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Created September 11, 2011 02:11
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Save cvrebert/1209079 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Refactored "recursive algorithm for balls in numbered boxes"
def balls_in_numbered_boxes(balls, box_sizes):
if not isinstance(balls, int):
raise TypeError("balls must be a non-negative integer.")
if balls < 0:
raise ValueError("balls must be a non-negative integer.")
box_sizes = list(box_sizes)
if not box_sizes:
raise ValueError("box_sizes must be a non-empty iterable.")
capacity = 0
# capacity = sum(box_sizes)
for size in box_sizes:
if not isinstance(size, int):
raise TypeError("box_sizes must contain only positive integers.")
if size < 1:
raise ValueError("box_sizes must contain only positive integers.")
capacity += size
if capacity < balls:
raise ValueError("The total capacity of the boxes is less than the "
"number of balls to be distributed.")
return _balls_in_numbered_boxes(balls, box_sizes)
def _balls_in_numbered_boxes(balls, box_sizes):
if not balls:
yield len(box_sizes) * (0,)
elif len(box_sizes) == 1:
if box_sizes[0] >= balls:
yield (balls,)
balls_in_first_box = min(balls, box_sizes[0])
balls_in_other_boxes = balls - balls_in_first_box
rest_box_sizes = box_sizes[1:]
while True:
remaining_combos = _balls_in_numbered_boxes(balls_in_other_boxes,
for combo in remaining_combos:
yield (balls_in_first_box,) + combo
if not balls_in_first_box:
balls_in_first_box -= 1
balls_in_other_boxes += 1
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