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Last active August 1, 2018 12:51
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Flexget on OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi


Credit to danielfm

Compile from Source

First you need to download the source code and change the package build for the Python package. Replace X with the version you wish to install:

$ git clone -b openelec-X.0
$ cd
$ vim packages/lang/Python/

Change vim with whatever text editor you prefer. Then find the following line:

 EXCLUDE_DIRS="bsddb curses idlelib lib-tk lib2to3 msilib pydoc_data test unittest distutils"

Remove distutils and unittest from this line and save your changes. If neither are present, then you don't have to recompile and may skip to the next section on how to install pip etc.

You can now compile it. THIS WILL TAKE A LONG TIME. Depending on your setup/hardware/etc, this will take at least a couple of hours. It took me 4 hours in a virtual machine with 2 GB ram, 1 core. Also make sure you have enough space. It took up ~15-20gb for me.

Run the following command to compile it for a raspberry pi (append image at the end if you wish to create an image file):

$ PROJECT=RPi ARCH=arm make

If you wish to compile it for a different architecture then take a look at this guide.

Wait a gazillion hours while it compiles.

After it completes, either clone the image file onto an sd card or follow the rpi installation guide to install it. For other devices, use this guide instead.

Post Compilation and Installation

Boot it up and ssh into it. NOTE: ~ usually just points to /storage

Create the file ~/.pydistutils.cfg with the following content:

install_lib = ~/lib
install_scripts = ~/bin

This file will let Python know where to install the packages.

Set PYTHONPATH and PATH variables in ~/.profile for ease of use:

export PYTHONPATH=~/lib
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
$ cd ~
$ mkdir lib bin
$ curl -o
$ source .profile
$ python

If you did not include unittest, then you need easy_install and another unit test library. pyunit will do the trick. If you already have the unittest module, then skip the next part and simply install flexget.

$ curl -o
$ python
$ easy_install pyunit

Flexget can now be installed and whatever other libraries you need.

$ pip install flexget


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This was just what I was looking for!

couldn't get the but the url has been changed and now it works! thanks!

$ curl -o

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Or you can use -L to follow redirects
$ curl -L -o

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In the latest Beta distutils has been readded: OpenELEC/

I tried to install flexget with this version but python ended with
ImportError: No module named unittest

I'm afraid that I have to compile OpenELEC from scratch...

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get-pip install was successfull, but this one didn't work for me:


got this error:

File "/tmp/tmpCjXSGF/setuptools-23.0.0/setuptools/", line 2, in
import unittest
ImportError: No module named unittest
Something went wrong during the installation.
See the error message above.

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