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Last active June 23, 2024 21:05
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Download and convert TRMM data
#' Download and convert TRMM data
#' @author Claudia Vitolo
#' @description The TRMM dataset provide global historical rainfall estimation in a gridded format.
#' @param fileLocation file path where to save the GeoTiff
#' @param url url where data is stored (e.g. "")
#' @param product this is the code that identifies a product, default is "3B43"
#' @param version this is the version number, default is 7
#' @param year year of interest, default is 2012
#' @param type this is the type of information needed, default is "precipitation.accum". Other types could be "gaugeRelativeWeighting.bin" and "relativeError.bin"
#' @param BBlonMin Minimum latitude of bounding box
#' @param BBlonMax Maximum latitude of bounding box
#' @param BBlatMin Minimum longitude of bounding box
#' @param BBlatMax Maximum longitude of bounding box
#' @return Data is loaded as rasterbrick, then converted to a multilayer Geotiff that can
# be opened in any GIS software.
#' @details This code is based upon Martin Brandt's blog post:
#' and on the TRMM FAQ:
#' @examples
#' trmm(fileLocation="~/",url="",product="3B43",version=7,year=2012,BBlonMin=-3.82,BBlonMax=-3.63,BBlatMin=52.43,BBlatMax=52.52)
trmm <- function(fileLocation = "~/",
url = "",
product = "3B43",
version = 7,
year = 2012,
type = "precipitation.accum",
BBlonMin = NULL,
BBlonMax = NULL,
BBlatMin = NULL,
BBlatMax = NULL
myURL <- paste(url, product, "_V", version, "/", year, "/", sep="")
# by default this is
# myURL <- ""
filenames <- getURL(myURL, ftp.use.epsv = FALSE, ftplistonly=TRUE, crlf=TRUE)
filePaths <- paste(myURL, strsplit(filenames, "\r*\n")[[1]], sep="")
# the following line allows to download only files with a certain pattern,
# e.g. only certain months or days.
# "*precipitation.accum" means monthly accumulated rainfall here.
selectedfilePaths <- filePaths[grep(filePaths,
# download files
mapply(download.file, selectedfilePaths, basename(selectedfilePaths))
# Now I create a virtual file as the downloaded TRMM data come as binaries.
# The VRT-file contains all the downloaded binary files with the appropriate
# geo-informations.
# To automate the process, there is a template script in inst/ that
# generates the VRT-file (TRMM.vrt) for all 2012 data.
# Change “3B43.12″ accordingly to the downloaded data.
fileConn <- file(paste(fileLocation,"",sep=""))
shOut <- readLines(system.file("", package="hddtools"),-1)
shOut[3] <- paste(" <SRS>WGS84</SRS>' >",fileLocation,"TRMM.vrt;",sep="")
shOut[4] <- paste("for i in 3B43.",substr(as.character(year),3,4),"*",sep="")
shOut[11] <- paste(" </VRTRasterBand>' >>",fileLocation,"TRMM.vrt",sep="")
shOut[13] <- paste("echo '</VRTDataset>' >>",fileLocation,"TRMM.vrt",sep="")
writeLines(shOut, fileConn)
# Within R, the script ( is executed and the virtual-file (TRMM.vrt)
# loaded as a rasterbrick. This is flipped in y direction and the files written
# as multilayer Geotiff. This Geotiff contains all the layers for 2012 and can
# be opened in every GIS software.
system(paste("sh ",fileLocation,"",sep=""))
b <- brick(paste(fileLocation,"TRMM.vrt",sep=""))
trmm <- flip(b, direction='y')
if (!is.null(BBlonMin) & !is.null(BBlonMax) & !is.null(BBlatMin) & !is.null(BBlatMax)){
# crop to bounding box
e <- extent(BBlatMin, BBlatMax,BBlonMin, BBlonMax)
trmm <- crop(trmm, e)
message("Removing temporary files")
mapply(file.remove, selectedfilePaths, basename(selectedfilePaths))
message(paste("Done. The raster-brick was saved in",
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