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Created September 1, 2016 15:38
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Geoprocessing based on user-defined areas using the rnrfa package
title: "NRFA stations in EU-NUTS1 regions"
author: "Claudia Vitolo"
date: "13 March 2016"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
cache = FALSE,
warning = FALSE)
The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), is a standard for
referencing the administrative divisions of European countries. There are three
levels of NUTS defined. The United Kingdom is divided, at the first level of
NUTS, into 12 regions.
It is possible to identify which NRFA station falls within each region using
simple geo-processing operations. The procedure makes use of the __catalogue()__
function to get the list of stations and the __rgdal__ package to identify the
name of the region each station falls within. Finally, a new column, containing
the name of the region, is appended to the list of stations. The resulting
object is also available in the data folder of the __rnrfa__ package, under the
name __stationSummary__.
```{r regions}
# Download Eurostats - Administrative units from:
temp <- tempfile()
# Read shapefiles and set CRS
NUTS1regions <- readOGR(dsn = "NUTS_2013_01M_SH/data",
layer = "NUTS_RG_01M_2013",
rows <- which(NUTS1regions@data$STAT_LEVL_ == 1 &
(substr(NUTS1regions@data$NUTS_ID, 1, 2) == "UK"))
NUTS1regions <- NUTS1regions[rows,]
NUTS1regions <- spTransform(NUTS1regions, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
# Lookup table for names and IDs
df <- data.frame('NUTS_ID' = c('UKC', 'UKD', 'UKE', 'UKF',
'UKG', 'UKH', 'UKI', 'UKJ', 'UKK',
'UKL', 'UKM', 'UKN'),
'Region' = c('North East (England)', 'North West (England)',
'Yorkshire and the Humber', 'East Midlands',
'West Midlands', 'East of England', 'Greater London',
'South East (England)', 'South West (England)',
'Wales', 'Scotland', 'Northern Ireland'))
# Join the two tables
NUTS1regions@data <- NUTS1regions@data %>% left_join(df)
# Load stations and set CRS
stations <- catalogue()
coordinates(stations) <- ~lon + lat
proj4string(stations) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
# Add empty ID column
stations@data$NUTS_ID <- NA
# Populate the ID column
for (id in NUTS1regions@data$NUTS_ID){
temp <- stations %over% NUTS1regions[NUTS1regions@data$NUTS_ID == id,]
rows <- which(!$NUTS_ID))
stations@data$NUTS_ID[rows] <- id
# Join stations and df to add the Region column
stations@data <- stations@data %>% left_join(df)
# Compute number of recorded years
stations$RecordedYears <- stations$gdfEnd - stations$gdfStart
stations <-
The table below summarises the number of stations per region, the area of each
region (in Km2), and the density of stations (number of stations/Km2).
```{r density}
df$`# stations` <- lapply(df$Region,
function(x) length(which(stations$Region == x)))
# Re-project NUTS1regions to British National Grid to get areas in Km2
NUTS1regions = spTransform(NUTS1regions, CRS("+init=epsg:27700"))
df$`Area (Km2)` <- round(sapply(slot(NUTS1regions, "polygons"),
slot, "area")/10^6, 4)
df$Density <- round(as.numeric(df$`# stations`)/
as.numeric(as.character(df$`Area (Km2)`)), 3)
NI <- stations$RecordedYears[which(stations$Region == "Northern Ireland")]
It is trivial to summarise the metada by region, for instance the boxplot below
shows the distribution of years of recording. Northern Ireland seem to have the
most homogeneous network, with recording years in the following range:
[`r summary(NI)[[1]]`, `r summary(NI)[[6]]`].
Only three regions have stations with more than 100 years of recordings:
East of England, London and Wales.
```{r boxplot}
# Simplify labels
stations$Region <- gsub(' and the Humber', '', stations$Region)
stations$Region <- gsub(' \\(England\\)', '', stations$Region)
# Customise margins
boxplot(RecordedYears ~ Region, data = stations, las = 2,
ylab="Years of recordings")
abline(h = 100, col="red", lty = 2)
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