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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
rm -rf "${app_dir}"
npx nodegui-packer --pack dist
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
rm -rf "deploy/darwin/build/"
echo "### creating zip"
ditto -ck --rsrc --sequesterRsrc --keepParent "${app_dir}" "deploy/darwin/build/"
Date/Time: 2020-05-05 15:15:51 +0300
End time: 2020-05-05 15:19:55 +0300
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.4 (Build 19E287)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 29
Incident Identifier: 123
Data Source: Microstackshots
Shared Cache: 123
panic(cpu 6 caller 123): assertion failed: ifp->if_sndbyte_total >= len, file: /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line: 3964
Backtrace (CPU 6), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff923e38b9c0 : 0xffffff80147215cd
0xffffff923e38ba10 : 0xffffff801485a3c5
0xffffff923e38ba50 : 0xffffff801484bf7e
0xffffff923e38baa0 : 0xffffff80146c7a40
0xffffff923e38bac0 : 0xffffff8014720c97
0xffffff923e38bbc0 : 0xffffff8014721087
0xffffff923e38bc10 : 0xffffff8014ec2c7c
0xffffff923e38bc80 : 0xffffff8014ec310f
2020-05-21T09:50:48.025 DBG Users/tadas/mygo/node/core/discovery/repository.go:61 > Retrieving proposals from 2 repositories
2020-05-21T09:50:48.958 DBG Users/tadas/mygo/node/market/mysterium/mysterium_api.go:271 > Total proposals: 266 supported: 236
2020-05-21T09:50:48.959 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/core/discovery/repository.go:91 > Returning 467 unique proposals
2020-05-21T09:50:50.822 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/tequilapi/endpoints/connection.go:161 > identity "0x12345" is registered, continuing...
2020-05-21T09:50:51.034 DBG Users/tadas/mygo/node/market/mysterium/mysterium_api.go:271 > Total proposals: 1 supported: 1
2020-05-21T09:50:51.034 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/core/connection/manager.go:537 > Connection state: NotConnected -> Connecting
2020-05-21T09:50:51.034 DBG Users/tadas/mygo/node/communication/nats/connector.go:39 > Connecting to NATS servers: nats://
2020-05-21T09:50:51.034 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/firewall/outgoing_firewall_noop.go:57 > Allow URL nats://tes
2020-05-21T10:06:33.864 DBG Users/tadas/mygo/node/eventbus/event_bus.go:81 > Published topic="State" event={State:Disconnecting SessionInfo:{StartedAt:2020-05-21 10:06:31.96425 +0300 EEST m=+44.872258831 ConsumerID:{Address:0x999999} AccountantID:[2 20 40 28 241 92 26 102 181 25 144 226 230 94 31 123 124 54 51 24] State:Disconnecting SessionID: Proposal:{ID:1 Format:service-proposal/v1 ServiceType:wireguard ServiceDefinition:{Location:{Continent:EU Country:IT City:Latium ASN:197075 NodeType:residential} LocationOriginate:{Continent:EU Country:IT City:Latium ASN:197075 NodeType:residential}} PaymentMethodType:BYTES_TRANSFERRED_WITH_TIME PaymentMethod:{Price:0.000500MYST Duration:1m0s Bytes:7669584 Type:BYTES_TRANSFERRED_WITH_TIME} ProviderID:0x5a8c2949962d112cbc4c101b0f1fbdbff9c9d855 ProviderContacts:[{Type:nats/v1 Definition:{}} {Type:nats/p2p/v1 Definition:{BrokerAddresses:[nats://]}}] AccessPolicies:<nil>}}}
2020-05-21T10:06:33.866 INF Use
2020/05/21 10:06:14 Waiting for connections...
2020/05/21 10:06:14 Client connected: unix
2020/05/21 10:06:14 > wg-down -iface utun2
2020/05/21 10:06:14 Closing UAPI listener, err: bad file descriptor
INFO: (utun2) 2020/05/21 10:06:14 Device closing
DEBUG: (utun2) 2020/05/21 10:06:14 Routine: TUN reader - stopped
DEBUG: (utun2) 2020/05/21 10:06:14 Routine: event worker - stopped
DEBUG: (utun2) 2020/05/21 10:06:14 Routine: receive incoming IPv4 - stopped
DEBUG: (utun2) 2020/05/21 10:06:14 Routine: receive incoming IPv6 - stopped
DEBUG: (utun2) 2020/05/21 10:06:14 Routine: decryption worker - stopped
2020-05-21T10:42:12.880 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/core/discovery/repository.go:91 > Returning 248 unique proposals
2020-05-21T10:42:13.492 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/core/connection/manager.go:537 > Connection state: Connecting -> Disconnecting
2020-05-21T10:42:13.493 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/core/connection/manager.go:537 > Connection state: Disconnecting -> NotConnected
2020-05-21T10:42:13.493 INF Users/tadas/mygo/node/firewall/outgoing_firewall_noop.go:61 > Rule for URL: nats:// removed
2020-05-21T10:42:13.493 DBG Users/tadas/mygo/node/eventbus/event_bus.go:81 > Published topic="State" event={State:Disconnecting SessionInfo:{StartedAt:2020-05-21 10:42:11.10022 +0300 EEST m=+8.418410441 ConsumerID:{Address:0x99999} AccountantID:[2 20 40 28 241 92 26 102 181 25 144 226 230 94 31 123 124 54 51 24] State:Disconnecting SessionID: Proposal:{ID:1 Format:service-proposal/v1 ServiceType:wireguard ServiceDefinition:{Location:{Continent:EU Country:IT City:Latium ASN:197075 ISP:Wip
2020/05/21 10:42:07 < ok
2020/05/21 10:42:25 Waiting for connections...
2020/05/21 10:42:25 Client connected: unix
2020/05/21 10:42:25 > wg-down -iface utun0
2020/05/21 10:42:25 failed wg-down: interface utun0 not found
2020/05/21 10:42:25 < error: interface utun0 not found
2020/05/21 10:42:25 Client disconnected: unix
2020/05/21 10:42:25 Waiting for connections...
2020/05/21 10:42:25 Client connected: unix
2020/05/21 10:42:25 > wg-down -iface utun1