags-find-references
"R[" 'rtags-location-stack-back
"R]" 'rtags-location-stack-forward
"RD" 'rtags-diagnostics
"RG" 'rtags-guess-function-at-point
"Rp" 'rtags-set-current-project
"RP" 'rtags-print-dependencies
"Re" 'rtags-reparse-file
"RE" 'rtags-preprocess-file
"RR" 'rtags-rename-symbol
"RM" 'rtags-symbol-info
"RS" 'rtags-display-summary
"RO" 'rtags-goto-offset
"R;" 'rtags-find-file
"RF" 'rtags-fixit
"RL" 'rtags-copy-and-print-current-location
"RX" 'rtags-fix-fixit-at-point
"RB" 'rtags-show-rtags-buffer
"RI" 'rtags-imenu
"RT" 'rtags-taglist
"Rh" 'rtags-print-class-hierarchy
"Ra" 'rtags-print-source-arguments
(defun rtags/init-rtags ()
"Initialize rtags"
(use-package rtags
;;(evil-set-initial-state 'rtags-mode 'emacs)
;;(rtags-enable-standard-keybindings c-mode-base-map)
:ensure company
(require 'company-rtags)
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-rtags)
(setq company-rtags-begin-after-member-access t)
(require 'rtags-ac)
(setq rtags-completions-enabled t)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "RET") 'rtags-select-other-window)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "M-RET") 'rtags-select)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "q") 'rtags-bury-or-delete)
(rtags-major-mode-keybindings 'c-mode)
(rtags-major-mode-keybindings 'c++-mode)
(defun rtags/init-cmake-ide ()
"Initialize cmake-ide"
(use-package cmake-ide
; packages.el ends here
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